Skullmonkeys Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation
Check out these Skullmonkeys cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Level skip
Pause game play and press [Triangle], [L1]x2, [Square], [Right], [Circle], [Triangle], [Down].

Extra halo
Pause game play and press [R2], [Circle]x2, [Down], [Left], [Circle], [Right], [Down].

Pause game play and press [Down], [Circle], [Up], [R2], [Left], [Triangle], [Select]x2.

Maximum lives
Pause game play and press [L1], [Triangle], [Down], [Left], [Circle], [Select], [Square], [Right].

Full Super Willies
Pause game play and press [R1], [Left], [Square], [Triangle], [L1], [Triangle], [R2], [Select].

Frozen Klaymen
Pause game play and press [L2], [Left], [Circle], [R2], [Down], [Square], [Triangle], [Down].

Tinted Klaymen
Pause game play and press [L2], [Circle]x2, [Left], [Select], [L2], [Up], [Down].

Crazy Klaymen
Pause game play and press [Down], [Right], [Triangle], [L2], [Up], [Left], [Triangle], [Select].

Fast Klaymen
Pause game play and press [Left], [Square], [R2], [Circle], [R1], [Down], [Circle], [R2].

Slow Klaymen
Pause game play and press [L1], [Triangle], [Left], [Down], [R2], [Triangle], [Left], [Select].

Small Klaymen
Pause game play and press [R1], [Left], [Square], [Triangle], [R1], [Left], [Square], [Triangle].

Pause game play and press [Up], [Down], [Right], [X].

Full Swirly Qs
Pause game play and press [R1], [Right], [Circle], [R2]x2, [Square], [Right], [Select].

Full Phoenix Hands
Pause game play and press [Square], [Triangle], [R2], [Left], [Select], [Circle], [Triangle], [Right].

Full Phart Heads
Pause game play and press [R1], [Left], [Up], [L1]x2, [Square], "Right Select".

Shoot heads
Pause game play and press [Down], [Square], [Triangle], [Down]x2, [Square]x2, [Right].

Full Universe Enemas
Pause game play and press [Left], [Triangle], [Right], [Down], [Triangle], [Select]x3.

Full 1970s icons
Pause game play and press [Select], [Circle], [Up], [Left], [Down], [Up], [Down], [Square].

Full status items
Pause game play and press [L1], [Triangle], [Down], [R1], [Circle], [Right], [Up], [Select]. All status items except Swirly Qs and 1970s icons will be full.

Remove pause text
Pause game play and press [L2], [Left], [Circle], [R2], [Down], [Square], [Triangle], [Down].

1970's bonus level
Enter [Square], [R1], [R1], [L1], [L2], [Triangle], [R1], [L2], [L1], [R2], [Square], [R2] as a password.

Bonus FMV sequence
Collect all Swirly Qs and complete the game.

Freeze opponents (Japanese version)
Pause game play, then hold [Start] + [Select] and press [L2].

View debug information (Japanese version)
Pause game play, then hold [Start] + [Select] and press [R1].

View debug map (Japanese version)
Pause game play, then hold [Start] + [Select] and press [Up].

Debug map lines (Japanese version)
Pause game play, then hold [Start] + [Select] and press [Circle].

Level select (Japanese version)
Pause game play, then hold [Start] + [Select] and press [R2]. Press [Up] or [Down] and press [X] to select a new level. Note: Scroll down for more options including viewing the FMV sequences, introductions, and the ending.

Extra items (Japanese version)
Pause game play, then hold [Start] + [Select] and press [Down]. A Halo, 99 lives, 1970's icons, 3 Swirly Qs, up to 7 special weapons, and 20 bullets will be available.

Free movement (Japanese version)
Pause game play, then hold [Start] + [Select] and press [Triangle]. The map coordinates will appear. Press [Square] while this mode is active to toggle faster movement.
2[R2], [R2], [Circle], [Square]
3[R2], [Square], [R2], [R1], [Square], [X], [R1], [X], [X], [R1], [Triangle]
4[Circle], [Triangle], [Square], [Triangle], [Circle], [R1], [R1], [L1], [X], [R1], [Square]
5[L1], [L1], [Square], [L1], [Square], [R1], [Square], [L1], [Square]
6[Square], [R1], [L2], XTriangleX, [Circle], [L1], [Square], [X], [Square], [X]
7[Square], [R1], [Circle], [L1], [Circle], [R1], [Circle], [L1], [X], [X], [Square], [R2]
8[X], [Square], [X], [Triangle], [X], [X], [Square], [L1], [Square], [Square]
9[Triangle], [R2], [Triangle], [Triangle], [Square], [X], [Circle], [L1], [Square], [Triangle], [Square], [Square]
10[X], [L2], [Square], [Triangle], [Circle], [R1], [Circle], [L2], [Square], [Triangle], [L1]
11[R1], [X], [X], [L1], [L1], [R1], [Triangle], [L1], [L2], [R1], [L2]
12[L1], [L2], [Circle], [L1], [R2], [R2], [R1], [L2], [L2], [R1], [Square], [L2]
13[Circle], [Square], [X], [R2], [Circle], [R1], [L2], [L1], [R2], [Square], [Triangle]
14[Square], [L1], [L1], [R1], [R2], [Triangle], [R1], [L2], [L1], [R2], [Square], [R2]
15[R2], [X], [L2], [Triangle], [Triangle], [L2], [R1], [R2], [L1], [R2], [L2]
16[L2], [R2], [R2], [Triangle], [Triangle], [L2], [R1], [R2], [L1], [R2], [L1]
17[X], [Triangle], [R1], [L1], [R2], [L1], [R2], [L2], [L1], [R2], [Triangle], [X]
End[X], [Triangle], [X], [X], [R1], [Square], O, [X], [L1], [X]
View FMV sequences
Enter one of the following passwords to view the corresponding FMV sequence.

1[Circle], [L1], [X], [Triangle], [Square], [X], [X], [X], [L1], [R1]
2[Circle], [R1], [Square], [Triangle], [L1]
3[X], [R2], [Square], [X]
4[Square], [R1], [Square], [X], [X], [X], [Circle], [Circle]
5[X], [Triangle], [X], [X], [R1], [Square], [Circle], [X], [L1], [X]

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