Play as Human Smoke
Player One as Human Smoke - Hold [High Punch], [High Kick], [Block], [Run], and hold [Left]
Player Two as Human Smoke - Hold [High Punch], [High Kick], [Block], [Run], and hold [Right].
Unlock Mileena, Ermac and Classic Sub-Zero
Lose and not kontinue on an arcade ladder to come to the screen where you can enter one of three Ultimate Kombat Kodes. The first five inputs are from controller 1, the second pair is controller 2. The buttons inputted are revealed as symbols on the screen and appear in this order when pressed: HP-LP-BLK-LK-HK (Controller 1) HP-LP-BLK-LK-HK (Controller 2) Holding up and pressing a button will scroll through the symbols 9,8,7 instead of 1,2,3 when you don't hold up. These DO save to your hard drive once unlocked and never need to be inputted again!
Ermac - 1-2-3-4-4 4-4-3-2-1.
Mileena - 2-2-2-6-4 2-2-2-6-4.
Classic Sub-Zero - 8-1-8-3-5 8-1-8-3-5.