Pizza Hut Powered Demo Disc Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation
Check out these Pizza Hut Powered Demo Disc cheats and stay cool!
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"Press [Square], [Circle], [Square], [Circle], [Square] at the main menu.

Metal Gear Solid: Find a Nikita Launcher
On the level that the rescue the Darpa Chief is rescued, ride the elevator up. After reaching the helicopter pad, get all weapons, full life, and all the rations. After everything is full, go through the air vent to the room with the two army tanks. Once again, get all weapons, full life, and all rations in this room. Return through the air vent to the helicopter pad. Enter the truck where the Socom was found the first time to find the Nikita Launcher.

Tomb Raider 3: Cheat mode
Hold [R2] and press [L1] + [X] + [Square] during game play. Lara will be invincible and may move freely throughout the level.

Tomb Raider 3: Fly around
Enable the "Tomb Raider 3: Cheat mode" code. Fly around hitting switches and going through doors until you get to the man with the laser gun. Fly to the right hand side to the rocks. Land on the very top of the highest rock. Press [R1] and enable the "Cheat mode" code again. Start flying upwards. If this does not work, try it a few more times. You will eventually get up in the sky, flying around in your own little world.

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