Crash Bash Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Crash Bash cheats and stay cool!
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Unlimited health
Pause game play and press [Up]x2, [Down], [Circle], [Square], [L1], [R1]. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Level select
Go to Warp Room one and press [Triangle], [Circle], [Left]x2, [Square] + [R1], [Triangle] + [R2], [Start], [Select], [Circle], [X]x2. All levels should now be unlocked.

Spyro: Year Of The Dragon demo
Hold [R1] + [L1] + [Square] and press [Start] at the opening screen (Universal Studios or the Eurocom).
Relic Round
When you get to "Warp Room 4", go back to any level you have already visited to find a relic (after you press [X] to chose that level). You will then play a harder version of that level. To win, you must win two times in a row.

To unlock the Gold Relic challenges, successfully complete the Big Bad Fox level. To unlock the Platinum Relic challenges, successfully complete the Mallet Mash level.

Using weights
On the box throwing future level where Nitros and TNTs make holes, there is an occasional thousand pound weight. If you get this weight, it can be used as an easy way to kill the enemy players. However, this is also dangerous to you because there is not much time. If the time is low and you are doomed, or if you get this falling weight, try to pass it on to someone else until you are killed from it. This is a chance that you can pass it on to your enemies and survive.

Platinum relic race
After you defeat the last Boss you can go to the 5 War Room. Win one of the cups and the Gold Relic race and a Platinum Relic race will be unlocked. Defeat the champion of this course three times. You can back to other worlds and do the Platinum Race after you have the Gold Relic.

Never lose energy shield
When playing on any Ballistix level, press [Square] to kick the ball harder at the other players. On the bottom of your ship are three lights on each side. When you press [Square] they turn off and on again. However, if you press [Square] and the shield does not hit the ball at all your shield will shut down for two to five seconds. To prevent this, only press [Square] when the ball is close to you. If you do not do this, you will be vulnerable to all the balls in the arena.

Defeating the Bearmanator
While defeating the Bearmanator after the little bears, shoot a missile charge to get them off.

Defeating Snow Bash
To defeat Snow Bash with ease, wake the penguin up and run to the snowman or the tree. The penguin will spin around, destroying everything in its path. Repeat this until you are the only one left.

Secret Warp Room
Complete Warp Room 4 and wait for the credits to finish. You should now be in Warp Room 5.

Easy Crate Crush levels
if you are playing a Crate Crush level in adventure mode and are doing the Gem Challenge (defeating the others in the allotted time), stand in your corner. The CPU-controlled players will ignore you. Wait until they have knocked themselves out.

In Crate Crush levels, find two crates next to each other. Use your spin move to knock the crates in different directions. Note: This trick does not work with Nitros.

Bye-Bye Bears In Bearminator
When you are in this level in adventure mode, to make the bears fall off, wait until the bears are close to your head. Make sure you position yourself well, so when the Bearminator throws the bear you can hit it. The bears will then bounce off your head. This useful when the bears gang up on you and there are too many bears to escape from.

Chicken dance in Snow Bash
Play as Crash in Snow Bash and you will be able to do an ice skating dance. Do it when the ice is clear of objects and there are about two opponents remaining. Move slowly across the ice, then release the D-Pad and quickly tap "Taunt" ([Triangle]). At this point, use [Left] or [Right] to make him twirl. Note: This dance will make the CPU players angry; flee out of the way.

Toxic Dash
When you are racing in Toxic Dash, if you are first player race slowly and do not use your boost. The little slime balls will not hit you.

Dante's Dash
Collect 27 Trophies or successfully complete all levels to unlock the Dante's Dash level.

Keg Kaboom
Collect 25 Gems, then go to the fifth floor to unlock the Keg Kaboom level.

Splash Dash
Defeat the final Boss and collect 22 Gold Relics. Go to the fifth floor to unlock the Splash Dash level.

Easy two player game
Select two player adventure mode. When choosing characters, have player one select Dingo and player two select Cortex. The CPU should pick Coco and Kola Kong. These players are easier to defeat than the others.

To complete the Crash Dash two player levels easily, have one player hit the opponents and the other player do the race.

Difficult game
If you want a challenge, select Crash and Tiny to get the hardest opponents.

Press [Triangle] to taunt your opponents.

Glitch: Invisible ship
In Sky Balls, Crystal Challenge, get a CPU player down to one. Die via a bonus ball. Before "FAIL" appears, a ball may go into the player with one's goal. If it goes in, wait a little bit. The bottom should explode when the energy hits it. However, instead of the whole thing exploding, only the bottom will, leaving the player hanging on to the sticks.

Glitch: Invisible CPU players
When you are playing any Crate Crush, Ballistix, or Tank Wars level, get killed and fail at the exact moment as a CPU player dies. The CPU player should die. The game will show the CPU player that has just died as invisible. Note: This does not work with trophy tasks because when you die, you do not automatically fail.

Glitch: 201% completion
Play a two-player game with one person being "evil" and the other "good". Complete the game up to Oxide Ride. At the end, make sure that both of your players are still alive. At the end, you will have to fight each other to see if good will triumph over evil. Whoever wins will receive an extra trophy and an extra percent. Then, complete the entire game (all trophies, gems, crystals, and gold and Platinum Relics) and you will have a 201% completion.

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