Digimon World: Digital Card Battle Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Digimon World: Digital Card Battle Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Easy HP Fever
At the start, pick Armadillomon as a companion. When you get the Digi-Egg of Knowledge and have the HP Boost+100 Digi-Part, heal Digmon for 200 HP. You will then get HP Fever (1110).

Digivolve to a Vegiemon and use a Small Recovery Floppy Card. Your HP will then go to 1110.

Get Veemon as a partner and get the Digi-Egg Of Courage. Then, get Flamedramon's [Circle] attack at 810. Use Agumon, and Flamedramon should do 1110 damage.

Easy experience
Fight with Betamon in the first city when he uses the pick up deck. If you win, you will earn more than 30 points.

Easy super bonus
This trick only works when you fight with Betamon, and he uses the pick up deck. First, obtain a partner card in your first hand. Use your partner, but do not Armor Digivolve. Never discard a card -- you have to use them all as support or DP (this is important, never lose your partner card, you need obtain a no loss win). Kill two of your enemies by only using the same attack (only [Circle], [Triangle] or [X] as you prefer). When you fight with the last opponent, keep using the same attack, but when you are sure of your victory in that turn, use a gamble or nothing card. If you followed those steps, you can easily obtain: 30 points of your enemies, No Digivolve Win, No Loss Win, Last Gamble Win, Ultimate Level Win (because Betamon only use level U cards, he does not have R or C cards, so he is easy), No Discard, Partner Win, all ? Attack win, and your super bonus of 10 points. This is more than 50 points.

Easy Ultimates
Get to Dark City and defeat all four stages of Wormon. You will get a pack and an Ultimate.

Fuse Phoenixmon and Veedmon.

fuse a Digitamamamon with Infermon.

Get to the last city, Wiseman Tower. Go to the Fusion shop, where you can Fuse anything. To get ImperialDramon, you must fuse Paildramon and Omnimon II.

Go to the fusion shop. Fuse Piedmon and MagnaAngemon.

Fuse Andromon with either Digitamamon or Jijimon.

Fuse MetalSeadramon or Omnimon II with Golden Banana, Devil's Chip, Whistle, Giga Hand, Metallic Banana, or Shining Mane.

Fuse ExVeemon and Stingmon or Shakkoumon and WaruMonzaemon.

Fuse Gigadramon with Golden Banana, Devil's Chip, Whistle, Giga Hand, Metallic Banana, or Shining Mane.

Fuse Andromon with Etemon to get Metal Etemon. Then, fuse Metal Etemon with Angewomen to get Piedmon.

Go to the fusion shop. Fuse WaruMonzaemon with the Mega Attack Chip.

Fuse Myotismon with Lillymon.

Only fuse a MagnaAngemon with Jijimon.

Fuse Silpymon with Garudamon.

Select Veemon as a partner if you are a beginner. He has three Digi-Eggs, compared to Hawkmon's and Armadillomon's two Eggs.

Fuse Shakkoumon with Zudomon.

Fuse Shakkoumon and WaruMonzaemon.

Fuse Imperialdramon or Paildramon with Golden Banana, Devil's Chip, Whistle, Giga Hand, Metallic Banana, or Shining Mane.

Fuse together Lillymon with either GranKuwagamon or Diaboromon.

Wizardmon's wand spells
Successfully complete the game, then go back to Sky City, where you fought Wizardmon. He will tell you he has a magic wand. Say the spell, and he will give you a Card.

Omnimon (fire type)OMNIMON-1
Omnimon (water type)OMNIMON-2
Defeating "A" (Analogmon)
At one point in the game, you are going to have to fight a card duelist named "A", or in other cases, Analogmon. At the beginning of the battle, Analogmon will use some sort of special code and will send all your partner cards to the bottom of the deck. This is one of the toughest battlers in the entire game. In order to win, you have to follow the following strategy. At the start of the battle, Analogmon will send out Demidevimon. He will then use this "Download Digivolve" option card which will make him digivolve to Ultimate immediately. When he does this, he becomes Apokarimon, the strongest card ever, with an attack power of 990 and HP of nearly 3000. There is only one easy way to defeat him. Make sure you have Veemon with his Digi-egg of Courage ready. Note: To get Veemon at the beginning of the battle, purposely send all of your cards offline until you get all of your partner cards in your hand. Select Veemon and Armor-Digivolve to Flamedramon. When you have the choice of attack, select [X], so you do a counter attack. When you counter Apokarimon's [Circle] attack, he receives a damage of 990. Keep repeating this technique to defeat his first Digimon. Note: He has only one Apokarimon. Apokarimon will always use the [Circle] attack until it is a successful attack.

Have Hacking card in your deck. Look for it and use it as a support card with a Rookie and your HP will switch with Apokarimon or use a "Data Copy Card".

Get a Digimon whose [X] attack is O To Zero card and a Partner Finder. Use the Digimon with O To Zero and keep using [X]. When you get Partner Finder, use it. Do not use a Digimon with O counter because he will use the [Triangle] attack and use Grand Sevens (multiply own attack power by own health x 100).

This is the last and the strongest Boss. He cheats by using download digivolve to digivolve into Apokarimon, the strongest card.

"A" (Analogman) is a cheap hacker. Being only half-way through the game, you should go through Wiseman Tower many times before taking on the Infinity Tower. Upon being able to fight "A" in the Battle Arena, make sure you have a good deck. It is rumored that "A"'s Aporkarimon will continually use Circle until it is successful. If that does not work, build a Red deck with many options and is offensive using the auto-deck function. Make sure your deck has four Solarmons, at least two Hackings and two Data-Copies. About three Bombernanimons, a couple of Candlemon and Biyomon may also be useful. Use more options such as Data-Copy and Hacking. Options like Suka's Curse, Heap of Junk and Digimon Grave are also very useful when it comes to destroying "A"'s deck before he uses the cards. You should not have many healing or power up cards, as they can be substituted for Hackings, Data-Copies and discard cards. To destroy the Apokarimon, send all bad hands to the discard heap until you get one of four Solarmon and get either a Datacopy or Hacking. Then, crash all over Aporkarimon. With Venomyotismon, try to use a discard card rather than a Data-Copy or Hacking as your Solarmon will die anyway. If you refrain from gambling and play with common sence, "A"'s 7s cards will be in the discard piles doing nothing. At the end of "A"'s deck, he will use his 7s Reverse card, which sends ten cards back to the online deck. However this poses no threat as he should be on his last Digimon, who will most likely be a battered Guardromon. Finish it off quickly. During the battle, if you do not have a Solarmon, send out a Bombernanimon that is weakened by half and still use it to crash. Do not be afraid to make "A" discard cards from his hand and online deck. This will get rid of the 7s and his second Apokarimon.

Before you go to Infinity Tower, talk to WereGarurumon. He will give you a Hacking card. Go to the Fusion Shop and fuse some cards. Go to Infinity Tower and win at the Battle Arena. There, A will tell you to upgrade your deck. Go to Battle Cafe. The Arena will be open again. Put cards with high attack but low defense (at least one Hacking card). Battle A and beware of his first Digimon. It is Apokarimon. If you are lucky, you will have a Hacking card. if defeated it already, his next Digimon might be VenomMyostimon. Hacking will also be needed. After that, his next Digimon might be a Guardromon. This one is easy. Also, beware of his Option cards, as they are helpful for him and bad for you. Jam it quickly. O counters will also be very helpful.

Defeating an Apakarimon card
Get a card with Crash ability and a Data Copy card. Use the Crash ability for the Attack and Data Copy for a Support card. Your attack should match the enemies HP.

Digivolve directly to ultimate quickly
You need a special Digivolve... Rack up 20 DP or more if necessary. If you want to digivolve in an ultimate of the same color, it takes less. Then, put a champion directly in play at half power. It does not matter since it will not stay long. Use your special digivolve and evolve into any ultimate. Even if your champion was only half power, your ultimate is at full capacity. This trick will not work with speed digivolve or any other digivolve card except download digivolve.

Ice Digimon damage with X attack
Note: This is useful when fighting against a Fire Digimon. Have an Ice Rookie Digimon on the field, then Digivolve to an Armor, Champion, or Ultimate Ice Digimon whose [X] attack has the "X3 fire". Use the [X] attack and use Ikkacomon as a support card. For example, if Tylomon's attack is 260, by using the [X] attack it will be multiplied by three (780), and with Ikkacomon's Support effect to multiply by three, gives an attack of 2370.

Water special Digimon
If you are specializing in Water special Digimon, and only collect cards of water, then use the following trick. When you fuse two Cards, it will always come out as a Water Type. To get a Water Type Card, you must fuse a Fire type and ? type.

Easy way to Digivolve into U (Ultimate and Mega)
You must have the Warp Digivolve Card, and have at Least 40 Digivolve Points. As a Rookie, you must have the same type Rookie as the U you are going to Digivolve into. After you have 40 DP, look at the Warp Digivolve card, and it will read "OK!". Use this, and if you have a U level on the board, you can warp Digivolve into U easily.

Download Digivolve
Digivolve without DP, and also digivolve into any level including R~R.

Go to Beginner's City after defeating Analogmon, and Rosemon will be there. Defeat her somewhere between ten to fifteen times and she will give you the Download Digivolve. This is the best digivolve option card in the game.

Ultra power
Use any card with a X attack of element x3 against the type specified in the effect. Use the X attack, and as a support card, use any attack power-ups.

Ultimate win
Defeat an Ultimate level Digimon with an Rookie level Digimon. Alternately, digivolve to Ultimate level and win a fight. Note: If you defeat an Ultimate level with an Rookie level, consider that Digimon good luck -- defeating a Ultimate level Digimon seems to make your Digimon stronger.

Partner win
Win a battle with your Digimon partner.

Comeback win
Start with a Rookie, a Champion, and an Ultimate of the same specialty. Intentionally allow the two other rookies to die, then digivolve into Ultimate and defeat the rest of his Digimon.

A's deck
When you first battle A, he will hack into your deck and send your partners to the bottom. Then, he will draw a Demidevimon, a Download Digivolve, an Apokarimon, and a Sevens card. He will send out his Demidevimon and Download Digivolve to Apokarimon. His first support card will most likely be his last card in his hand. He has about two or three Download Digivolves, a Demidevimon card, a Gaurdromon card, two Apokarimon cards, one or two Venomyotismon cards, and about three of each Sevens card. He will use circle about six times then start using triangle.

Finding Ken
You can see Ken in two places. The first is Dark City. He is the emperor, and he will fight you. The second is at Steep Road. He is good and will apologize to you.

Digmon card
To get the Digmon card, choose Armadillomon as a partner card at the beginning of the game. When you get to Flame City, successfully defeat Veemon, and go to the Battle Cafe. Talk to Davis and he will give you the Digmon card. Use good Digi parts on him, and he will be invincible.

Strongest card
The strongest card is Omegamon. The back of Omegamon have two large cannon.

The strongest card is Apokarimon, with an attack power of 990 and HP of almost 3000.

Most powerful card
The most powerful card is Level Mega.

255 Agumon cards for fusion
To unlock the never-ending Agumon cards that appear only in fusion, get 6 Flarizamon cards and 6 Darkizamon cards. After that, defeat Veemon in Flame City in the arena. Then, save your game. Next, go to the fusion shop. Check the Agumon. You should have 255 Agumon cards. Note: When this was done with Veemon as a partner.

Easy Warp Digivolve card
Go to the Fusion Shop and fuse the Suka's Curse card with the Mega Defense Disk Triangle card. The new card will be the Warp Digivolve card.

Easy and early Option cards
When you win the second city and Card Fusion becomes available choose two cards of the same type to fuse. They will become an option card.

Easy Partner Finder card
Fuse Solarmon and Candlemon.

Sevens cards
To get Sevens cards you must battle the following.
Grand Sevens: Nanimon
Dark Sevens: Piedmon
Holy Sevens: Seraphimon
Wild Sevens: Imperialdramon
Mystic Sevens: Kari
Speed Sevens: Piximon
Most of them need to be defeated six to eight times.

The Return Sevens can be obtained from BKGarurumon in Igloo City. Return Sevens takes the top ten cards from your offline pile and puts them in your deck.

The Sevens cards effects are as follows.
Return Sevens: Takes top ten cards in offline pile and puts them in online pile
Speed Sevens: Makes you eat up HP, attack first, and boost attack by 200
Mystic Sevens: Voids opponent's support and makes his attack 0
Wild Sevens: Triples your attack power
Holy Sevens: Recovers 1000 HP
Dark Sevens: If opponent's HP is less than own, make his HP 10
Grand Sevens: Boost own attack power by number of HP
Powerful Water Deck
Water is probably the best deck to have. The Digimon have high HP, the DP is not too high, and the attack is not too low. Put about twenty Digimon (suggested 5 U, 5 C, 7 R, 3 RP) in the deck. Fill up the last ten cards with recovery items (Having Speed Digivolve and Warp Digivolve is also recommended). By keeping the water's HP high, your opponent will have a hard time KOing them.

Most powerful cards
Fire: Imperdramon
Ice: Vikemon
Nature: Valkyrimon
Dark: Apakromon
Rare: Puppetmon
Better cards
Win a certain arena repeatedly to get better cards each time.

Double your cards
This trick requires two memory cards. Copy your game to the second memory card, then give all of your cards from the copied file to the original file. Note: This does not work with the 7's cards, Download Digivolve, and Rosemon's Lure.

Powerful deck
Use the following trick to get a deck so powerful that it is possible to start with a level U Digimon at full power in every match. First, defeat A (Analogmon). He is in the third area, Infinite Tower. Then, defeat Rosemon about eleven times to get Download Digivlove (first area, Beginner City). ) ut your partner cards in your deck (for experience) and get as many level U Digimon as you can. Try doing the Wiseman Tower arena several times as well as Wizardmon's wand thing. Put the strongest level U Digimon in your deck (no level C or R, except for partners). Then, put the Download Digivolve in your deck. You can put more option cards if desired, but only two or three are recommended. Note: You should have about 24 level U Digimon in your deck strategy. Keep drawing cards until you either get a partner with a Digi Egg or the Download Digivolve P with Digi Eegg. Armor Digivolve and start winning some rounds. If you get low on HP, keep drawing until you get Download Digivolve and Digivolve to level U. Digivolve directly to level U and pretend you are "A".

First, get a lot of ultimate level cards. Then, make a deck with about twenty Ultimates (no Champion or Rookies). Use the last ten spaces for options and Mutant Digivolves (Download Digivolve is optional). Put about four Mutant digivolves and use recovery items. This is a good deck because you can Mutant Digivolve between Utimates. Note: Do not use too many Dark Ultimates, since most of them do not give DP (such as Apokarimon and Diaboromon). The best thing to do is get DP digiparts for your partners and increase the amount of DP they give (for example, if one of your partners gives 30 DP, if you use the 30+ DP part it will give 60 points). There are only three digiparts that increase DP (10, 20, 30 points).

Damage Fever bonus
Get into an extended battle. If the battle is long enough and the hit points are high enough you will get a Damage Fever bonus.

Digi Egg of Courage
Defeat Beginner City and move to Flame City. From there, defeat the Battle arena. Return to the Battle Cafe and talk to Davis. He will reward you with the Digi Egg Of courage and explain the art of Armor Digivolving.

Digi Egg of Miracles
Get 300+ wins then go to Beginner City and defeat BlackWarGreymon. Then, talk to him then he will give you the Digi Egg of Miracles.

Rosemon's Lure
Defeat Rosemon in Beginner's City. You will have to defeat eat her between one and ten times.

Special Fusion
Special Fusion is just like DNA Digivolve. When you combine them, your Digimon will be shown in 3D.
WaruMonzaemon + Monzaemon = Puppetmon
Hereleskabuterimon + Megadramon = Grankuwagamon
Stingmon + Exveemon = Paildramon
Aquilamon + R. Gatomon = Sylpymon
WereGururmon + RealMetalGreymon = Omnimon II
MetalGururmon + WarGreymon = Omnimon I
Angemon + Ankylomon = Shakkoumon
Omnimon + Paildramon = Imperialdramon
MagnaAngemon + Angewoman = Magnadramon
MegaSeadramon + WaruSeadramon = MetalSeadramon
LadyDevimon + Myotismon = VenomMyotismon
Herculeskabuterimon + Brachiomon = Digitamamon
Paildramon + Silphymon or Silphymon + Shakkoumon = Infermon
Vademon + MarineAngemon = SuperStarmon
RealMetalgreymon + MetalEtemon = WereGarurumon
Etemon + Andromon = Metaletemon
Bonus cards (Japanese version)
Use a memory card with a saved game from Digimon World (Japanese version) to start with the VeeDramon and TrueMetalGreymon cards.

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