Twisted Metal Black Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these Twisted Metal Black cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Twisted Metal Black Cheats
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Dec. 14, 2007
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Unlimited health and turbos
Set the control option to "Classic". Hold [L1] + [R1] + [L2] + [R2] and quickly press [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up] during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Set the control option to "Classic". Hold [L1] + [R1] + [L2] + [R2] and quickly press [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]x2, [Left], [Down], [Up] during game play. The message "Invulnerability On" will appear to confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect. This works in story, endurance, challenge, and multi-player modes. Alternately, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up].

Mega machine guns
Set the control option to "Classic". Hold [L1] + [R1] + [L2] + [R2] and quickly press [X]x2, [Triangle] during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

One hit kills
Set the control option to "Classic". Hold [L1] + [R1] + [L2] + [R2] and quickly press [X]x2, [Up] during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

God mode
Set the control option to "Classic". Hold [L1] + [R1] + [L2] + [R2] and quickly press [Up], [X], [Left], [Circle] during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. You will have unlimited weapons, health, turbo, and energy.

Weapons for health
Set the control option to "Classic". Hold [L1] + [R1] + [L2] + [R2] and quickly press [Triangle], [X], [Square], [Circle]. During game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

No opponents
Select challenge mode. Then, press [L2] + [R2], [L2] + [R2], [L2] + [R2] + [Circle] at the opponent selection screen.

Alternate weapon view
Press [Select] + [Right] during game play.

Alternate view
Hold [Select] and press [Down] during game play. Hold [Select] and press [Left] to change to yet another view.

Character preview
Press [Circle] at the character selection to zoom into the driver of the vehicle. During the zoom, press [Circle] again and the view will freeze.

Unlimited weapons
Enable the "God mode" code, then the "Invincibility code". You will disable unlimited health but you will have unlimited weapons. Note: You do not get unlimited turbo with unlimited weapons.

Go to the Freeway level. It is recommended that you destroy all but one or two of the other vehicles before proceeding. Toward the center of this level is a large construction site with two big cranes. The one on the right is holding a pipe, the one on the left is holding a crate. Use the ridge between the cranes and the road and aim yourself at the control box of the left crane (at the center box). You only need to hit it once with some kind of missile. The crate will then lower into the construction yard. Shoot it open to unlock Axel.

Once the ship docks on the island in the Prison Passage level and you can exit the boat, go to the right (left if facing the ship). Follow the waterline until you reach some crates. Shoot them up until a ramp is formed. Shoot the side of the ship until a opening appears. You will find and unlock ManSlaughter there.

Unlock all of the secret characters, then successfully complete the game in story mode with all of the regular and secret characters. A FMV sequence showing Minion reassembling and a "Beware of Minion" message will appear. He appears after Sweet Tooth on the character selection screen.

Fight Minion in challenge mode
Select Minion's Stadium, then choose characters and select Minion. Note: Minion must be unlocked to fight him in challenge mode

Translated Minion codes
1. I do not think this is real
2. I must speak in code or he will discover me
3. We are trapped in his head
4. This is how he sees the world, how Sweet Tooth sees his life, it is not real
5. All of us are trapped in his head
6. I miss the old colorful world
7. We will return to old world one day
8. In the real world my name is Marcus Kane
Start the Suburbs level and go to the entrance to the carnival. Turn left and jump off a hill to land on top of a building with a structure on top of it. Blow up the structure to reveal a hole in the building. Fall through the hole and destroy the panel. A message stating Warthog has been unlocked will appear.

Yellow Jacket
Play the Junkyard level and shoot down the airplane that circles around. A fire missile will do the job, as long as the jet is the only thing in view. The jet will catch on fire, circle, and crash into a wall in the lowest area of the level, that leads to a underground tunnel. The suspended crate's opening faces this area. Follow the tunnel under the sewers, collect the weapons and health, and continue until you see a control panel attached to a large column in the middle of a circular room. Shoot the control panel and a message stating Yellow Jacket has been unlocked will appear. Yellow Jacket will appear inside the destroyed column.

Elevators level
Begin game play on the Highway Loop level. Make sure that there are no more than one (preferred) or two enemies remaining. Go to the bridge with the gap in it. Go to the side opposite the long tunnel. Facing away from the bridge and to the left on the other side of the wall, you can see two round towers at what seems to be a powerplant. Hit the one closest to the bridge with a gas can. It will pop off and start rolling toward the bridge. Make sure you and none of the enemies are in its path or it will break. It will slowly jump the bridge and will make a hole just inside the tunnel. You will find the cube inside.

Freeway level
Start an endurance match in the Snowy Roads level. Get ten consecutive kills without being killed.

Mini-Suburbs level
Start an endurance match in the Drive-In level. Get ten consecutive kills without being killed.

Minion's Stadium level
Begin game play on the Downtown level. Locate the set of buildings connected at the second story on one side of the river/bayou. You can find it easily since when you drive between them, there is a big section of wall that is very visible that you can shoot out to get to the elevators. There is one on each building. When facing the buildings from the river, take the left-hand elevator up. Then, circle around to the back of the building. Along the way you will notice that the ground changes color. About one car length to the left of that line is where you want to creep to the edge and barely fall off. You should hit the cube while falling. If not, you should be on a different level off of the ground -- jump (press [R1] + [L1]) to get the cube. It can be seen from the ground floor once you know where to look.

Power Plant level
The cube for the Power Plant level is on the end of the Snowy Roads level with the longer building. The cube is on the right side, high up, on the edge of the ridge there.

Prison Passage level
Select a fast car. Do the exact same thing to unlock Warthog, <EM>except</EM> do not go in the hole in the building. Instead, drive to the end of the row of the buildings going to the left. Then, go to the building opposite that, which has a flat roof. You can do this by driving to the left edge and facing the building. Turbo and jump when you get to the other edge. Make sure to brake when you hit the roof. After this, turn to the building that is next to you and blow up the vent on the roof. You should see the black cube after the vent is destroyed. Turbo and jump when you get to the edge to get the cube and unlock the Prison Passage level.

In story mode, start the Suburbs level and go to the entrance to the carnival. Turn left and jump off a hill to land on top of a building with a structure on top of it. Then, hop on to the building just to the left of you. You will then see a power missile power-up on the building in front of you. Use your turbos and jump to that building by pressing [L1] + [R1]. Blow up the structure on the building to reveal the black cube.

Prison Ship level
Get fifteen endurance kills in the Junkyard level to unlock the Prison Ship level in multi-player mode.

Skyscrapers level
Once on Warhawk's rooftop in story mode, there is a building in the background where the Minion's Tanker flies off to your building. Face near the edge of that side and switch the camera view to the farthest selection. You should see a black cube slightly off the building. You will lose one life when the cube is collected, but the Skyscrapers level will be unlocked in multi-player mode. Note: The way to jump is in the direction of where the tankers appear.

Sewers level
Begin game play on the Skyscrapers level. Switch the view to the farthest away from the vehicle. At the bottom of the crashed plane and to the left (if you were exiting the plane) is a small billboard at about car level. Shoot it down -- you may have to be on the next building (the way the billboard faces) to do so. It will now bridge the gap between the two buildings. Put yourself in the center of the board and aim yourself toward the inner part of the hole. Head in at regular speed. You will have to lose a life to get this cube.

Warhawk's level
On the Junkyard level in story mode with any character, shoot down the green Pizza Boy statue (near the Old Warplane and crane). His pizza box will fall near the vertical crusher and form a ramp. Go to the ramp and line yourself up to the crusher. When the crusher falls, use the ramp. When on top of the crusher, there will be a building you can drive through to get some weapons. Off the side of that will be a rotating black cube. Jump off to the black cube to unlock the Warhawk level in multi-player mode.

Another method is to go to the magnet in the Junkyard level. Use the jump ability ([R1] + [L1]) to get on top after driving fast to get a boost. Wait for the magnet to go up. When you get to the top, jump to the platform to which the magnet is attached. Jump to that, then face out to the junkyard. You will see a black cube to your left. Drive to it and to unlock Warhawk's level.
Special attacks
Set the control option to "Classic". All of the following except "Rear fire" require energy to use.
Freeze: Press [Up], [Down], [Up].
Jump: Press [L1] + [R1].
Land mine: Press [Right], [Left], [Down].
Charge Mine: Press [Right], [Left], then hold [Down].
Invisibility: Press [Left]x2, [Down]x2.
Shield: Press [Right]x2, [Down]x2.
Rear fire: Press [Left], [Right], [Down] + [Fire].
Alternate fire
Press [Down], [Up], [Down] + [Fire] to place gas cans on the ground like a remote bomb. Press [Fire] again to detonate. If you wait long enough they will charge up and will be able to produce an explosion that is extremely powerful. Note: This does not work with all weapons.

Recover special weapon fire
When using a special weapon that charges, hold down [Fire] and press the weapon selection either way to stop using the original charging special weapon without firing it, or suffering a weapon backfire ammo penalty.

Proximity rocks
When using Manslaughter, press [Left], [Right], [Down] then use the special.

Reverse Turbo
To turbo in reverse, press [Gas], then hold [Down] (Reverse) + [Gas].

Advanced freeze
Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [Right], [Left], [Up].

Get out of Freeze attack
If you are frozen, press [Turbo] to break out of it.

Stay equipped in story mode
In story mode, destroy all enemies on a stage except for one. Before destroying the final enemy, cruise around and get as many power-ups as you can carry. Also, save your special attacks until you cannot hold any more. Once you destroy the last enemy, you can carry these power-ups to the next stage (assuming you do not lose a life or use the power-ups).

Downtown level: Extra Power Missiles and health
Select game mode and car and begin game play in the Downtown level. Collect at least three gas cans. Find the "R&D CHEMICALS" sign. Next to it are three to four large white spherical propane tanks. One is hidden behind another. Lob a gas can at all of the visible tanks. Two of them will break off their supports and roll into the street. Both of them will strike a different building. After the explosions, the building will fall into the ground. In their place will be a large number of health and power missile power-ups.

Downtown level: Extra health
Go to the elevator opposite the side of the collapsible building. When you are near the top, press [R1] + [R2] to gain extra health.

Drive-in Movie level: Movie screen
Destroy the big movie screen and watch for your car in the clouds where the screen would be. This will not work if the movie projector (located across from the screen) is destroyed. This does not unlock anything.

Downtown level: Hell attack
On the Downtown arena, have an environment special weapon form the previous stage. Use the power-up on the Downtown arena and Hell Attack will start. A helicopter appears in the middle of the arena and fires large amounts of missiles.

Hint Junkyard level: Easy Endurance kills
Get as many weapons and environment pickups as you can. Then, jump into the Half-ed bomber that the environment weapon activates. The CPU AI will sit under or around the bomber. Use the environment weapon and fire rockets. They will have trouble shooting you -- keep hiding here until you rack up enough kills.

To get an easy fifteen kills in endurance mode in the Junkyard to unlock the Prison Ship level, choose Spectre. As soon as you start, destroy the pizza boy on a crane to create the ramp to the up-and-down crusher. Note: Using two gas cans on it works well. Use the ramp to get on the crusher. The CPU cars usually cannot make the jump, have a hard time hitting you, and sometimes get hit by it. There is regenerating health to heal any damage done to you, and Homing Missiles for when you run out of Ghost Missiles. Note: That this method takes a long time (at least half an hour), but does guarantee fifteen kills.

Junkyard level: Quick death
Enable the "Invincibility" code. Go on top of the large car crusher where you would get the black cube. Shoot down the plane with a homing missile. As it flames towards its destined crash site, go to that location. Do not worry about the cars that will probably follow you. Wait there until the plane crashes. When it crashes, whoever was fighting you will now be dead from the crash. A sign at the top of the screen reading "Jet Crash Fatalities" will appear.

Freeway level: Enter Minion's Stadium when he is not there
There is a road that leads down to Minion's Stadium on the left side of the highway, if you are approaching from the cranes. There will be a Derby race going on, but Minion will not be there.

Freeway level: Destroy a bridge
Find the bridge were the El Rail goes on. Take a gas can and throw it at the side. If done correctly, the bridge will blow up, and later the train will fall off and crash in a pile. Note: This does not unlock anything.

Prison Ship level: Electrocute men
On the Prison Ship level, you can run over a box marked "Danger High Voltage" and watch the three men who are sitting in chairs get electrocuted. They are near the front of the ship on a platform. The box is right in front of them.

Prison Ship level: Explode Calypso's blimp
Select story mode and play the Prison Ship level with any character. Get two environments and you can explode Calypso's blimp in the air. It will crash down, and about twenty burning people will run everywhere.

Snowy Roads level: Easy win
When you get the chance in story mode, select Snowy Roads instead of Drive-In Movie. When you start the level, drive to the area where the lightning is located and find a place in the blockades that is partially open. Drive slowly down and you will be on an extended platform that has health and some weapons. Stay down there. The CPU players will start racing towards you and fly straight off the cliff, right over you. Be careful with Warthog , as he seems to be able to get up quite easily.

Suburbs level: Ferris wheel
Go up the hill towards the Ferris wheel. From here, you will be able to shoot out one of the legs that holds up the wheel. Once the leg is destroyed, the wheel roll through the town and eventually fall into the ocean.

Suburbs level: Knock down buildings
Begin game play as if you were going to get the black cube for Minion's Stadium. Before you go onto the elevators, look at the chemical plant. You will see two rows of big, spherical chemical tanks. Hit each row with a gas can. One tank from each row will roll to a building and knock it down. This may require a few attempts. Note: Enable the "God mode" code for unlimited gas cans.

Axel: Secret special attack
While playing as Axel, select your special weapon, then press [Up]x3. Axle will pull his big wheels together and them ram into someone, causing more damage than his other special. Note: You only have a few seconds to ram into someone.

Crazy 8: Secret special attack
While playing as Crazy 8, select your special weapon and press [Down]x3, [Up]x3. A purple shield will appear instead of a silver one. To fire the purple shock you must be close to somebody, and then press [L2].

While playing as Crazy 8, select his special weapon. Then press [Up]x3 to make his front end light up with electricity. This also works by substituting [Left]x3, [Right]x3, or [Down]x3 for the corresponding side.

ManSlaughter (Black): History
ManSlaughter, or Black, was actually mentioned in Twisted Metal by Darkside (Mr. Ash) and a reference by Pit Viper. Darkside wanted to take a demon back named Black, and Calypso refused, but Darkside took Black with him forcefully. In Pit Viper's Ending, she Fires at Calypso and his Henchmen, but lets Black go. All these references are found in Darkside and Pit Viper's Endings on Twisted Metal.

Minion: Secret special attack
While playing as Minion with any car, hold [L2] + [R2] + [R1] + [L1] and press [Right], [Left], [Up]. This attack requires almost all of your "magic" meter.

Mr. Grim
Look out to the left side of Road Kill at the vehicle selection screen to see Mr. Grim.

Outlaw: Secondary special weapon
While using Outlaw's special weapon, press [L2] again. Outlaw will fire a blue power missile out of the front of its car. This only works when an enemy is within your front view. It will not work when Outlaw's special is shooting backwards.

Outlaw: Extra damage
Use outlaw's special and at the same time hold [R2]. The machine gun and special gun should hit whoever is in front, causing extra damage.

Shadow: Secret special attack
While playing as Shadow, select her special attack weapon and press [Up]x3. She will come through the roof and fire a turret weapon at her opponents, Outlaw-style.

Sweet Tooth: Surprise attack
Have at least two or three specials. Find an opponent then unleash your Mech-a-Missiles from Sweet Tooth. While firing, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [Right], [Left], [Up]. You should hear the sound of a cannon and see three big fireballs and a freeze ball. You should hit your opponent with twenty hits, a x2 Missile Bonus, and the Special, resulting in lots of damage. Note: You will lose almost all of your energy bar.

Sweet Tooth's family
After you unlock Yellow Jacket, watch his introduction sequence. The boy will say that he has a brother. When he says this, you will see Sweet Tooth standing in front of the boy and his father with his back towards the screen. If you look at the profile for Sweet Tooth in the Twisted Metal 3 manual, it will say that Sweet Tooth's real name is "Needles Kane". The drivers for Yellow Jacket are Charley Kane and son.

Warthog: New hands
Look at Junkyard Dog at the vehicle selection screen. Find the window below his back tire to see Warthog and his new pair of hands.

Yellow Jacket: Easy endurance counters
Select any level and enable the "God mode" and "One hit kill" codes. Highlight the special, so the spikes will come out.

Defeating Warhawk
Shoot the tankers while they are on the helipad. Warhawk does not need to be above them. Warhawk's shields will take damage. After enough tankers are destroyed, Warhawk's shields will cease to exist and the tankers will stop appearing. Remember to restore your health often on the level, and hide when you need to. Also try using the skill weapon "Satellite" for major damage. Three tankers need to be destroyed while Warhawk is near them. The farther away he is, the more tankers will need to be destroyed.

After you have destroyed his shields, drive directly to the middle of the Heli-Pad. Warhawk will then hover above you. While he is hovering, turn around directly on that spot until you see nine spikes in front of you, which is the nose of the Helicopter. Pummel the spikes with whatever weapons you have and watch his life bar drop down. He will take off again and hit you with some missiles. You can move back and forth to avoid them or just pick up the health from Calypso's own helicopter (most of the time it is nearby). Warhawk will return and hover over you again. Repeat these steps until he is defeated.

If you are using Crazy 8, you can defeat Warhawk without blowing up his shield. Just use Crazy 8's special on him.

Extra health
After you destroy an enemy car, run over the flaming driver for a little (but well needed) boost of health.

Launching people into the air
First, freeze an opponent, then proceed to blast them with the most powerful attack you have (preferably your player's Special), as far as you can under their vehicle. Sweet Tooth seems to work the best.

Watch yourself in movie
Choose the Millennium Drive in movie and look at the screen. You will see yourself doing exactly what your currently doing.

Recommended car
Choose Mr. Grimm, then enable the "Invincibility" and "Weapons for health" codes. You now have Mr. Grimm's speed, special, and turning without his armor weakness.

Glitch: Invincibility when fighting Minion
Damage yourself to the point that you have no lives left, then get your health down to the point where if you get hit one more time, you will die. Get reasonably close to Minion. Wait until he starts firing at you, then, quickly use the button combination for your shield. The shot from Minion must hit you at the exact moment that you hit the last button in the shield combination. If done correctly, your car will explode and a shield will appear around the wreckage. Restart the level. Now you should have a shield that will last for the entire time that you play the level.

Glitch: Suburbs: Fall into building
In the Suburbs level, play as if you were to going to get the black cube. From the first building, jump the adjacent row of buildings. To the left should be a tall black building and to your right a flat building. Do not use turbo. Go to the edge, speed up, and jump to the flat building. If done correctly, you should hit the corner and fall into the building. This may require a few attempts. It may take awhile to get out, but eventually you will fall, hit ground, and be able to drive out of the concrete walkway.

Glitch: Vanishing bus
When selecting your car, press [Circle] to look at the driver. Sometimes the bus behind Roadkill will vanish.

Glitch: Disappearing missiles
Before you complete a level, switch your weapon into a missile (homing and fire missiles recommended). When the screen says that you won, the missile will disappear.

Glitch: Wasted repair
In any level (excluding those without repair shops), go to a repair shop when at critical health. Let an enemy shoot you as you go up the ramp to repair your vehicle. If done correctly your car should explode and will have wasted a repair.

Glitch: Fall through roof
In multi-player mode, choose either the Warhawk or Skyscrapers level. Enable the "God mode" code. While on the highest roof of the Skyscrapers level, continue to freeze each other repeatedly. In time, one of the two drivers will fly into the air, land, and fall through the roof. This will not work in every attempt.

Glitch: Freeze kill
Enable the "God mode" code. Freeze an enemy and continue to rapidly tap [Up] and [Down] to get multiple "cheap shots". If you time the freezes correctly, a massive amount of freeze missiles will bounce between your car and theirs, and the enemy's life will deplete very quickly.

Glitch: Remain invincible
Have the Shield activated (press [Right]x2, [Down]x2) when finishing a level. You will remain invincible until falling off of any level or finishing the game.

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