Kamen Rider: Battride War Cheats - PlayStation 3

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 3
Check out these Kamen Rider: Battride War cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
Are you really betraying me? (Silver) - Clear "The [Traitor]'s Real Form" mission in Chronicle Mode.
Awaken the Soul! (Bronze) - Accumulated 5 hours of total playtime.
Beginner Rider (Bronze) - [Rider Road] Clear one road.
Bloody Rose (Silver) - Unlocked all BGM and Voice.
Chou Henshin! (Bronze) - Transformed over 100 times.
Clock Up (Silver) - Clear all missions in 5 minutes or less.
I don't have a dream, but I can protect them! (Bronze) - Clear "My...dream?" mission in Chronicle Mode.
I fight against fate! (Bronze) - Clear "Double Joker" mission in Chronicle Mode.
I have arrived! (Bronze) - Clear "Now to Reveal Love and Reason" mission in Chronicle Mode.
I help out Riders (Bronze) - Clear "Tomorrow's Pants, Medal and the Seized Arm" mission in Chronicle Mode.
I promise you, I am your last hope! (Bronze) - Clear "Order of the Phoenix" mission in Chronicle Mode.
I'm at Climax from the start! (Silver) - Equip 3 Skills and clear a mission.
It's showtime! (Bronze) - Clear the first mission in Chronicle Mode.
Just a Kamen Rider passing by! (Bronze) - Clear "The Most Annoying Guy in the Universe" mission in Chronicle Mode.
Kivatte Let's Go! (Bronze) - Clear "Wake Up! Kiva's Memory" mission in Chronicle Mode.
Let's go! Boy! (Bronze) - Clear "Echoing Oni, Devouring Douji" mission in Chronicle Mode.
Dependable Left Arm (Silver) - Clear a mission 10 times with any partner.
Destroyer of Worlds (Silver) - Earned 10,000 kills.
Do you...have the courage to ride with the devil? (Bronze) - Clear "Black Bird" mission in Chronicle Mode.
Figure Collector (Gold) - Unlocked all figures.
Finale! (Gold) - Clear all missions in Chronicle Mode.
For Agito's sake, for humanity's sake! (Bronze) - Clear "Called Soul" mission in Chronicle Mode.
For the sake of everyone's smiles! (Bronze) - Clear "Kuuga" mission in Chronicle Mode.
I became a Rider to protect people! (Bronze) - Clear "Feelings of a Sister, Feeling of a Brother" mission in Chronicle Mode.
Now, let's start earning! (Bronze) - Earned more than 100,000 shop points.
Space is here! (Bronze) - Clear "This controls Graduation" mission in Chronicle Mode.
Surpass them all! (Bronze) - Total bike distance reached 42.195km.
The man who will befriend all Kamen Riders! (Silver) - Unlocked all RIders.
Let's Train! (Silver) - All Riders reach Level 40.
Master Rider (Gold) - [Rider Road] Clear all roads.
Move it, this is the path I walk! (Silver) - Total bike distance reached 555km.
Now, count your sins! (Bronze) - Clear "Surpass Them All" mission in Chronicle Mode.
The Usual Plain Sugar (Bronze) - Purchased any item 30 times.
This finishes it! (Bronze) - Used 100 Finishers.
Those who cannot fight will not survive! (Silver) - Total combos exceed 100,000.
Ultimate Rider (Platinum) - Obtain all other trophies.
Veteran Rider (Silver) - [Rider Road] Clear ten roads.
Walking the path of heaven... the man who will rule everything... (Bronze) - Clear "VS Worst Fear" mission in Chronicle Mode.
Well then, it's Lunchtime! (Bronze) - Killed 5,000 enemies.
Your fate is mine to decide!! (Bronze) - Defeated 50 bosses.

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