Splatterhouse Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Check out these Splatterhouse cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Splatterhouse 2 Passwords
EDK - NAI - ZOL - LDL - Stage 2.
IDO - GEM - IAL - LDL - Stage 3.
ADE - XOE - ZOL - OME - Stage 4.
EFH - VEI - RAG - ORD - Stage 5.
ADE - NAI - WRA - LKA - Stage 6.
EFH - XOE - IAL - LDL - Stage 7.
EDK - VEI - IAL - LDL - Stage 8.

Splatterhouse 3 Level Passwords
Enter these in the password selection screen in the main menu for Splatterhouse 3. ATAERG - Stage 3 Mansion 3rd Floor.
AKSILB - Stage 4 Mansion Basement.
RAOBVW - Stage 5 The Dark Stone 1.
AIKITI - Stage 5 The Dark Stone 2.
OKOMOB - Stage 6 The Mask 1.
TETUYA - Stage 6 The Mask 2.
REYALF - Stage X The Strange Zone 1.
SERAGA - Stage X The Strange Zone 2.
TARESA - Stage X The Strange Zone 3.
ROGIBA - Stage X The Strange Zone 4.

Splatterhouse 3 Stage Passwords
Enter the following passwords at the password entry screen. OWDRAT - Stage 2, Jennifer is dead.
REISOR - Stage 2, Jennifer lives.
NAMEPA - Stage 3, Jennifer is a mindless beast.
NAIGEP - Stage 3, Jennifer is dead.
ETLBUD - Stage 3, Jennifer lives.
TABRAE - Stage 4, Jennifer is a mindless beast.
DABHSN - Stage 4, Jennifer is dead.
TEKROH - Stage 4, Jennifer lives.
REYALS - Stage 5, Jennifer is a mindless beast, David is dead.
HTRACM - Stage 5, Jennifer is a mindless beast, David lives.
ELPOEB - Stage 5, Jennifer lives, David is dead.
RUATNC - Stage 5, Jennifer lives, David lives.
LILITH - Stage 6, Jennifer is a mindless beast, David is dead.
IRTACK - Stage 6, Jennifer is a mindless beast, David lives.
URUURU - Stage 6, Jennifer is dead, David is dead.
VELGAE - Stage 6, Jennifer lives, David is dead.
PHENIX - Stage 6, Jennifer lives, David lives.
SECOLQ - Stage X, Jennifer is a mindless beast.
XASABR - Stage X, Jennifer is a mindless beast, David lives.
LEZAJM - Stage X, Jennifer is dead.
SARDNA - Stage X, Jennifer is dead, David lives.
SORABV - Stage X, Jennifer lives.
ETIRPS - Stage X, Jennifer lives.
NILVED - Stage X, Jennifer lives.
HCTERG - Stage X, Jennifer lives.
GOFMTS - Stage X, Jennifer lives.
HARUON - Stage X, Jennifer lives, David lives.
DEPITN - tage 6, Jennifer is dead, David lives.
Unlock Trophies
Anvil Horror (Bronze) - Get three S-ranks in Survival Arena mode.
Army of Dead Evil (Bronze) - Kill 6 enemies within one second.
Audiophile (Bronze) - Listen to all of Dr. West's gramophone records.
Bad Taste (Bronze) - Impale an enemy on a spike.
Barrels of Blood (Bronze) - Get 2000 or more BLOOD Points in one chain of attacks.
Brain Dead (Bronze) - Tackle an enemy and pummel it 20 times.
Bride of the Corrupted (Silver) - Complete the game on any difficulty.
Call of the Thule (Bronze) - Unlock 5% of Dr. West's journal.
Creepy Show (Bronze) - Re-assemble 8 of Jen's photos.
Be Garbage of Cesspool (Bronze) - Complete Phase 4: The Meat Factory.
Blood and Lightning (Bronze) - Splat 100 enemies on a wall with a weapon.
Blood Lust (Bronze) - Unlock 25 skills.
Boreworm Massacre (Bronze) - Stomp on 100 Boreworms.
Dead on the Rise (Bronze) - Accomplish 5 Secret Missions in a single Survival Arena attempt.
Death Came Ripping (Bronze) - Kill an enemy with a Splatter Slash.
Downpour of Blood (Bronze) - Get 100 kills with Splatter Smash.
Dreams of the Dead (Gold) - Complete the game on 'Brutal' Difficulty.
Experiement 765 (Bronze) - Complete Phase 6: Beast with a Human Heart.
Flash Re-animation! (Bronze) - Regenerate with Splatter Siphon.
Happy Ending? (Silver) - Re-assemble all of Jen's photos.
Head on Arrival (Bronze) - Get 50 kills with enemy heads.
Headlong into Monsters (Bronze) - Kill 6 enemies in one ram attack.
Heavy Frikkin' Metal! (Bronze) - Get 50 kills with non-fleshy weapons.
Hunger Pangs (Bronze) - Purchase a skill.
Lust for After Life (Silver) - Unlock all skills.
Make the Voices Stop (Platinum) - Unlocked all other trophies
Morbid Dismemberment (Bronze) - Kill an enemy with your own dismembered arm.
Must Kill (Bronze) - Kill an enemy with Splatter Smash.
Nightmare in Arkham (Bronze) - Unlock 25% of Dr. West's journal.
None More Dead (Bronze) - Get 150 kills with enemy arms.
I Walk with Death (Silver) - Complete the game on 'Savage' difficulty (or harder).
Jason Schmason (Silver) - Get six S-Ranks in Survival Arena mode.
Jen Smells of Rot...of the Grave (Bronze) - Re-assemble one of Jen's sexy photos.
Killer of Killers (Bronze) - Get an S-Rank in Survival Arena mode.
Lovecraft Baby (Bronze) - Unlock 50% of Dr. West's jourmal.
One Who Slays (Bronze) - Get 300 kills in Berserker Mode.
POW! (Bronze) - Launch an enemy straight up with 'No Head Room'.
Pyre for the Damned (Silver) - Complete Phase 10: The Wicker Bride.
Razor of Hell (Bronze) - Get 100 kills with Splatter Slash.
See you at the Party (Bronze) - Kill an enemy with an enemy's arm.
Shattered Narcissus (Silver) - Complete Phase 8: Reflections in Blood.
South of Hell (Bronze) - Perform 75 Splatterkills.
The Berserker (Bronze) - Complete Phase 2: The Doll that Bled.
The Blackest of Sundays (Silver) - Splat 200 enemies on a wall with a weapon.
The Business of Killing (Bronze) - Perform a Splatterkill.
The House that West Built (Gold) - Unlock all pages of Dr. West's journal.
Tongue in Cheek (Bronze) - Kill an enemy with an enemy's head.
Too much Horror business (Bronze) - Accomplish all 10 Secret Missions in a single Survival Arena attempt.
Triumph of Iron (Silver) - Get 500 kills with non-fleshy weapons.
Vigorous Vengeance (Silver) - Perform 150 Splatterkills.
You Got Red on You (Bronze) - Splat an enemy on a wall with a weapon.

Unlock Original Splatterhouse, Splatterhouse 2 and Splatterhouse 3
Original Splatterhouse - Beat Phases 1 thru 2.
Splatterhouse 2 - Beat Phases 1 thru 4.
Splatterhouse 3 - Beat Phases 1 thru 8.

Unlock PS3 Exclusive Mask
Complete the Splatterhouse Story mode once.

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