The Emperor's New Groove Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these The Emperor's New Groove cheats and stay cool!
Increase speed
Press [Square] to move faster. However, this will require more energy (and Llama Potions).

Kick attack
Press [X] to jump, then press [Circle] while in mid-air.

Spitting seeds
Press [Triangle], place your target in the circle, then press [Circle] to fire.

City: Secret and coins
In City chapter 2, after knocking the man who throws the barrels at you off the tower, charge him again to get the Idol. Then, karate jump kick him (press [X], [Circle]) as you did with spiders to get a secret and some coins.

Village: Arrows
In Village chapters 1, 2, 3 or 4, find a small tree and crash into it a few times. An arrow will fall out of it.

Village: Wapmy
In Village chapter 4, defeat Kronk in the race, then return to find a Wampy.

Level 1: Secret areas
In area one, at the place where the first checkpoint is located, there is a crack. go into it. In area two, at the section where you talk to Pacha, after you get past the drop the tree at the left side has a secret area. Note: Step on the pad before going to the secret area.

High jump frog move
This trick requires a two controllers and a second player. First, you need to be a frog in Jungle Day chapter 3. Hold [L2] + [R2] on controller two then make Kuzco jump with controller one. Kuzco should be flying. If [L2] + [R2] on controller two is held too long, you will not be able to see the floor. Once released, Kuzco should land safely on the floor.

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