Double Dragon: Neon Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Check out these Double Dragon: Neon cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlock Ro-Bro
At the 'Level' selection screen hold [L1] + [L2] + [L3] + [R1] + [R2] + [R3] + [Select] + [Start] to play as Ro-Bro. If the code has been entered correctly you will hear a confirmation sound. Input the code again on the same screen to revert back to normal. This code gives you the robot form costume without the extreme power up.
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

A Foot Face? (Bronze) - Become the hidden idol!
Double Dragon (Silver) - Finish every stage cooperatively on Double Dragon difficulty with friendly fire enabled!
Misters Perfect (Silver) - Complete any level in co-op without taking any damage... with friendly fire enabled!
Mr. Perfect (Bronze) - Complete any level without taking damage.
Pick a Winner! (Bronze) - Nail all enemies with the hair pick.
FuzzFace!! (Bronze) - Befriend everyone's most favoritest helpful character!
Gleam On! (Bronze) - Dodge and get the Gleam 50 times.
Max Fidelity (Gold) - Max out every song to level 50!
Metal Head (Bronze) - Upgrade a song at the Tapesmith.
Single Dragon (Silver) - Finish every stage solo on Double Dragon difficulty!
This Channel Sucks (Bronze) - Break all the Skullmageddon monitors in the Rocket Dojo.
Victory! (Bronze) - Defeat Skullmageddon!
Weapon Master (Bronze) - Use every weapon once.

Unlock Concept Art Gallery
Complete the game once.

Unlock Double Dragon Gamerpic
Start the game up for the first time and press [Start] at title screen.

Unlock Difficulties
Dragon Difficulty - Beat the game in "Normal" difficulty.
Double Dragon Difficulty - Beat the Game in "Dragon" difficulty.

Unlock Secret Roper Level
In stage 7 where you start off with the heavy bag in the glass cell, punch the bag 87 times to hear a chime and wait a few seconds. Your head will be replaced with Roper's and every enemy in the stage also has their head swapped as well. This stage is VERY difficult.

Finding "Fuzzface"
On stage 6 "Assault Zone", after the Hellacopter section and right before the first ladder, there are two gravestones sitting on the bottom of the screen. Go between them and press the dodge button 7 times and it will unlock "Fuzzface", a strange and out of place creature that can fly and talk. He'll hover over you for the rest of the game and occasionally give you power ups and items, making the game much easier.

Hidden Area
Play the last level. After becoming a Ro-Bro, move to the left until reaching the left side of the screen, the move down. You will descend a hidden ladder and find an area with extra lives and two chests.

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