NFL GameDay 2000 Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation
Check out these NFL GameDay 2000 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Enter the Easter Egg menu and enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding feature:

989 Studios players989SPORTS
All players have equal abilitiesEVEN_TEAMS
Better running backBETTIS
Cycle through cheerleaders after gameSLIDE_SHOW
Harder tacklesBIG_HITS
Hidden difficulty levelGD_CHALLENGE
Higher and longer puntsHANGTIME
Increased injuriesHAMSTRUNG
Juiced speedCOFFEE_BREAK
Juiced swim moveSWIMMERS
Large playersGOLIATH
Larger footballBIG_BALLS
Longer field goalsSTEEL_LEG
No pass interferenceBLINDERS
No penalties for home team HOME_COOKING
Players do not fatigueSTAMINA
Players have president namesPRESIDENTS
Receivers catch betterGLOVES
Running back is juicedDAVIS
Strings on players' headsPUPPETS
Super speed burstsJUICE
Super stiff armPISTON
Tall and thin playersPENCILS
Tiny playersFLEA_CIRCUS
Very slow CPU playersSLOW_CPU
View creditsCREDITS

Extra teams
Press [Circle] at the team selection team for to access the All-Star teams. Press [Circle]x2 to access the Super Bowl teams.

Place the game disc in an audio CD player and play track two to hear music from the game.
Always kick-off at full strength
Simply press [X], then aim your kick. Do not press [X] to stop the strength meter to automatically kick at full strength. Note: Do not aim the kick-off all of the way to the left or right. You will perform an illegal procedure and the receiving team will get the ball at their 40 yard line.

Quick touchdown
Go to punt, press "Square," then hold [Triangle] and press [X]. If done correctly, your receivers will be wide open.

No huddle
Press [L2] + [Select] after the whistle to move directly from one play to the next without making another play selection.

Super player and trades
Create a FB and give him everything the best in all stats except for "Arms". This should result in about a 103 in stats. Place him on your team and you can trade away for anyone. Then, delete him from the team you traded him to. You keep the player and the other team loses the FB. Note: The salary cap option must be off. Repeat this to create a team of overall 90s players.

Better QB
When in the draft in franchise mode, look at the scouting report for any 68 rated QBs. If "Cannon Arm" appears anywhere on the scouting report, draft the QB. Note: This does not happen every draft -- only once every few years.

Easy touchdowns
Select the Minnesota Vikings as a team and begin game play. When on offense select "Custom", then "Screen Right". Hike the ball then press [Circle] or [Square] to pass long to the right or left.

Blocking punts
Always use "Protect" after selecting "Special Teams" as defense. This should block punts over half of the time.

Amazing hand off play
Go to the play editor and edit any running play. Make all the linemen block up, the quarterback hand off right, the fullback sweep left, the runningback reverse, and the receiver on the left crack right. The rest of the settings should not make a difference. What happens is (if you do not control the player yet) the runningback should get the ball, and somehow hand it off to the receiver on the left, 10 yards up the field. This will not work if you are controlling the runningback; let the CPU do it.

Start a fight
To start a fight when your opponent is kicking a field goal, wait until they hike the ball. Then, run in and tackle the kicker and the ball holder. A fight will break out. Press [L1], [L2], [R1], and [R2] to punch and kick. The game must be reset to stop the fight. Note: This trick may take practice.

Glitch: Game freeze
Enter a two player game with both players on the same team. Play until the CPU scores a touchdown and goes for the extra point (1-point field goal). Before the snap, have both players move offsides so one player is facing the player that gets the ball and holds it and the other one who kicks it (kicker and holder). When hear "Hike!", have both players run up and tackle them. This will freeze the game but will still let your players run around the field and tackle people.

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