Battle Hunter Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation
Check out these Battle Hunter cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Super characters
Enter "SHUICHI" as a name to create a new hunter with +2 Movement, 4 Attack, 0 Defense, and 19 HP. Enter "VIKEIF" as a name to create a new hunter with +1 Movement, 7 Attack, 1 Defense, and 16 HP. Note: These characters cannot be upgraded.

Level select
Press [L1] + [L2] then hold [R1] + [R2] at the start of the game. Wait for the sound, then release the buttons. Press [Left], [Right], [L1], [L2], [Left], [R1], [R2], [Right].
Duplicate items
Have two Hunters. The first Hunter should have an open item slot and the second Hunter should have the item to be duplicated. Make sure that you save the second Hunter before going into battle. Go into battle, have the first Hunter attack the second Hunter. Then, have the second Hunter surrender the item to be duplicated. Finish the battle. Without saving the second Hunter, reload him. Now both Hunters should have the same item. It is best to duplicate something such as the Unit X because your can sell it for $15,000 and level up faster.

Avoid losing items after a battle
If you lose a lot of HP in a battle and then have no money remaining afterwards. Power off your PlayStation then turn it back on again. You will have everything you had before entering the previous battle.

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