Triple Play '98 Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Triple Play '98 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Bonus fields
Quickly press [L1], [R1], [L1], [R1], [Square] on the stadium selection screen. The Field Of Dreams cornfield, Ebbets field, and the Polo Grounds may now be selected for game play. Note: Ebbets field and the Polo Grounds will appear in monochrome.

EA Sports dream team
Press [L2], [R2], [L2], [R2], [Circle] at the team selection screen for an exhibition game. Select the 33<SUP>rd</SUP> team on the list. A team consisting of the game's developers with unusual attributes will be playable.

Double pitch
Select the EA Sports dream team. Then, press [Up] + [Circle]x2 when pitching to throw two balls.

Players in underwear
Enable the "Bonus fields" and "EA Sports dream team" codes. Select that team as the home team and the San Diego Padres as the visiting team. The team will be in their underwear when game play begins.

Altered players
Enable the "Players in underwear" code. Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1]+ [R2], then press "Circle, Triangle, Square, X, X, Square, X, Circle, Triangle" while the players are in their underwear. Various physical features of the players will be altered, such as height, width, head size, and glove size.

Always hit homeruns
Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1]+ [R2], then press [Up], [Triangle], [Left], [Right], [Square], [Circle], [Down], [X] while in the batter's box.

Always strike out the batter
Throw one pitch for a strike. Before selecting the next pitch, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1]+ [R2], then press [X], [Down], [Circle], [Square], [Right], [Left], [Triangle], [Up]. The batter will strike out after missing the next pitch.

Retire the side
Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [Square] before catching a fly ball.

Super pitch
Press [X] to throw a fastball, then immediately press [Square] + [Down].

Crowd and stadium comments
Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1]+ [R2], then press [Square], [Circle], [Square]. The announcers will make a comment about the crowd and stadium.

Weather comments
Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1]+ [R2], then press [Circle], [X], [Circle]. The announcers will make a comment about the weather.

Sponsor comments
Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1]+ [R2], then press [Triangle], [Circle], [Triangle]. The announcers will make a comment about a sponsor.

Crowd cheers
Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1]+ [R2], then press [Down], [X], [Down], [X], [Triangle].

Crowd boos
Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1]+ [R2], then press [Down], [X], [Down], [X]x2.

Developer comments
Hold [L1] + [R1] + [L2] + [R2] and press one of the following codes to hear the corresponding programmer introduce the game.

Adrienne Travica[Right], [Circle], [Right], [Left]
Alex Garden[Up], [Triangle], [Up], [Down]
Anne Geiger[Left], [Square], [Left], [Right]
Brent Nielsen[Left], [Square], [Left], [Circle]
Chris Johnson[Up], [Triangle], [Up], [X]
Chuck Osieja[Up], [Triangle], [Up], [Square]
Daniel Ng[Up], [Triangle], [Up], [Right]
Darren Stone[Up], [Triangle], [Up], [Circle]
Duncan Lee[Left], [Square], [Left], [Square]
Edwin Gomez[Left], [Square], [Left], [Up]
Erik Kiss[Up], [Triangle], [Up], [Triangle]
Ernie Patzel[Right], [Circle], [Right], [Triangle]
Frank Faugno[Right], [Circle], [Right], [X]
Gary Lam[Left], [Square], [Left], [Left]
Geoff Coates[Right], [Circle], [Right], [Up]
Jon Spencer[Up], [Triangle], [Up], [Up]
Kirby Leung[Right], [Circle], [Right], [Right]
Michael Sokyrka[Right], [Circle], [Right], [Square]
Mike Swanson[Up], [Triangle], [Up], [Left]
Pauline Moller[Left], [Square], [Left], [X]
Steven Rechtschaffner[Left], [Square], [Left], [Triangle]
Tom Zuber[Left], [Square], [Left], [Down]
Tony Lee[Right], [Circle], [Right], [Circle]
Wendell Harlow[Right], [Circle], [Right], [Down]
Knuckle ball
Press [Left] + [Circle] to throw a knuckleball when it is not listed as an available pitch.

Better defense
Before throwing the first pitch, move the outfield in two "clicks" and over either to the left or right to align the center fielder behind the pitcher. Note: The center fielder should not be all the way up (at second base). If that happens, move him back one click. Most of the time, with any line drive or normal base hit to the outfield, you can throw the runner out at first base by using a "power throw". This works especially well with the "Powerup Defense". There is also still time to get back to the wall if he hits a long fly.

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