Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6 Cheats - PSP

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Check out these Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6 Cheats
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Dec. 25, 2013
Oct. 07, 2011
Primary Collection of Cheats
Mid-day Constellations
Press [Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [L], [R] on the pack select screen.
Unlock Characters
Aki (Academy Uniform) - Finish two character's story.
Andore - Finish Jean's story.
Antinomy (D-Wheeler/Dark Glass) - Finish Yusei and Bruno's story.
Aporia - Finish Jack, Rua (Normal), Ruka (Normal) story.
Bommer - Finish Jack's story.
Bommer (Dark Signer) - Unlock with Tag Force 5 UMD Recognition or duel Bommer (Normal) 30 times.
Brave - Finish Harold's story.
Breo - Finish Jean's story.
Carly (Dark Signer) - Unlock with Tag Force 1 UMD Recognition or duel Carly (Normal) 30 times.
Demak (Dark Signer) - Finish Rua (normal) and Ruka's (normal) story.
Dragan - Finish Jack's story.
Evil Sherry - Finish both Aki and Crow's stories.
Jean - Finish Crow's story.
Jinbei Tanigawa - Finish Taro's story.
Jose - Finish Jack, Crow, Aki (Normal) story.
Kiryu Kyosuke (Dark Signer) - Unlock with Tag Force 4 UMD Recognition or duel Kiryu (Crashtown) 30 times.
Kiryu Kyosuke (Team Satisfaction) - Unlock with Tag Force 3 UMD recognition or duel Kiryu (crashtown) 30 times.
Lucciano - Finish Rua (Normal) and Ruka (Normal) story.
Mikage - Finish Ushio's story.
Misty (Dark Signer) - Unlock with Tag Force 2 UMD Recognition or duel Misty (Normal) 30 times.
Misty (Normal) - Beat Rua's story.
Placido - Finish Bruno's story.
Rally Dawson - Finish Jack and Yusei's story.
Rex Godwin (Dark Signer) - Finish Antinomy (D-wheeler/Dark Glass), Sherry LeBlanc, and Aporia's story.
Rua (Academy Uniform) - Finish three character's story.
Rudger Godwin (Dark Signer) - Finish Rex Godwin's story.
Ruka (Academy Uniform) - Finish four character's story.
Sherry LeBlanc - Finish Crow and Aki's story.
Taro Yamashita - Finish Ruka's story.
Yeager - Finish Crow's story.
Yoshizo Hayashi - Finish Taro's story.
ZONE - Finish Yusei, Jack, Rua (Normal), Ruka (Normal), Aki (Normal), Crow, Bruno story.

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