Evil Dead: Hail to the King Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Evil Dead: Hail to the King Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Keep unlimited fuel
If you do not get your chainsaw upgrade, you will still have unlimited fuel even in Disc 2.

Keep attacking with chainsaw
You can still use the chainsaw to attack after it is out of fuel. Repeatedly press [L2] + [X] to turn the chainsaw one and off. While doing this, press [X] to attack. The chainsaw will remain in your opponents body after several times. When this happens, press [X] again to kill it.

Mines: Using the shovel
To use the shovel, go to your inventory when you reach the cave in the mines and press [X].

Fortress: More health
If you need more health in the fortress in Disc 2, just keep shooting or use the ax on the creatures running down the hall. They will usually just drop a little health.

Ash comments
Load the game and allow the opening sequence to complete. Leave the game at the "Push Start" screen and Ash will eventually start to make comments.

More mushrooms
When mushrooms appear, collect them, leave the screen, then return to collect them again. Repeat this until they no longer appear.

Finding mushrooms
When you are mixing mushrooms in your inventory, you will hear a sound. When you are wandering around the same sound will indicated that a mushroom has appeared. You can also wait for the sound to play again to get another mushroom. Note: Listen for that sound when fighting the last Boss.

Defeating the last Boss
Use the following trick to avoid attacks and make your health kits last a little longer when fighting the last Boss. Walk up as close to the posts as possible after hitting them, run a very, very tiny bit to the center of the ring towards the demon, then run back out. The demon will try to bite at you instead of blowing gas at you. Most times, he will bite and miss. Be careful, because after you do this a few times, he will move slightly towards the corner and be able to bite you right through the center of the post -- keep your distance while hitting that post.

Large med-kit
When fighting a Deadite or Hellbilly, turn on your chain saw and slash at them. After a few hits Ash should jam the chainsaw into them and keep it there. Then, use the ax and hit the Deadite while your chain saw is still in them. When they die, they will usually leave behind a Large med-kit. You can also use the other weapons instead of the ax, but it just wastes ammunition.

Wolverine Troop leader's identity
After getting the note from the boys parents inside one of the tents in the Wolverine Troop's campground (the large one), you will see that the leader whom you fight later is named Mr. Nugent. After fighting the troop leader and reach Father Allard with all five Necronomicon pages, you will need to place something in the offering plate of a person named "Ted". Once you get the offering, you will see it says that it belonged to the troop leader. You now know that the leader is named after rock star Ted Nugent.

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