Tales of Monkey Island Cheats - PlayStation 3

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 3
Check out these Tales of Monkey Island cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
Chapter 1: Bats Right, THrows Lame (Bronze) - Repeatedly Threw Things... Kinda.
Chapter 1: Is that a Pox On Your Face, Or Are You Just Angry To See Me? (Bronze) - Experience the effects of the Pox on the charming inhabitants of Flotsam.
Chapter 1: Leave Well Enough Alone (Bronze) - Experienced a brief, yet horrifying transformation.
Chapter 1: LeChuck Slayer (Silver) - Defeated LeChuck (again).
Chapter 1: Many Unhappy Returns (Gold) - Found Elaine.
Chapter 1: The Legend of LeFlay (Silver) - Quizzed everyone about Morgan LeFlay.
Chapter 1: The Sounds of Science (Bronze) - Heard SeSinge treating four different patients.
Chapter 1: The Winds of Freedom Blow (Silver) - Escaped from Floatsam Island.
Chapter 1: This Ain't a Library (Silver) - Intensely browsed a prominent bookshelf.
Chapter 1: Use the Source (Silver) - Met Deep Gut.
Chapter 1: Why is My Older Brother Laughing? (Bronze) - Encountered a shipload of references to the previous Monkey Island games.
Chapter 2: Artifacts of Life (Silver) - Get all of the Summoning Artifacts.
Chapter 2: Fishing for Literalists (Bronze) - Caught a Red Herring.
Chapter 2: Giver Her a Hand (Silver) - Kicked LeFlay off the Screaming Narwhal.
Chapter 2: Meals Fit for a King... Queen... Whatever (Bronze) - Gave teh MerLeader every kind of bat.
Chapter 2: Mighty Merperson Rescuer (Silver) - Save the MerLeader from McGillicutty.
Chapter 2: Model of E-FISH-Ency (Silver) - Read every fish joke.
Chapter 2: Nice Try (Bronze) - Heard the Secret of Donkey Island.
Chapter 2: Ride 'Em, Pirate (Silver) - Made LeChuck do something embarassing on the cliff.
Chapter 2: She's Cute When She's Angry (Bronze) - Get Morgan angry by repeatedly checking out the mast.
Chapter 2: Talk to the Hook (Bronze) - Threatened a number of adversaries with a Hook.
Chapter 2: The BIG Finish (Gold) - Sailed to the alleged resting place of La Esponja Grande.
Chapter 3: Bongo Baby, Yeah (Bronze) - Played the bongos repeatedly.
Chapter 3: Feed the Beast (Gold) - Defeated DeCava and the Brotherhood.
Chapter 3: Frequent Tuber (Bronze) - Used all the Bile Tubes in all directions.
Chapter 3: I'm So Faced (Bronze) - Tried every possible Face-Off feature.
Chapter 3: La Esponja... Grande? (Silver) - Acquired La Esponja Grande.
Chapter 3: Lord of the Locket (Silver) - Tried every Locket Combination.
Chapter 3: Meet Murray (Bronze) - Introduced Murray to everyone.
Chapter 3: The 0.01 Percent Solution (Bronze) - Got one one ten thousandth of the way through the alternate solution to the Cochlea puzzle.
Chapter 3: The Newlyfed Game (Silver) - Convinced DeCava that Guybrush is married to Morgan.
Chapter 3: There is a Brotherhood of Jerks (Silver) - Accepted into the Brotherhood.
Chapter 3: What a Card (Silver) - Tried every Tarot Card combination.
Chapter 4: Adieu, Adiue... (Gold) - Defeated De Singe.
Chapter 4: Ayyyye, the Jury (Silver) - Got Civil charges against Guybrush dropped.
Chapter 4: Feast for the Senses (Silver) - Almost completed the Feast of the Senses.
Chapter 4: Guybrush Goes Classy (Silver) - Experienced Guybrush's Brush with the Bard.
Chapter 4: Idiot for a Client (Bronze) - Explored the possibilities of Guybrush calling himself to the stand.
Chapter 4: Musical Memories (Bronze) - Enticed Guybrush to indulge his musical impulses.
Chapter 4: Push ze Buttons of SCIENCE! (Bronze) - Tried all four of the buttons in De Singe's Lab.
Chapter 4: Shlock Shopper Supreme (Silver) - Fully Perused Stan's Wares.
Chapter 4: Use the Source (Silver) - Got criminal chrages dropped... with a little help.
Chapter 4: What Do You Do with a Drunken Guybrush? (Bronze) - Drank everything available in Club 41.
Chapter 4: What's in a Name? (Bronze) - Found out the horrifying truth about Bosun Krebbs.
Chapter 5: A Credit to Pirates Everywhere (Silver) - Witnessed Morgan's Final Fate.
Chapter 5: All Roads Lead to LeChuck (Silver) - Opened the Crossroads.
Chapter 5: Dance, Monkey, Dance! (Bronze) - Did the dance of the hybrid fruit.
Chapter 5: Does This Corpse Make Me Look Fat? (Silver) - Completed the diet of the Senses.
Chapter 5: Fall of the PIrate God (Gold) - Defeated LeChuck.
Chapter 5: Grave Ribber (Bronze) - Read every gravestone.
Chapter 5: Grog, Grog, Grog! (Bronze) - Used a dollar bill to try to buy every drink in the Grog Machine.
Chapter 5: I Ain't God No Body (Silver) - Bound Guybrush's spirit to his body.
Chapter 5: Morgan's Secret (Silver) - Found out what Morgan treasures above all else.
Chapter 5: Say What? (Bronze) - Discovered Morgan's Dying Words.
Chapter 5: The Violet Beauregard Memorial Trophy (Bronze) - Tried every piece of gum.

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