Ballblazer Champions Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation
Check out these Ballblazer Champions cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Ballblazer Champions Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Upside down field
Enter the following password sequence:
[X], [Square], [Square], [Square], [Square], "X
Square", [X], [X], [X], [X], "Square
X", [X], [Triangle], [Triangle], [X], "X
X", [X], [X], [X], [X], "X
X", [Circle], [X], [X], [Circle], [X]
Reversed goal
Enter the following password sequence to play a game where the points are awarded for scoring in your own goal:
[X], [X], [X], [X], [Square], "X
Circle", [X], [X], [Circle], [X], "Square
X", [Triangle], [X], [X], [X], "Square
X", [X], [Triangle], [X], [X], "Square
X", [X], [X], [X], [Square], [X]
Play as Xarta
Enter the following password sequence:
[X], [Circle], [Circle], [Circle], [X], "Square
Circle", [X], [Triangle], [X], [Circle], "Square
Circle", [Triangle], [X], [Triangle], [Circle], "Square
Circle", [X], [Triangle], [X], [Circle], "Square
X", [Circle], [Circle], [Circle], [X], [Square]
Small Rotofoil
Enter the following password sequence:
[X], [Circle], [X], [X], [Circle], "X
X", [X], [X], [X], [X], "X
X", [X], [Triangle], [Triangle], [X], "X
Square", [X], [X], [X], [X], "Square
X", [Square], [Square], [Square], [Square], [X]
Master Dome in tournament
Enter the following password sequence to play in the Master Dome stadium in the tournament (easy difficulty level, one loss on record):
[Circle], [L1], [L1], [R1], [R2], "L2
X", [Square], [Square], [R1], [R2], "R1
R2", [Triangle], [L2], [R1], [L2], "Circle
L2", [R2], [R1], [X], [L1], "R2
Square", [L2], [R1], [X], [R1], [R1]
Original Ballblazer mini-game
Enter the following password to play the original 8-bit version of the game:
[Square], [Square], [X], [X], [X], "X
Square", [Square], [Square], [Square], [X], "X
Square", [Square], [Square], [Square], [Square], "Square
X", [X], [Square], [Square], [X], "X
Square", [Square], [Square], [Square], [Square], [Square]

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