Unlock Trophies
Fast and furious (Bronze) - For 3 objects found in 3 seconds.
Glorious seven (Bronze) - For 7 objects found in a row.
Hell Racer (Silver) - For finding all of the objects in one minute.
Light in the end of the tunnel (Silver) - For completing the game.
Lucky Hunter (Silver) - For finding every object in a row.
Master of Snakes (secret) (Bronze) - For placing every figurine on the gate.
Megamind (Gold) - For completing the game without using a hint.
Snake Eater (secret) (Bronze) - For defeating the snake.
Streak of Luck (Silver) - For completing all mini-games.
Triple strike (Bronze) - For 3 objects found in a row.
Wildfire (Bronze) - For 5 objects found in 3 seconds.