Final Fantasy Chronicles Cheats - PlayStation

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In-game reset
Hold [L1] + [L2] + "R1+ R2" + [Start] + [Select] during game play to return to the main menu.

Secret Developer's Room ("Final Fantasy 4)
"The "Secret Developer's Room" is hidden in the Dwarf Castle in the Underworld. Between the weapon and armor shop is an odd section of wall that is actually a doorway to the "Rally-Ho" pub. On the right side of the pub is a fake wall. Walk through this wall and you will reach a staircase which leads to the Secret Programmer's Room.
"Select "Item" and press [X] on an empty slot during a battle. Move up until the equipment in that characters left and right hands appears. Press [X] on the weapon to be duplicated. Press [Circle] and complete the battle or retreat. After the battle, equip that character with their weapon in the same hand it was in. The weapon should have a "2" next to it. Un-equip, then re-equip the weapon. You should now have one copy of the weapon equipped and another one in inventory.

A similar trick can also be used with Cid, Bersk Cid, or any character that can use a bow and arrows. Equip the bow and arrows. Make sure the wizard that is casting Bersk takes his or her turn immediately before the player with the bow and arrows. Time it so that the Bersk spell can be selected; and while waiting for the wizard to cast the spell, have the character with the bow and arrows select the "Item" sub-menu, and Un-equip the Arrows. Do not exit the items list. While in the items list, the wizard should be casting the Bersk spell. The character and the Arrows will get Bersked. The items list will disappear and the battle will continue. Fight or run away to end the battle. Then, enter the equip menu to find a number in the character's hand where the arrows were previously held. Un-equip the bow. Equip the weapon or shield to be multiplied in the hand containing the number. Keep equipping and un-equipping until a black box appears next to the weapon in the items list. That character now has 255 of that item to throw, equip, or sell.

Equip Cecil with a bow and some arrows. Place the arrows in his good hand. Start a battle, and un-equip the arrows by selecting the arrows in his hand, then place them in a blank spot on the items list. Select the Avenger Sword, and equip it in the hand where the bow is located. Use Cecil to kill all the enemies. When the battle ends, enter the equip menu to find the Avenger Sword in Cecil's bad hand, and a number in Cecil's good hand. There will be nothing next to the number, as an invisible weapon is equipped. Un-equip the Avenger Sword, and equip the weapon or shield to be multiplied in Cecil's good hand (that currently has the number). After it is equipped it, a black spot next to a number will appear. Un-equip that object to create 255 of the weapon or shield that was placed in Cecil's hand.

Skip Sealed Cave event ("Final Fantasy 4)
"When you go to the Underworld and go to the Dwarf Kingdom, after you have to fight the dolls in the secret crystal chamber, Rydia returns and helps you fight. After you are done and back in the main chamber, use her warp spell to get back to the crystal room. The crystal will still be there. Approach and examine the crystal to take it. Later when you have to go to the Sealed Cave, if you have the Crystal, you will not have to enter it. You can skip that event and the game will automatically go to the sequence that normally happens as you are coming out.

Defeating Asura ("Final Fantasy 4)
"Cast Wall on Asura, and she will not be able to use her cure spells on herself, and they will be cast on your characters. Make sure your party is at least level 35 or higher. Attack her with Rydia's best spells and use your best sword with Cecil. Use the Fire Saber because it damages her the most. Note: The Fire Saber is obtained from the Tower of Bable immediately after getting the Earth Crystal. The spell you want to use with Rydia is Virus. It does at least 700 if your characters are up to level. Also, if you have Kain, make him jump because he usually has the most HP -- he does not have to be cured from the reflected cure spells from Ausara. Note: The less people in your group when they get cured, the more HP that they will get back. In other words, Kain needs to be in the air at all times.

Defeating Dark Elf
Use the following trick to defeat Dark Elf in two attacks on his second form. Have your characters at level 27 to 30. Keep attacking him and curing your characters until he changes to his second form. On his second form, cast Wind/Tornado once with Tellah and have another character hit him once. He will fall quickly and not get the chance to do d. Breath.

Defeating Golbez ("Final Fantasy 4)
"When fighting Golbez in the underworld after defeating Calbrena, make sure Kain is up in the air before Golbez summons his dragon. If you do not, he will kill all of your characters before Rydia appears. You should have Cecil, Rydia, and if your lucky and your timing is correct, Kain. Note: Kain will really help in this battle; make him jump, have Cecil use his sword, and Rydia use Virus.

Defeating Milon Z. ("Final Fantasy 4)
"To kill Milon Z. easily, cast some Cure 4 spells on him, or give him some Elixirs.

Defeating the 4 Fiends ("Final Fantasy 4)
"To defeat the 4 Fiends easily, use their weaknesses. For Milion, keep using Fire spells and attack. When he dies, he will return as Milion Z. Use Fire, Cure, and attacks to defeat him easily. For Cagnazzo, use about two Bolt 3s and he should die, depending on your level. For Valvalis, have Kain jump and make her come out of her tornado form. Keep attacking her from there. For Rubicant, use Ice 3 only when his cape is open or else it will cure him. Have Edge throw swords, have Kain jump, and the rest attack. Note this strategy also works when you have to fight the 4 Fiends again when in the Giant, only Rubicant never closes his cape.

Fighting Pink Puffs ("Final Fantasy 4)
"Pink Puffs are in the bottom fight room in B4, on the moon. There is only one square where you fight Pink Puffs. It is located in the very top right square. Do this to increase you chance of fighting a group of Pink Puffs.

Easy experience ("Final Fantasy 4)
"Once you are able to venture through the Underworld with the Red Wings Airship, you can visit the Land of Summons. Try going there no earlier then level 30, because the monsters hit far too hard. Reach the town at the bottom of the cave. Save the game once in the town, buy potions and armor, and use a Cabin/Tent. Go back to the cave, where the gray teleporter is located. Circle it for awhile. Sooner or later you will encounter a Conjurer. There are several different ones. Each calls a different monster into battle (Imps, Arachnes, and Clappers), but the one you should look for is HugeNaga. Do not kill the Conjurer. Instead, target the HugeNaga. This should take two attacks from Kain, Cecil, or Edge, or one cast of Bio from Rydia. After each Naga is killed, the Conjurer will call another. Just keep killing the HugeNagas repeatedly, while having Rosa use Cure 3 each turn. This trick can result in up to 35,000 experience and 9 level ups in a single fight.

When you get Edge, he is only at level 25. To level him up easily, go to the stairs at the Tower of Babil as soon as you find Edge, but do not enter. If you do, you will not be able to return and save. Walk around until you find a group consisting of a Sorcerer and two BladeMen. Quickly defeat the BladeMen, as they are capable of casting Bio. Do not touch the Sorcerer. He will call in a Green D. or a MadOgre. Kill off what he calls in, and he will call another one. Keep repeating the process and you should get an average of 6,000 experience and 2,000 gil for each fight. If you get hurt, return to the save point.

Go to the moon as if you were going go fight the last Boss. Go to the third floor and fight some monsters. You should get at least 20,000 experience in each fight. A very special monster is the Pink Fluff. It only appears in one location -- on the third floor in the top right spot. Defeat it for 100,000 experience per battle.

Good weapons ("Final Fantasy 4)
"After you get the airship, go south of Baron Castle. You will see a small island. Go left and you will see a castle and a big crater with a tower. Go inside the castle and there will be two paths. First go to the left and right. When you walk inside the door, there will be some treasure chests. Go back to the door, but do not go through it. Go as far as you can to the door without going through it, then go left and follow the path. Open the treasure chest and fight the monsters. You will get the Slumber Sword, which is a good for Cecil at this point. Get the other chest and go through the right side path at the entrance. After that, go up the stairs until ypu get to the top. Go to the top of the room and turn right. There should be a hidden path. Follow it and fight the monsters to get the Blood or Drain Spear for Kain.

Secret passage ("Final Fantasy 4)
"When Tellah joins you, in the same room there is a big waterfall next to Tellah. Go in there to find many good things.

Cast Sylph for free ("Final Fantasy 4)
"Keep your group in this formation: from the top, Kain, Rydia, Cecil, Rosa, Edge. Place Rydia's summons in the order of MP use, lowest to highest. She will be able to cast Sylph for free in any regular battle (i.e. not a back attack).

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