Dino Crisis Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Dino Crisis Cheats
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Dec. 30, 2006
Dec. 30, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Alternate costumes
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Army and Battle costumes for Regina. Successfully complete the game a second time to unlock the Ancient (caveman) costume.

Grenade gun with unlimited ammunition
Successfully complete the game three times and unlock all three endings. Regina can start a game with the grenade gun with unlimited ammunition.

Operation: Wipe Out mode
Successfully complete the game with a time under 5:00:00.
Design Disc code
When at the part of the game where a sound is heard after pushing the shelf, enter "367204" as a code.

DDK codes
The "N" DDK code is "NEWCOMER".The "L" DDK code is "LABORATORY". The "H" DDK code is "HEAD". The "D" DDK code is "DoctorKirk". The "S" DDK code is "Stabilizer".

Since the dinos can not pass through a shutter, use them to your advantage. Close each shutter after you pass them. This way, if a dino appears in that particular area, you can not be attacked (unless, of course, you are on the same side as the dino).

Save ammo
There are some areas that you will only pass through once or twice in the entire game. Killing the dinos in these areas is pointless; more importantly, it is a waste of ammo. Use the weakest tranquilizer dart on it/them, and move on. This way, the bullets/shells/slugs/grenades are available when you need them. Once you get unlimited grenades (by completing the game three times under the normal difficulty setting), you can kill those dinos, without wasting ammo.

Puzzle preview
When at a puzzle, before changing it, around push the button. Nothing will happen, but if you watch the colored lights they will turn on in the order needed to solve the puzzle.

View Ending 3 without agreeing with Rick
It is possible to get Ending 3 after agreeing with Gail. When the game prompts you to agree with Rick or Gail at the end of the game, choose Gail's decision to go after Dr Kirk. After the intermission sequence, go out the main door of the room. Go across the room to the double doors that lead to the Central Stairway. Once in the Central Stairway, if you have the infinite grenade gun, kill the two dinos in the room. If you are low on ammo and do not have the infinite grenade gun, try to run around them and not get hit. Go all the way to the end of the hallway to the Security Level A door. Go through that door, which leads to the Port Transport Passageway. Get on the slider and go across to the other side. When you get there, get off of the slider and go through the large sliding door to the Heliport Transport Passageway. Get onto the new slider and go across to the other side of this area. When you arrive, you should see a large door in the middle of the wall in front of you and a small Security Level A door to the right of it. That door leads to the Underground Heliport. Enter the Underground Heliport through the Security Level A door as the Large one will not open. Walk forward until you see a sequence that shows the helicopter. When you regain control of Regina, exit the Underground Heliport. Go back across the slider closest to the Underground Heliport. When you arrive back at the other side, do not go through the large sliding door to your right. Go through the large door in front of you. The room you enter is the Transport Passageway, not the Port Transport Passageway. Be careful, as a dino will attack you. Kill the dino, then walk forward until you reach the Security Level A door that is on the right of the screen. Enter through that door, which leads to the Special Weapons Storage. You will find Gail and Dr.Kirk. The intermission sequence will take you back to the Underground Heliport. When it completes, go back out the door to the Heliport Transport Passageway. After that intermission sequence, kill the T-Rex. When he is defeated, Ending 3 will play and you have successfully viewed it without agreeing with Rick.

Defeating the T-Rex
To easily kill the T-Rex without the rocket launcher, during the final fight take out your shotgun. Arm the custom parts to it. Once done, blast away at his head. He should be defeated in about five to ten shots.

Ending 4
When you have to decide between Gail's way or Rick's way for the final time, choose Rick's way. Then, use the scanner to find dr. Kirk. Go after him. This leads to the fourth and final ending. Everyone will still be alive except Cooper and you do not have the third energy data disc.

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