Resistance 3 Cheats - PlayStation 3

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 3
Check out these Resistance 3 cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
Access Denied (Bronze) - Absorb 1,000 damage with Auger Shields.
Archivalist (Silver) - Collect all journals.
Boomstick (Bronze) - Use the upgraded Rossmore secondary fire to set 6 enemies on fire at once.
Bouncer (Bronze) - Keep Chimeran forces from entering the Brewpub.
Brutal (Gold) - Complete Campaign Mode on Superhuman.
Buckshot (Bronze) - Kill 2+ enemies with one Rossmore blast.
Bull in a China Shop (Bronze) - Freeze and melee kill 3 Ravagers.
Calm Under Pressure (Bronze) - Defeat the Brawler in the Post Office in under 2 minutes.
Chamber Full of Death (Bronze) - Kill 5+ Hybrids at once by using the HE .44 Magnum secondary fire.
Backstabber (Bronze) - Kill 20 enemies with melee while they are idle.
BARF! (Bronze) - Make 6 Wardens puke at the same time in the prison.
Bloodborne (Bronze) - Kill 3 enemies simultaneously using a single mutated body.
Body Count (Bronze) - Kill 1,000 enemies.
Bookworm (Bronze) - Collect 50% of the journals.
Good Fences (Bronze) - Don't allow any counter-attackers into the Washington Square base.
Grasshopper Unit (Bronze) - Kill 5 Longlegs in mid-jump.
Grenadier (Bronze) - Kill 3 or more Military Chimera with a single Grenade.
Hello Driver (Bronze) - Kill 5 drivers without destroying their vehicle.
Helping Hands (Bronze) - Revive a Co-op partner 20 times.
In This Together (Bronze) - Defeat the Widowmaker in Times Square without killing a single Hybrid.
Irresistible Force (Silver) - Complete Campaign Mode on any difficulty.
Juggler (Bronze) - Simultaneously burn, freeze and poison 4 separate enemies.
Cheap Shots (Bronze) - Kill 25 enemies firing the Auger through an object.
Collector (Bronze) - Collect 10 journals.
Corpse Wagon (Bronze) - Detonate fallen Leeches to kill 25 enemies.
Counter-Sniper (Bronze) - Use the Deadeye to kill 20 snipers.
Electric Avenue (Bronze) - Use the EMP to take down 25 drones.
Expert Sniper (Bronze) - Get 50 headshot kills in Campaign Mode.
Feeling Lucky, Punk (Bronze) - Detonate multiple Magnum rounds to kill 2+ enemies at once, 5 times.
Fireworks (Bronze) - Use the Wildfire secondary fire to kill 6 enemies in one shot.
Frickin' Laser Beams (Bronze) - Get to the first mineshaft without being hit by sniper fire in Mt. Pleasant, PA.
From the Hip (Bronze) - Kill 50 enemies with the Bullseye or Marksman while moving, without using zoom.
Gardener (Bronze) - Destroy 100 blast roots.
Roops! (Bronze) - Knock a Hybrid off the cliffs in Mt. Pleasant, PA.
Sandman (Bronze) - Kill 5 Grims in a row using only headshots.
Shoe Leather (Bronze) - Travel 30 km on foot.
Short Out (Bronze) - Defeat the Stalker in under 60 seconds.
Silent Partner (Silver) - Damage the same enemy in Cooperative Mode for 100 kills.
Slaybells (Bronze) - Make Santa and his reindeer fly.
Snipe Hunt (Bronze) - Collect all Deadeye rifles without dying while fighting the Widowmaker in St. Louis.
Tag, You're It (Bronze) - Kill 40 Bullseye tagged enemies.
Land, Sea, and Air (Bronze) - Travel in 3 different vehicles on your journey.
Master Mechanic (Silver) - Fully upgrade all weapons in Campaign Mode.
Medusa (Bronze) - Freeze 5 enemies at once and destroy them with a blast of the Cryogun's secondary fire.
No Escape (Bronze) - Destroy all Warden vehicles in the Motorpool.
Nothing But Net (Bronze) - Score a basket by lobbing a grenade through a basketball hoop.
One Eyed Jack (Bronze) - Find and kill 'Jack' in Graterford Prison.
Opportunity Knocks (Bronze) - Kill 20 enemies with environmental objects.
Overload (Bronze) - Use the EMP to take down 10 Steelhead Auger shields.
Platinum Trophy (Platinum) - Obtain all Gold, Silver, and Bronze Trophies for Resistance 3.
Raining Limbs (Bronze) - Kill 25 Grims using only grenades.
This is my Rifle (Bronze) - Fully upgrade one weapon in Campaign Mode.
Toast (Bronze) - Use the upgraded Deadeye secondary fire to kill 2+ enemies, 5 times.
Up Your Arsenal (Bronze) - Get a kill with every weapon in your arsenal.
Vehicular Manslaughter (Bronze) - Destroy 10 Warden vehicles while on the train.
Warp Speed (Bronze) - Use the Atomizer secondary fire to kill 30 enemies.
Waste Not (Bronze) - Get 5 headshot kills with one Deadeye clip.
Weaponsmith (Bronze) - Upgrade 5 weapons in Campaign Mode.
Zookeeper (Silver) - Kill the Brawler in Haven without taking any damage.

Unlock/Purchase Cheats
You can purchase cheats by earning points in the Campaign and spending them in the Extras Menu:

Enemy Super Weapons (Some enemies have better weapons) - Costs 45 points.
Health Regen (Health automatically refills) - Costs 120 points.
All Weapons (Get all weapons) - Costs 300 points.
Bloody Hell! (Enemies explode. Unlocked by playing the Facebook game.) - Costs 10 points.
Enemy Secondary Fire (Enemies use their secondary fire function) - Costs 45 points.
Immersive (No health and ammo on screen) - Costs 45 points.
Infinite Ammo (Ammo for all weapons) - Costs 400 points.
Mirror Mode (Flips game left to right) - Costs 30 points.

Unlock Global Resistance Bonuses
Bloody Hell Cheat - Deploy 10,000 troops in Global Resistance.
Malikov (MP Skin) - Be on the winning side of the war in Global Resistance.
New York City Concept Art - Upgrade five buildings in Global Resistance.
Chimera Concept Art - Vote on a Global Object in Global Resistance.
Death Squad Hybrid (MP Skin) - Deploy 5,000 Troops in Global Resistance.
Humans Concept Art - Start a forum thread in Global Resistance.
Target Dummy (MP Skin) - Deploy a total of 267,000 Troops in Global Resistance.
Terraformer Concept Art - Log in two times in Global Resistance.
Weapons Concept Art - Win five Skirmish Battles in Global Resistance.

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