Digimon World Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Digimon World cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Digimon World Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode (Japanese version)
Start a new game and enter a name. After the FMV sequence ends, hold [Triangle] + [Square] + [Circle]. A menu should appear. Release the buttons and check your inventory to find all kinds of items. Feed your Digimon with something. If he shakes his head, quickly press [Triangle] + [Square] + [Circle] again. If he eats it, quickly press [Triangle] + [Square] + [Circle] again. Depending what was fed, he will turn into different kinds of monsters. If you are not satisfied with that monster, hold [Triangle] + [Square] + [Circle] immediately after the monster changes and feed him with something else. Release the buttons when you are satisfied with your monster. When you're satisfied with your monster, stop holding the three buttons.

View your opponent's HP
Simply press [Select] to view your opponent's HP and press [Select] again to make it disappear again.
The following is a list of all 15 medals you can get in Digimon World and how they are obtained:
1. Grade Cup: Cup C, D, B, A, S - Win in all.
2. Version Cup: Win in all - VER 1, 2, 3, 4, 0.
3. Type Cup: Fire, Grapple, Thunder, Wind, Nature, Cool, Metallic, Filth - Win in all.
4. Special Cup: Dino, Wing, Animal, Human Cup - Win in all.
5. 100 Times Win: Championship 100 times.
6. Technique Master: Mastered 56 switch techniques.
7. Digimon Master: Raised all 61 Digimon.
8. Max Abilities: Maxed all of the Digimon's parameters.
9. Perfect Curling: Got a perfect score in curling.
10. 100 Fish: 100 fish caught.
11. Ending: Finished the game.
12. Town Flourishing: Jijimon said the town is flourishing (recruited all Digimon).
13. Card Complete: Collected all Digimon cards.
14. Bits Maxed: Collected 999,999 Bits.
15. 10 Years: Survived for 300 days.
Digimon origination
The following is a list of Digimon and where they come from.
Egg: Rookies
Green egg: Gabumon or Agumon
Pink egg: Palmon or Betamon
Blue egg: Penguinmon or Elecmon
Orange egg: Patomon or Biyomon
Any egg: Kunemon

Rookies: Champions
Agumon: Greymon, Monochromon, Meramon, Birdramon, Centarumon, or Tyrannomon
Gabumon: Tyrannomon, Monochromon, Ogremon, Drimogemon, Centarumon, or Garurumon
Penguinmon: Mojyamon, Shellmon, Garurumon, Whamon, or Frigimon
Betamon: Whamon, Seadramon, Coelamon, or Shellmon
Patomon: Orgemon, Leomon, Angemon, Drimogemon, Tyrannomon, or Unimon
Elecmon: Leomon, Angemon, Bakemon, or Kokatorimon
Palmon: Whamon, Kuwagamon, Ninjamon, Coelamon, or Vegiemon
Biyomon: Airdramon, Kokatorimon, Birdramon, Unimon, or Kabuterimon
Kunemon: Bakemon, Kuwagamon, Vegiemon, Kabuterimon
All Rookies: Numemon, Sukamon, Devimon, or Nanimon

H: Kabuterimon, Giromon, SkullGreymon, MetalGreymon, Metal Mamemon, MegaSeadramon, Vademon, Etemon, Andromon, Megadramon, Phoenixmon, Piximon, Mamemon, Monzaemon, and Digitamon
Digivolution items

ItemDigivolve toWorks only forLocation
Grey ClawsGreymonRookieEnter/Win Dino Cup in Greymon's battle arena
FireballMeramonRookieEnter/Win Fire Cup in Greymon's battle arena
Flaming WingsBirdamonRookieTreasure Hunt in Normal or Special course
Iron HoofCentarumonRookieEnter/Win Ver 3 Cup in Greymon's battle arena
Mono StoneMonochromonRookieEnter/Win VER 4 Cup in Greymon's battle arena
Steel DrillDrimogomonRookieEnter/win Animal Cup in Greymon's battle arena
White FangTyranomonRookieEnter/Win Ver 1 Cup in Greymon's batte arena
Black WingsDevimonRookieEnter/Win Human Cup in Greymon's batte arena
Spike ClubOgremonRookieEnter/Win Grapple Cup in Greymon's battle arena
Flaming ManeLeomonRookieEnter/Win Grade A In Greymon's battle arena
White WingsAngemonRookieEnter/Win Wing Cup in Greymon's battle arena
Torn TatterBakemonRookieTreasure Hunt in Normal or Special course
RainbowhornAirdramonRookieBuy from Shogun Gekomon for 500 points
RoosterKokatorimonRookieWin Curling with Penguinmon in File City
UnihornUnimonRookieEnter/Win Thunder Cup in Greymon's batte arena
Horn HelmetKabuterimonRookieThe second prize for the tournament in Bettle Land
Scissor JawKuwagamonRookieThe second prize for the tournament in Bettle Land
FertilizerVegiemonRookieEnter/Win Nature Cup in Greymon's batte arena
Koga's LawsNinjamonRookieTreasure Hunt in Normal or Special course
Water BottleSeadramonRookieBuy from Shogun Gekomon for 500 points
North StarWhamonRookieEnter/Win Cool Cup in Greymon's batte arena
Red ShellShellmonRookieBuy from Shogun Gekomon for 500 points
Hard ScaleCoelamonRookieBuy from Shogun Gekomon for 500 points
Blue CrystalGarurumonRookieEnter/Win Ver 2 Cup in Greymon's batte arena
Ice CrystalFrigimonRookieBuy from Shogun Gekomon for 500 points
Hair GrowerMoyjamonRookieTrade to Moyjamon ( 3rd Moyjamon )
SunglassesNanimonRookieEnter/Win Dirty Cup in Greymon's batte arena
Metal PartsMetal GreymonChampionEnter/Win Grade S in Greymon's batte arena
Fatal BoneSkull GreymonChampionEnter/Win Grade S in Greymon's batte arena
Cyber PartsAndromonChampionEnter/Win Metric Cup in Greymon's batte arena
Mega HandMegadramonChampionEnter/Win Grade S in Greymon's batte arena
Silver BallMamemonChampionWin Curling with Metal Mamemon in File City
Metal ArmorMetal MamemonChampionWin Curling with Metal Mamemon in File City
ChainsawGiromonChampionWin Curling with Metal Mamemon in File City
Small SpearPiximonChampionWin Curling with Metal Mamemon in File City
X BandageMonzaemonChampionTalk to a Toy Agumon after defeating Warumonzaemon
Ray GunVademonChampionFind it in the Back Dimension
Gold BananaEtemonChampionEtemon Sells it for 50,000 bits
Mysty EggDigitamamonChampionWhamon's secret cave in a PC
Red RubyPhonixmonChampionEnter/Win Ver 0 Cup in Greymon's batte arena
Bettle PearlH-KabuterimonChampionEnter/Win the Tournament in Beetle Land
Coral CharmMega SeadramonChampionFishing in the Dragon Eye Lake
Faster training
Wait approximately ten seconds from when your Digimon begins to train, then press [Circle]. If done correctly, training will end, but your Digimon will still gain the normal amount of experience.

Press [Triangle] when you begin the training. You will get the same amount of training -- it will just seem faster. Note: If you are training your Digimon's defense at the Green Gym, you must wait for the boxing glove to get back in position.

Quick Digivolve
Train your Digimon in HP but do not continue it. Do this as many times as you can. Note: This can only be done on a fresh, in-training, and rookie Digimon.

Train your Digimon to HP 1500, MP1750, and Off, Def, Spd, and Brain all to 150. Then, battle many times.

Digivolve to Ultimate
To digivolve to an Ultimate easily, take note of the happiness and discipline. Make sure they are full before age 12. Then, feed them regularly, no stress training (train frequently), rest regularly, and make sure the weight counts. Do not feed it too heavy or to light.

Increase Digimon's happiness and discipline
Use the following steps to increase your Digimon's happiness and discipline at the same time. When you try to give your Digimon an item and it rejects it, use the Scowl command. It will not scowl back -- it will accept the scowl and both its happiness and discipline will increase. If one of the gauges are full, the other will receive double the amount of happiness or discipline it normally receives.

Scold your Digimon until the discipline bar is full. The happiness bar will decrease. After the discipline bar is full , take your Digimon and walk around until you see a butterfly or flower around it. Wait until the happiness increases to full automatically.

Note: When you get a butterfly to make your Digimon happy, beware. The butterfly takes stats away from your Digimon.

Change Digimon's weight
Use this trick to allow your Digimon to lose or gain 2 pounds. You have to have at least 500 bits to buy a Super Carrot from Vegiemon. Every time that you feed your Digimon a Super Carrot, he will lose 2 pounds. If you feed him a Hawk Radish, which you can also buy from Vegiemon for 500 bits, he will gain 2 pounds. Be aware that every time that you feed your Digimon a Hawk Radish or a Super Carrot, his Happiness and Discipline will go down. You can also rarely find a Prickly Pear in Great Canyon to lose weight, of a Big Berry in Tropical Jungle to gain weight.

Pass time faster
To make time go faster, go to Punimon in File City and ask him if you can rest. When you rest, an hour will pass.

Back Dimension
This place is only available when Jijimon tells you. After you defeat the fake Machinedramon in the dimension, you will get a Chain Melon from Jijimon after you return to File City.

Enter mansion in jungle cemetery
Your Digimon partner must be one of the following types to enter: Betamon, Devimon, Numemon, MetalGreymon, Kabuterimon, Vegiemon, SkullGreymon, Vademon, Kunemon, Ogremon, Bakemon, Sukamon, Etemon, Kuwagamon, Nanimon, or MegaDramon. Any other Digimon will not be allowed to enter.

Enter the Ice Sanctuary in Freezland
To enter the Ice Sanctuary, you must have a Vaccine-type Digimon. Only the following Digimon can enter the Ice Sanctuary: Agumon, Greymon, Airdramon, Monzaemon, Kabuterimon, Garurumon, Angemon, Frigimon, Birdramon, Whamon,Unimon, Andromon, Giromon, Biyomon, Palmon, Kokatorimon, Leomon, Mojymon, and Phoenixmon. Any Digimon other than listed here are either Data or Virus-type Digimon, and cannot enter the Ice Sanctuary.

Secret passage in Freezeland
Note: This may not work all the time. Go to where the three Mojymon are located and go down before you reach the second one. You will find a SnowGoburimon. Sometimes the SnowGoburimon will go onto the brown land next to the ice walkway. If you follow him and get onto the land, you will be taken to something called Native Forest, but it is a very dark land with a snow storm. You cannot see anything -- if you find the land, you will have to have one of those items that transports you back to File City.

Enter Beetle Land
Go to the southern point of Dragon Eye Lake. Go to about when the yellow dot is at the beginning of the orange colored spot. Go fishing at that time. If you see a big fish (about five times larger than the rest) going in the same continuos circuit mode, you have found the lake guardian. Fish for him. He will bite anything, so you can even use a mushroom. Once you catch him, become friends with him. He will give you a flute that you can use. He will take you to the other side, which is Beetle Land. Note: If you fight in a battle and lose, you will also lose the flute.

Enter Factorial Town
After you recruit Whamon, you can travel to the dock side of Factorial Town. There you will find an Andromon in the Computer Room. You must Recruit both Giromon (you will find him wrecking a bad computer) and Andromon to open the main doors to Factorial Town. The doors are at Gear Savanna.

Completing Factorial Town
Once you have recruited Whamon, talk to him and go to Factorial Town. Go in the sewers. Talk to Numemon. He will say that he is sick. You will say that there is a gas leak. Go up to the room with Andromon and talk to him. It will be a long discussion. You will say that there is a leak, and he will say that the computers are perfect. Go to the next room with the guards. They will not let you in. Talk to Andromon again and he will say more about how perfect his computers are. Get a Tyrannomon (because he is awake during 12 a.m. and 12 p.m.). Make sure he is trained up to at least 8,000 HP, at least 30 Recoveries, and stats at least at 300. Buster Dive is also very helpful. Talk to the Guardromon just before your Tyrannomon sleeps. Your character will say "Why haven't the guards moved yet?". Then, go out of that screen and sleep. Go back and the guards should be gone. If not, repeat this process as many times as needed until it is successful. Go in the next room. It will look more clean inside. Go through the walkway. Make sure that you dodge all the Digimon, as they are very powerful. When you get to the next room, go up. Be careful, as there is a Numemon that you cannot see. There will be a door just to the left after you pass the yellow Numemon. Go in there to see Giromon ripping the cords of the computer. Fight him. His techniques are powerful. He has DG Dimension (can take out up to 2,000 HP if you DEF is below 300), Bug (can hit you twice with one strike when taking out 1,000 HP), Delete Prog, and a final attack that can take out up to 3,000 HP when your DEF is below 300. He has 9,999 HP. Once you defeat him, he will just lay there dead. Talk to Andromon and he will go to the city. Go back to where you saw Giromon and he will come to the city.

Enter Coral Canyon
At the right side of the Coral Canyon Entrance is a square object on the edge. Go in front and press [X]. Your character will talk, then you can walk on it to get to Coral Canyon.

Mount Infinity
Recruit 50 Digimons to File City to unlock Mount Infinity.

Infinity Mountain and Machinedramon
When your town's prosperity is 50, you will be attacked by Airdramon, a very strong champion Digimon. When you defeat him, he will hurt and rest at Jijimon's house. Jijimon will tell you that Mount Infinity has opened. Mount Infinity is behind Jijimon's house, at the place there was a waterfall. Before you go there, buy many recovery items and have Ultimate Digimon. Mount Infinity is a place with many enemies and item computers. To go to another floor, go to the green panels. To go back one floor, go to red panels. After some floors you will face the black angel Devimon (he has 6700 HP). You will battle him. When you defeat him it is better to fully recover your Digimon. After two floors you will see Megadramon. There will be two choices -- fight him or not. It is better to fight him now, but he has 7200 HP so be careful again. After you defeat him, recover your Digimon. After you pass some floors you will face Metalgreymon, the last boss before Analogman. He has 8900 HP and some very strong moves. After you defeat him, recover your Digimon and save your progress. After Metalgreymon, you will see the last room and Analogman. He will call Machinedramon, his slave, who battles you. Be very careful. Machinedramon is a Mega Digimon with 9300 HP, very good defense and speed, and very powerful attacks. After you defeat him you will see the ending FMV sequence and save your game. When you continue you will see another FMV sequence and resume the game with the same Digimon. Talk to Jijimon and go to Machinedramon's place. You will face a very powerful Ultimate Digimon, Digitamamon, who has 9800 HP. Then, go to Ice Sanctuary, Ogremon's Fortress or Grey Lord's mansion. In one of those places you will find Back Dimension. This place is similar to Mount Infinity, except from the panels. Walk on all the panels you find and ignore their color. After a while you will face Machinedramon again. This time he is stronger : He has 9999 HP, super defense and speed, and the same powerful attacks. You will need an Ultimate Digimon, very fast, with at least 850 offense. After you defeat him, talk to Jijimon and he will give you a Chain Melon. The game is not over yet. After one or two years, talk to Jjimon again. He will say that he feels Analogman's and Machinedramon's evil. Go to the three places mentioned before and you will get to Back Dimension again. Do what was done the previous time and defeat Machinedramon again. Then, talk to Jijimon and he will give you a Chain Melon again. You can repeat this for as many years and Chain Melons as desired.

Ogremon's Fortress
After completing the game, go to Ogremon's Fortress. You will not enter it, but will enter a backdoor to Infinity Mountain and its two floors. Once you get out of it, you will enter Ogremon's Fortress. Analogman and Machindramon are there. Analogman disappears, and you have to fight Machindramon. He has the exact same stats and attacks as when you first completed the game.

Finding the Digi-card shop
The Digi-card shop is in Gear Savanna. When you first get to Gear Savanna, go up and you will find a left turn. Follow the left turn, go up, and you will see the Digi-card shop and a Recycled item shop.

Fixed Digimon bridge
Start a new game. When the yellow dot is on the red part (4:00 to 8:00 p.m.) on the clock at the upper left side of the screen, go to Coela Point. You should still be on your first day in the Digiworld. Meet Coelamon and go across the river. On the next screen are three ways to go. Go left. On the next screen, there should be two Patamons (blue). Go across the bridge. When you cross the bridge you should be right next to Kunemon's bed. The bridge is now fixed on the first day.

Get the fishing rod
When you are done with the Tunnel quest, the mountain will be open. Go there and keep going up to reach a large plain. Do not go there. Instead, go to the east, then go down. Keep going and another view of the plain will appear. Go in there, then go up, Once you are at the end, go to the right until you get to the end to reach trash mountain. Go in it and you will encounter two Digimon. Then, go up and you will find the fishing rod.

Get an amazing rod
Meet ShogunGekomon and give him some cards, except the card of yourself. The more precious card you give him, the more points you get. If you collect 300 points, pay him 300 points and you can get an amazing rod.

Fishing skills
When you fish, make sure you pull the line when the fish is not moving at all. Pulling the line when the fish resists increases the danger of a line break.

Use the following bait to catch the corresponding fish.
DigiAnchovy (makes Digimon a bit full): Meat, Digimushroom.
Digisnapper (makes Digimon quite full): Meat, Giant Meat, Digimushroom.
Blacktrout (boost abilities): Sirloin.
Digitrout (makes Digimon very full): Giant Meat, Sirloin.
Digicatfish (makes Digimon very full): Sirloin, Digianchovy; requires bigger fishing rod.
Digiseabass (fully Restores HP and MP ++, Life Span++): Black Trout, Digicatfish; requires bigger fishing rod.
Get the lake keeper flute
From File City, go to the Native Forest. Look around until you get to Dragon Eye Lake. There should be a vending machine at that location. Fish there with the Amazing Rod. Use meat and look in back to see a shadow that resembles a small whale. After that, go to the other lake and use the flute. Seadramon will appear from the lake will take you to the Beetle Land. You can get Kabuterimon and someone else there. They also have a Training Center.

Mysty egg
After you defeat Ogremon at Drill Tunnel, go back to the Secret Cave. Go to the back of the cave. There is a PC at that location, with the Mysty egg inside.

Get the Coral Charm (Megaseadramon)
Get the amazing rod, then fish in off shore at Dragon Eye Lake.

Get a Digivice
Say "Yes" when Jijimon asks you if you have one at the start of the game.

Get the Golden Banana
Get Golden Banana from Etemon (50,000 bits).

Get the Key Chain
Use the following steps to get the Key Chain that allows you to hold twenty items. As soon as you defeat Numamon, go to Drill Tunnel. Go to the Dramogamon that is always digging. You will see that place open. Enter Leomon's ancestor's place and go all the way up until you reach the end. Then, go to your left and go up to find Nainmon. He will run away. Go where he was standing and you will find the red Key Chain.

Get the Mystery Egg
Found in beach cave (Digitamamon).

Get the Xbandage
Get Xbandage in Toy Town for a Hagururumon card, Warumonzaemon card, and a Toy Agumon card (Monzaemon).

Win the Filth Cup
Simply get Etemon to win the cup.

Xenotype World Keychain
Go to Sewers in Factorialtown after defeating Numemon. Check it thoroughly and you will see Nanimon. Talk to him and he will drop a keychain. This allows you to carry twenty items at once. Note: Nanimon also appears at the Cave of Ancient Leomon.

Multiple keys in Digimon shop
If you go to the Digimon shop in Gear Sevanna after you lost the mansion key, buy it. Then, buy it again at the same spot. Even though the spot is empty a chart, a buy screen will appear. After the second purchase you should see the key, and instead of nothing or 1, a triangle 9. Now you can buy it as many times as needed.

Discount on items at Item shop
When you have a baby or in-training type Digimon, go to the item shop and buy anything. You should get a discount.

Buying lost items back
If you lose a valuable item that cannot be bought, like the Flute, go to Gear Savanna from any year through day 1 to 15. Look around until you find a shop where you can buy cards and items. Talk to the person and buy a recycled item. It should be your Flute or other valuable lost item. Note: When buying the Flute from the recycled item shop, it costs 9,999 bits.

More Digimushrooms
Go to Kunemon's Bed. Go slightly above the tree where Kunemon was sleeping. You will find a Digimushroom. Leave Kunemon's bed. Return and go to the place where you found the first Digimushroom. Another Digimushroom will be there. Repeat this as many times as needed if you need food.

If you run out of food, go to Native Forest and find some Digimushrooms. If they are not there, go up and then down to find more.

Easy bits
Go to Factorial Town at Midnight and defeat Platinum-Sukamon. He will drop 3,000 bits per battle. Note: He will not show up in the daytime.

To get maximum bits (198,000), have 49,500 bits in your file. You may also need an Auto Pilot. Go to the Item Shop (better if you go with in-training or baby Digimon) and buy 99 Medium Recoveries. This will waste all your money for now, but you will get four times more later. You will get a discount if you have a baby or in-training Digimon of any kind. Go to Freezeland and talk the Mojyamon that trades Medium Recovery for a Super Defense Disk. Trade all your Medium Recoveries for Super Defense Disks. A glitch might take place when you finish trading all of it. The Mojyamon could trap you and you cannot move -- use the Auto Pilot to go back to the city. You should have 99 Super Defense Disks and no Medium Recoveries by the end. Go to the item shop and sell all your Super Defense Disks for 2000 bits each. You will end up with 198,00 bits.

Get about 18 Medium Recovers and a few Digimushrooms. Go to Freezeland and talk to the third Mojyamamon. Trade your Digimushrooms for Medium Recovers. Then go to the first Mojyamamon and trade your Medium Recovers for Sup. Defense Disk. Go back to file city (Auto Pilot recommended) and return to the item shop. Sell the Sup. Defense disk to get 2000 bits for each disk. Repeat this process as needed.

HappyMushrms are risky and only boost a little amount of happiness. Every time you see one, pick it up. They can be worth 2500 bits each. When you visit Freezeland, go to the third Mojyamon and trade him all of the HappyMushrms you have collected for Hair Growers. Save one if desired, and sell the rest for 2500 bits each.

This trick requires Vegiemon in the city. Whenever he gives you Sirloins, save them in the item bank. Note: You might have to sell at least five before you do this, so you can buy Meats from the item shop or your Digimon will starve. Keep saving until you have 95 or more. Then, sell the Sirloins at the item store for over 70,000 bits. Keep doing this until you have received the desired amount of bits. Note: This is useful when you get Piximon to join the city.

Win the arena in the city, then go to the arena and fight. You will win money and a very good item. If you want more money, sell the item.

Collect 99 Digimushrooms (this is cheaper than buying med. Recoveries). Go to Freeze Land and trade the Digimushrooms for med. Recoveries. Then, trade the med. Recoveries for sup. Def. Disks.

If you are an avid fisher, save 99 Sirloin and use them to catch Digicatfish. When you get the Amazing Rod, use the Digicatfish to catch Digiseabass. Sell as many of the Digiseabass for 4000 bits each as desired.

Fish at Dragon Eye lake with the Amazing Rod. You also need to spend about 5,000 bits at the item shop to buy 99 pieces of meat. Sell about six Sirloin and you will have enough money. Then, go to Dragon Eye lake and catch 99 Black Trout. Next, catch 99 Digi Seabass using the Black Trout. Sell them at the item shop for a 980,000 bits. Note: You are supposed to get more than that, but this is the maximum amount of bits. Note: This requires a lot of time and patience.

Go to Shogungekomon and trade all but one of each card you have until you have 9900. Then, use your merit points to get Sup. Restores. Sell as many as needed then repeat the process as many times as desired. Note: These also are useful when fighting Machindramon.

Get a Biomon and train his MP, Defense and brain. You should get an Airdramon in four days.

When the path to Mount Infinity is revealed or your city's prosperity is 50 or higher, talk to Jijimon until he tells you how much your city's prosperity is. Then, walk outside Jijimon's house. There should be an Airdramon coming towards you from someplace near the toilet. He will hit your Digimon for relatively minor damage. You will have to fight him. He has about 4200 HP, but if your Digimon's quick enough, this is an easy battle. After defeating it, Airdramon will rest in Jijimon's house. Soon after, he will start his own business as a fortune teller in Greymon's Arena.

When you defeat Giromon, go back to Andromon and he will disable the gas. Go to the Sewers so you could fight and get Numemon. After talk to Andromon again, and he will shut down the company and open the Iron Doors at Gear Savanna. Come back after one day then talk to him and he will join you.

To raise an Andromon, get Centarumon and get the following: HP: 2000, MP: 4000, Offense:200, Defense:400, Sp: 200, Br:400.

To get Andromon in your city, defeat Giromon and talk to Andromon. He will tell you to return later in days. Talk to him and he reads the data. Talk to him again, and Andromon will join the city.

Get an Angemon. Get his HP to 2000, MP to 4000, Offense to 200, Defense to 400, Speed to 200, and Brains to 400. It should weigh close to 40 lbs. When it digivolves, it will have HP around 4000, MP more than 5000, Offense around 300, Defense around 500, Speed around 300, and Brains around 500. Its first technique is Metal Sprinter and its finishing technique is Spiral Sword.

Get a Digimon that can evolve into Andromon (for example, Centarumon, Leomon, etc.). Get their stats to about 300 each, their HP to at least 3,000, and MP to at least 3,000. After that, begin training their Intelligence continuously and have high happiness and discipline. After a while they should evolve into Andromon.

Make sure you have either a strong champion Digimon or a well-trained ultimate Digimon that is a Vaccine type. Enter the Ice Sanctuary in the northwestern area of Freezeland. Your Digimon should also have good Offense and Defense stats, because the Digimons in Ice Sanctuary are strong, and at the end you must fight more than one Digimon at the same time. In the first room you will see a frozen Angemon statue. When you press [X] near it, your character will say some things. Then, your partner Digimon will find a secret passage underneath the statue. In this room, you will find two Icemons and a Blue Meramon. Avoid them as much as you can because they have HP above 2000 and it is just a waste of time unless you love battling. You will find an Item Computer near the Blue Meramon. Be careful because the Blue Meramon may approach you after you get the item. If you walk to the next room, you will find a Training Area. This is not really useful, but you can train there if desired. After you are satisfied, go to the previous room where there are two Icemons and a Blue Meramon. Near the Icemons, you can find a secret passage at the eastern wall. Keep walking until you are in the room with the teleporters. You must use the correct teleporter to keep walking straight to the end. In this room, use the first teleporter you see, to the east. Directly in front of you is a Hyogamon blocking your way. You may think that he is unavoidable, but this is not true. If you are good enough, you can avoid him by walking at the very end of the right edge. Walk a little until he moves slightly, and you should be able to get past him. Next, a Hyogamon and a Garurumon will block your way. These two are nearly unavoidable, but if you are extremely good, you may escape from the Hyogamon. You cannot escape Garurumon. Also, if you approached Garurumon, the Hyogamon will also battle you, so it is useless to try avoiding them. Just try your best to avoid the first Hyogamon. You will want to save energy and recovery items for the final enemies. In the next room, you will see a Blue Meramon and two Icemons again, as well as two teleporters. Take the northeastern teleporter and try your best to avoid the Icemon near it. You will npw be at the final room, with two Hyogamons and an Icemon that are unavoidable. You will fight all three at once. This is a very difficult battle because each of them has a HP above 2000 and you will have a hard time using your Finishing Technique because they will attack one after the other. It is possible to defeat them with an Andromon with lots of HP, MP and recovery items lost during the battle. Fortunately, they will drop a Large MP and a Super Recovery after defeated. They will run away, and you will be able to rescue Angemon's soul. A blinding light will surround you, and Angemon will talk to you, but you still will not know that it is an Angemon. You must return there, and to recruit Angemon you must walk from the stairs beneath Angemon's statue that your partner Digimon found. If not, he will not appear. However, if you do not want to battle the previous enemies again, use this trick. Go to the previous room using the teleporter in the current room you are in. Then, take the northwestern teleporter. This will teleport you directly in front of Angemon's statue, but he is not there. Just walk again to the underground passage, and go back upstairs. Angemon will greet you and he will join you. He will become Jijimon's advisor, who can tell you where to go next.

To raise an Angemon, get Patamon or Elecmon, and raise its MP to 1000, speed to 100, weight to 20 lbs, and have no care mistakes.

Bakemon's function is to patrol your city.

To get Bakemon, go to the Overdell (the jungle cemetery) and talk to him. If you are going at night, you will see similar Digimon with hats on. Do not talk to these as they will fight you. Once you do find Bakemon, you will need to answer his questions correctly. The answers are "Yes", Yes" and "No", in that order. Bakemon will go to the city. If you already have not recruited Unimon, Patamon or Biyomon, Bakemon will float around the huge circle in the middle of File City. If you have recruited Unimon, Patamon and/or Biyomon, the circle will be a fountain.

Use the following trick to get a mutant digivolve to Bakemon. Start a new game and when Jijimon asks "What do you like better? Day or night?", answer "Night" to get a Gabumon instead of Agumon. When the game starts, go outside of File City and battle and defeat Agumon. He will open up an item shop. After you defeat Agumon do not go back to File City. Instead, go to Drill Tunnel and go to the Drimogemon that is rolling around on the floor. Talk to him and he will talk back and battle. Lose, and when you get back to Jijimon's house and he stops talking, Gabumon will stand there for a moment before digivolving into Bakemon.

To understand what Bakemon is saying, have your digimon partner as a Bakemon. If you have a Bakemon, he will translate what the other one is saying. You can do the same thing when Bakemon is in the city.

Use the following steps to get Betamon back to your city. Go to the Tropical Jungle and go straight over until you find a bridge. Then, go up to reach the Mangrove Region. You should see a Modtkibetamon. Talk to him and he will go back to the city and help Coalmon.

After a while, Betamon will build a fountain in the city and sometimes it sits at the edge.

Go to the Great Canyon, get on the elevator, go up, then walk to the left. Walk around and you will soon find Birdramon. Defeat her and return to the city. Birdramon will open a warp shop. Note: Train very hard, because it has 3756 HP and an attack that does 1011 damage. On your way you will see some Garurumon -- they do not go to the city.

Pick the orange egg when your Digimon fades away. Then, train Bolder, Tree, Running, Waterfall, then Brains. You do no use Punching. When the little ghost turns into Tokomon (the white Digimon that hops around), train his MP higher than his HP. He should turn into Biomon (the pink bird). Train him to at least these stats (in the way you trained the ghost): 5 days old, 20 pounds, Happiness and Discipline high, 1438 HP, 1417 MP, 120 Offense, 70 Defense, 183 Speed, and 120 Brains.

In order to get Biyomon, you must digivolve from the fresh Digimon that hatches from the Orange Egg. In order to get Biyomon to join your city, go to the area where Elecmon is located. Go to the right. Go to the bottom of the screen. Go down/left to find Biyomon. She will run away from you. Follow her. She will run away when you talk to her again. She will say "Maybe I should wait here." After the dialogue, press [X] around the area where you were standing. When you find the spot, say "Wait". You will then tell your Digimon to round Biyomon up. If he goes to the wrong location, just keep trying. Once you get it correct, Biyomon will join you and open up an item shop with Patamon.

Go to the jungle (to the right of File City). When you get off the bridge, go down to the next screen and there will be two ways to go. Keep going to the right to find a small wooded bridge. Cross and you will find two ways to go again. Keep going to the right to the next screen. Next, go up (be careful, as there are a lot of bad Digimon ) to reach a big locatoin. If you go up, you will get shot by a sniper. To avoid it use a bush or plant to block the shot. Keep going up until you reach the "O". If you touch "X" you get hit. Note: Get a lot of Recovery. When you reach 0, Centramon will appear. Now go back and he will open a clinic.

Go to the Tropical Jungle. Go as far to the right as possible. Try to switch lanes so you do not get hit by Centarumon's laser. After you make it through, one of the lanes should have a circle on it. Go through that one and meet Centarumon.

First, get an Angemon. Go out and fight a powerful Digimon capable of defeating you. Let it defeat you and when you get back to Jijimon's House and he finishes talking, your Angemon should digivolve to Devimon. Also, make sure Angemon's discipline level is below 50% or it may not work. Devimon can digivolve to the powerful Mega Dramon as well.

Attract a Digiseabass near to the shore with a catfish. When it bites it, you can catch him easier.

To get Digitamamon you need to open Mt. Infinity and defeat the first Machinedramon. After defeating him, go back to Mt. Infinity where you fought him to find Digitamamon. Defeat him and he will go to the City. To be a Digitamamon, you must recruit Whamon first when he opens his shop pick the route Secret Beach Cave. When you get there, try to find a computer-like object. In that, you will find a Misty Egg. Feed it to your Nanimon or any Champion Digimon and it will turn into a Digitamamon. Note: It is better to feed it to a Nanimon because it will get stronger parameters.

Get a Gabumon or a Betamon and get its offense up to 100. Your Digimon needs to be very happy to get Drimogemon. Your Digimon also needs to weigh somewhere around 40.

Defeat Meramon.Wait awhile and he will eventually join you.

When you have recruited more than 40 Digimon, go to the unknown door in the forest. Be careful because Etemon performs a "Drop-Knee-Kick" that results in a lot of damage. When you defeat him, go to the Digibridge and Etemon will be there. He is there because he was kicked out of the town, while trying to set up his harem.

Get a Sukamon and raise HP to 2,000, MP to 1000, offense to 300, defense to 200, brains to 300, 15g, and speed to 400. It will evolve into Etemon.

Get nearly all the Digimon then go to the tree with a door in it. Press [X] near it and Etemon come down and knock some HP off your Digimon. If you defeat him, he will wander around selling golden bananas.

Get a Sukamon and boost all its abilities equally with no care mistakes.

Go with a Fire Digimon to Freeze Land to a place where there is an iceberg. Wait until your Digimon gets cold and faints. Frigimon will save him. Note: You need to have Shellmon in the city.

You can get Gabumon as a starting Digimon instead of Augumon. When Jijimon asks you the beginning questions, tell him you do not have a Digivice and also that you do not have any friends.

Randomly try different games and eventually you will end up with Gabumon instead of Augumon at the start of the game.

When Jijimon asks you if you prefer day or night, choose night. Selecting day will result in Agumon and Night in Gabumon.

Go north of Misty Trees' first screen and you will see a Gabumon hiding there. Battle and defeat him and he will join the city. He is working with Drimogemon on the treasure hunt, but it seems that he does nothing.

Get either a Gabumon or a Penguinmon and train him in: MP 1000+, Speed 100+, and make him 30+ lbs. After a while it should digivolve into Garurumon.

Go to Freezeland. From the very first screen, go north, north, northeast, then southwest and you will see a Garurumon. Defeat him, and he will say that two against one is unfair and tell you to come back tomorrow at 4 o'clock (can be AM or PM). However, you do not need to go there tomorrow -- any day should work. Garurumon will not be there any later than 4 o'clock. Battle him the second time at 4 o'clock. You cannot use any items on your Digimon, as it is a one on one battle, just as in Greymon's tournaments. Once you defeat him, he will join the city and work in the restaurant.

Giga Dramon
Use the digivolving item Giga Hand on any Digimon that can digivlove to Mega Dramon. One of them is Tyrannomon.

After recovering data from Andromon, go back where you defeated Giromon and talk to him. He will join the city and open up a jukebox in the restaurant.

A Centarumon, Ogremon, Bakemon, and Unimon are all the Digimon that can digivolve into Giromon. Make its offense 400, and speed and brain 300. It needs to fight at least 100 battles. Have its body weight at 5 and happiness at 95%.

To get Greymon you have to get all stats to 130, offense to 200, HP to 1500, learn Magma Bombs, and make two or three care mistakes. This will transform Agumon into Greymon.

Greymon can also be obtained with 100 all stats, 1000 HP and MP, and 90%+ discipline.

Greymon will come and challenge you when your prosperity rate is at 15 or higher.

Go to the Green Gym with an Agumon, then make a rotation out of all of the training centers. For example, Bolder, Tree Smacking, Run Track, Waterfall and then (player's name) Class Room. If you keep up this rotation, since it was a Botamon it will turn into a Greymon.

HerculesKabuterimon's stats are HP 5000, MP 5000 , OFF 500, DEF 500 , SPD 500 , Brains 500.

Get 1500 HP, 1000 MP, stats 200, brain100, one mistake to digieolvoe Kunemon. To get him, make him sleep at the Kunemon bed.

Go to Beetle Land. Answer Kabuterimon's question correctly. He will ask where you train in the city. If you answer "Arena", it will join the city. He will be at the Green Gym, and when you train there, your stat gains will be slightly increased.

Get a Shellmon, Kuwagamon, or Kabuterimon. Get 4000 HP, 3000 MP, 250 offense, 300 defense, 250 speed brains 200, 90 percent happiness, and 15+ battles.

Get a Kabuterimon and boost everything to 200, however boost the HP and MP to 2000, then boost strictly the offense.

Get your Digimon's virus count to 16 so it evolves into a Sukamon. Its virus count will go back to 0. Then, get its virus count back up to 16. This time, it will evolve into KingSukamon.

To recruit Kokatorimon to the City you need a Digimon that wakes up very early in the morning. Then, go to "Misty Trees" and try to find him there. He is near the stone statues. When you find him, he will battle you. Be sure you train very hard on Defense because he has the Megalo Spark attack. It is safer to be an Ultimate Digimon with strong attacks and parameters.

Go to Kunemon's Bed and bring some food. Talk to the Kunemon on the tree. He will say that he is hungry. Give him some food. Then, he will challenge you to a fight. Defeat him and he will join the city. He will open a shortcut to Digimon Bridge so you can get there easier.

In order to get Kunemon, you must have an in-training Digimon. Go to Kunemon's bed and let your in-training Digimon to sleep. When it wakes up, there is a 50% chance your in-traingin digimon will digivolve into Kunemon.

You can find Kunemon by Cole Shore. It is difficult to talk to him. Where the two trees are found, stand directly in the corner then press [X]. Kunemon will say "I am hungry". Feed him a mushroom (black type). He will then challenge you to a battle.

This is similar to recruiting Kabuterimon. Go to Beetle Land, and answer his question correctly. He will ask you how to beat Kabuterimon easily. If you answer that he can use fire attacks or something similar, he will join the city. He will also be at the Green Gym, and your stat gains will be slightly increased again.

Kuwagamon is difficult to obtain by training. You can also get him by using a digivolution item. You can get the Scissor Claw by getting second place in the Beetle Tournament.

Go to Gear Savanna and meet Leomon. He will not join the town by that time. Recruit 45 Digimon, including Birdramon, and go to Drill Tunnel Basement 3rd level. Go even deeper than that and you will find the Board of Ancient Leomon. You can find Nanimon next to it. Show him the board and will join the town.

Get Elecmon. When you get him, your Def, Off, Speed, and Brains must all be at 100; your MP must be at 1000, HP must be at 2500, and there can be no care mistakes.

Save the game when prompted after defeating Analog Man's Machinedramon. This should be either after or before you say good-bye to everyone in the Digiworld. Load the data in the "Battle Mode" (two player mode). When cycling through your possible Digimon to duel with a friend, Machinedramon will be unlocked. Note: He will not show up in the game when saving a Digimon at Jijimon's house. He will have the same three moves present as when you fought him. His stats will be identical to your Digimon's stats when you defeated him.

After defeating Machinedramon at Mt. Infinity, go to the Ice Castle. You will find that any type of Digimon can enter and the entire place is transformed into a grid like Mt. Infinity. Machinedramon will be there with a new move that increases his own strength up to 9999 for every thing. So in order to defeat him again, have your offense to 999 or you will only do 1 HP of damage.

Get a Digimon with maximum stats and battle Machinedramon at Mt.Infinity. When you defeat it, you will be able to unlock a Machinedramon with the same stats as the Digimon you used to defeat it in the two player mode! Note: You must be at the first time battling him and must have at least 50% rate.

You must have a Leomon, Ninjamon, Frigimon, or Whamon to get Mamemon. Get your Digimon's offense up to 400, defense up to 300, speed up to 300, and brains up to 400. It is also possible that your Digimon's happiness must be at the maximum.

Go to Mt. Panorama to where there are three Mudfrigimon. Enter and try to find Mamemon there. When you find Mamemon there are no more Mudfrigimon.

Go to Mt. Panorama where the three Mudfrigimon are located. Go there every so now and then and Mamemon will eventually appear. Note: Note he has 6,700 HP.

Get a Whamon (Penguinmon with 100 stats, HP and MP 3,000). Boost all of its stats to 400, Then, boost MP to 3,000 and HP to 5,000. Its weight must be under 5. It should Digivolve at age 11. This is difficult to do.

You have to get HP to 2000, MP to 1500, OFF to 245, DEF to 220, SPEED to 220, BRN to 230. Agumon also has to be well disciplined and super happy.

Fight Mashendramon again. You can see him again at Grey Lord's mansion after you defeat him at Mount Infinity. His HP will be about 9700. After you defeat him, talk to Jijjmon. He will say that he still thinks that the Analog Man was not defeated and will tell you how many people there are in your city.

You must have a Tyrannomon, Devimon, Airdramon, or Seadramon to get Megadramon. Get your Digimon's HP up to 3000, MP up to 5000, offense up to 500, defense up to 300, speed up to 400, and brains up to 400. Your Digimon needs to weigh close to 50. Your Digimon must also fight 30 or more battles. Your Digimon can digivolve to Megadramon after it is 11 and a half years old.

Get a digivice, HP and MP above 3000, fight many Digimon, have stats (brain, offensive...) above 250, care mistakes below 10, above 50 pounds, all in 16 days.

Get a Water Bottle and give it to a Rookie Digimon. After it digivolves to Seadramon, train at Waterfall all the time and it will digivolve into Megadramon. Note: It is better to have Kabuterimon and Kuwagamon at the Green Gym, as it will digivolve much quicker.

Get a Coelamon and turn it into a Sukamon. Go to Trash Mountain and talk to King Sukamon. Ask him to turn you back to your regular form. When he does, it should digivolve to Megaseadramon.

Get the Pink Egg, then get the in-training form to evolve to Betamon. Once you have Betamon, get Whamon. Get the Whamon's stats up to offense 400, defense 300, speed 200, brains 400, Then, get MP to around 4000 and HP around 5000.

MegaSeadramon's stats are HP 3000, MP 6000 , OFF 600 , DEF 600, SPD 300, Brains 600.

Leave an Augomon near a toilet in File City and it will digivolve to Meramon.

In order to easily digivolve into Meramon, get an Agumon. When it is time to digivolve, stand in front of a toilet. He should automatically digivolve into Meramon.

When you have Etemon, fight at least 25 champion Digimon a day with HP and MP over 5000, and others over 550. You must do this for three days. He is another secret Mega Digimon and will not appear on your Digivolution chart.

To get MetalEtemon, use the digivolving item Metal Banana on a Sukamon.

Get a Drimojymon and raise its offense to over 450, defense over 200, Speed over 200, and brains over 200. It needs to be very happy and well disciplined. Fight five to fifteen battles in Greymon's gym. When he is 10, he should digivolve.

Get a Trynomon and raise its stats over 300, MP and HP over 3000, then battle in Greymon's tournments D, C, and B. You must win all three. It will digivolve into MetalGreymon.

Get 99 Little Meats and any Digimon that evolves from a Gabumon or Agumon. Increase its HP and MP up to 2000, brains to 700, and all the others at 200. Only feed it Little Meats and make no care mistakes.bIf it is happy and has a lot of discipline, you will get MetalGreymon.

You must have a Monochromon, Ninjamon, Kabuterimon, or Frigimon. Get your Digimon's offense up to 500, defense up to 400, speed up to 400, and brains up to 400. Your Digimon must also have maximum happiness.

When you have Frigimon, max all the stats to get a medal for maxing Digimon parameters. Then, make no care mistakes and learn some attacks. Note: Do most of the attacks at the rookie stage. Also, win over 10 battles. After 6 days or more you have Frigimon, he will digivolve to MetalMamemon.

Get a normal Mamemon and take it to the place you fought Giromon at. Look in the other rooms until you find some Gurdramons around a panel. They leave after awhile. Talk to the panel and it will ask you if you want to update. Select "Yes" and Mamemon will digivolve into MetalMamemon.

Get a Kabuterimon, Frigemon, Ninjamon, Monocromemom, and boost all abilities.

Go to Factorial Town and he should be there. If he is not, go back again. He will be there. He may be hiding from you.

Go to Factorial Town at the second screen away from Whamon. You should see MetalMamemon in a corner. He does not appear if you do not have Andromon, Giromon, and Numemon. Andromon also has to be outside of Birdramon's Warp Shop when you go to get MetalMamemon. When you talk to him, his name will appear as "MetalGreymon", but it is him.

In order to recruit Monochromon you must work on his shop in the "Great Canyon Top" area. You must get the money up to 3,000 bits after you work on his shop. He will pay you 2,000 bits and go to the City.

In order to get Monochromon, Augumon has to have100-120 offense,100-120 defense,100-120 speed, 1400-1500 MP, 2000-3000 HP. After awhile, Augumon will digivolve to Monochromon.

To get Monocromon to come to your city work in his shop, when someone asks for Medicine, sell it for 1000 bits. Do this three times and you will have Monocromon.

When Numamon, go to Toy Land. Enter the big Digimon house to your left. To your right is Acostom of Monzaemon. Put it on and you will digivolve into Monzaemon. Also try this with a different Digimon.

When you talk to Shogungekomon he will tell you about a costume of Monzaemonin Toy Town. Go to Cherrymon next. Defeat him and he will also tell you about Monzemon. Go to Toy Town and go to the head of Tyranomon. Enter his mouth. It will say "Costume House". Have a Numemon and check out the costume in the chair. Your Digimon will digivolve into Monzaemon. You can do this whenever you are Numemon.

To get him, your partner needs to be a Monzaemon. Go right of Toy Town and you will see the robot house. Talk to one of the Tinmon and he will open the Toy Mansion. Go in the mansion and there you will see Digimons. Get through them and at the end you will see a Waru Monzaemon -- pick the small box and you will find him. He will fight you. When you defeat him, he will give you a gear. Take it to the Tinmon and the town will turn to normal. The Monzaemon doll will go to the City.

If you have trouble getting strong Digimon, do not save the Gear-Mon (Tinmons' friend). When you save it, Tinmon will give you the bear costume for the city, but you cannot use it to evolve.

When you first enter Grey Lords Mansion, you can only enter the far end door on the right. Go in there. There will be a lot of other doors. Take the path to where the green golem things are located. Go to the far end. You will fall through a hole. Then, go to the door on the right. You will see a coffin. Press [X] on it and you will enter/ You will see Myotiysmon lying on the ground. He will tell you to get meat. He will also give you a key. Go to the refrigerator and you will see the memo. You now have to go outside the mansion. You will see a steak. Pick it up and enter the mansion. If you forgot how to reach Myotyismon, go up the stairs and go to the door on the left (with the circular bar in front of it). You are now in the study again/ Go to the door on the left. Press [X] on the coffin and talk to him. He will then invite you to dinner. He will tell you how his men are not obeying him anymore, then he will tell you he will come to the city but he still has research to do.

To make Nanimon join the city, go to the Speedy Region where you fought Metiormon and Nanimon will be there. Talk to him, and he will run away, dropping a key chain. Chase him. He is now at Ogremon's Fortress, where you fought Ogremon. Talk to Nanimon, and he will leave. Go to Leomon's cave. He will be where you found the tablet. He will leave again. Go to Toy Mansion, where you fought WaruMonzeamon. Nanimon is there. Talk to him again. He will leave to go to his final hiding area, the sewer. Go a slightly north from Numemon's screen, and Nanimon will be there. He will run away again, dropping another key chain. Go to Jijimon, and he will say: "Nanimon came, then left. I wonder where he is?" Nanimon joined the city. To raise a Nanimon, scold an Agumon when both his Happiness and Discipline are empty.

Train a Palmon and get his offense and speed at 100, MP 1000, weight to 10, and make 1 or less care mistakes.

Get 35 Digimon prosperity rate and go to the Digimon bridge. Do not go on it. Instead go down to the part before the bridge.

Use Koga Laws on a Rookie. You get Koga Laws from Drimogimon's treasure hunt. It may be difficult to get.

Go to Great Canyon. Go to the junction which forks to east and west. Walk to the east, and Ogremon and two Agumon will appear. Note: This only happens when you ask for information from Uramon. Defeat them, then go back to the town. Talk to Uramon and he will tell you that Ogremon has a hideout. To go to the hideout, return to the junction and walk to westward twice. You and your partner can fall to the bottom of the valley (check the elevator and it starts to work). Find the Ogre Fort and enter to encounter several monsters. When you enter the room before the headquarters, you must fight with three Agumon. After that, go to the headquarters and defeat Ogremon again. He will escape through the secret elevator -- chase him. When you are on the path, Shellmon talks to you and says that he is trapped because the elevator rose. Go back into the Ogre Fort and pass through Freezeland. (You can check the OgreFort and find the secret room is unlocked. Inside is a Treasure Computer.) Talk to Shellmon and he will come to the town. Enter Freezeland, then walk in the following directions: north, north, northeast, east, southeast, and southwest. You should have encountered Whamon. Talk to Whamon and go to the secret cave. Then Ogremon will be there again with Waru-Seadramon. Train well, because Waru-Seadramon is strong. After you defeat him, he runs away again. By this time Whamon will take you back to the town, and joins the town. Go to the Drill Tunnel and you will find that it is overrun by Ogremon. Note: This happens when you finish the Drill Tunnel Quest. Defeat him again. Ogremon will give up and joins the city. He will rebuild Jijimon's house after recruiting 50 Digimon and patrol the town just like Bakemon.

Ogremon can be difficult to recruit. First, go to Great Canyon Bot. Area. You will see an Agumon. He will fight you. He is easy to defeat. Make sure you have a champion with at least 3,000 HP with normal stats (at least 200). He will go back in the fortress without letting you in. Go to the middle story of Great Canyon and walk around until you see Ogremon. He has over 3,000 HP and the powerful Magma Bomb attack. He has two Gabumon with low HP; do not worry about it that much. Make sure you have a lot of Recoveries. When you defeat him, he will run away. Go back to where you fought Agumon. He will not be there. Enter the fortress. Be careful, as there are a lot of Agumon and Gabumon roaming around. They will fight you. You do not need to fight; skip around them. Explore there, getting all the computer items. You will then see Ogremon again with two Agumon this time. Fight and defeat him. He has over 4,000 HP this time. He will then run away. Go up the elevator. It will say that the ground shook. Walk down the path until you see a Shellmon. He looks close to you, but he is actually higher than you are. Go down the elevator that led to Ogre Fortress and go all the way around until you see him again. Bring him to the city. Train your Digimon frequently, as the next battle will be very challenging. Try to make him Digivolve into Ultimate. This will make the next battle easier. Get at least 6,000 HP with at least 20 Lrg. Recoveries with stats at at least 200 to win the next match. Make sure you also have some MP Recoveries. Go to Freezeland, where you saw three Moyjamon. Go to the top left of the screen. Go in the next screen to the left. You will see a Big Wamon there. Talk to him and he will say that some mean people kicked him out of his home. He will ask you to help. Help him and go to his secret beach cave. Once there you will see Ogremon and two Gabumon. Talk to him and he will say, "I will win this time". One of the Gabumon runs away, and is replaced by a Megaseadramon. He has 7,200 HP with the Aurora Freeze attack. If you are low in defense, the Aurora Freeze attack can take up to 1,000 HP. Ogremon Has 4,700 HP and the other Gabumon has 1,200 HP. He dies quickly because Megaseadramon's Aurora Freeze is a wide attack. Ogremon causes a lot of damage to you also, but keep your attacks on Megaseadramon. He will eventually destroy Ogremon with his Aurora Freeze. Megaseadramon's Finish can take up to 2,000 HP if your defense is below 300. Be careful -- when you defeat him, you will ask him to come to the city. He will agreel Ogremon will leave in a submarine-like ship. Wamon will come to the city and transport you to places. Transport back to the cave to Get the Mystery Egg (digivolve to Eggmon). Keep that same Digimon you had. If your Digimon fades away, get a Champion to at least 4,000 HP with at least 10 HP Recoveries. Go to Drill Tunnel meet Ogremon again. This time he says "I will defeat you now". He has 5,700 HP with two Agumon at 1,200 HP each. Defeat him and he will agree to come to the city, and this time he is truthful. He patrols the city. Note: To digivolve to Ogremon, have a Gabumon and boost only HP.

Talk to Yuramon after you have been across the invisible bridge. She will tell you that bandits are in the Great Canyon. On a certain road, you will find them. Defeat them. It was Ogremon. Next, go on the ground that shakes. It should collapse with you on it. You will soon find a fortress with an Agumon. Your character will force his way in. Go to the last room and fight Ogremon again. He will take off. If you follow him, you can get another Digimon. Then, go to to Freezeland. When you walk on the ice you will find a Whamon. If you help him take his base back over, you will find Ogremon with a new companion, WaruSeadramon. Defeat him once again and he will run off. Go to Drill Tunnel. A market manager will appear, yelling. When you go in, Ogremon is there. Defeat him, and he finally joins you.

Go up to the Trash Mountain and go up the left side of it. You will enter Gecko Swamp. Go up one level you will see Otamamon. He will call you some names. Answer "That makes me mad" to trigger a battle.

In order to get Patamon, you must hatch his fresh and in-training form from the Orange Egg. To get Patamon to join your city, go to where you found Elecmon. Go to the right. You should see a Patamon hopping around. Talk to him and he will battle you. Afterwards, he will want to battle again. Then, he will want to fight once more. Afterwards he will be mad that he could not win then join the city and open the Item Shop at night.

Hatch Tsunomon and make his body weight 15 and have both his Brains and Defense as the highest stats.

To get Penguinmon, you must defeat him in a game of Digimon Tussle. Once you defeat him, he will join your city.

Get Airdramon, Birdramon, Kokatoriomon, Angemon, or Unimon. Get its HP to 2000, MP to 4000, offense to 450, defense to 100, speed to 100, and brains to 100. Get the weight to 20 lbs., one or less care mistakes, and no battles.

Raise an Angemon very well and it will become Phoenixmon.

Get an Elecmon and train it in Offense and Speed and lose one battle. It will digivolve to Kokatorimon. Then, get its stats to HP 3000, MP 3000, Off. 250+, Def. 200+, Spd 250+, Brn. 200+. Then, go to Ice Sanctuary and lose a battle. When you are transported back to Jijimon's house and he finishes talking, Kokatorimon will digivolve to Phoenoixmon.

Get a Birdramon and boost the normal abilities to 200, HP and MP to 2000, then boost strictly defense.

Phoenixmon's stats are HP 6000 , MP 6000 , OFF 300 , DEF 300 , SPD 600 , Brains 600.

When your city points are at 36, go to the tropical jungle at night. When you pass the Digimon Bridge, go down. Piximon is under the tree with the bananas. Note: If you defeat her, she is only going to sell you a Training Book for 50,000 bits.

When your city points are at 41, you can fight Piximon at noon.

You must have a Ninjamon at 3,000 MP and HP; 500 offense and brains; 400 defense and speed; and weight to 10 pounds. After becoming 11 years old, it should digivolve. Piximon's first attack is Insect Plague.

Get a Betamon and get its HP and MP up to 1000. It also should weigh close to 30.

Go to Dragon Eye Lake and use an Amazing Rod and any fish. Get the rod very far and try all dire

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