Underground CD Volume 1.1 Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation
Check out these Underground CD Volume 1.1 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cool Boarders information
Press [Square], [Triangle], [Circle] at the "Tech Q & A" screen of Disc 1.

NFL GameDay '97 information
Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] at the "Behind the Scenes" screen of Disc 1.

Jet Moto information
Press [Triangle]x3 at the "Code Book" screen of Disc 1.

Twisted Metal 2 information
Press [Circle], [Triangle], [Square] at the "Vault" screen of Disc 1.

Blasto preview
Highlight the "Options Menu" selection at the "Download Station" screen of Disc 1. Hold [R1] + [L1] + [R2] + [L2] (in that sequence) and press [Square].

Resident Evil 2 preview
Hold [Square] + [Triangle] + [Circle], then press [X] at the "Coming Soon" screen of Disc 2.

Credits FMV sequence
Press [Square], [Triangle], [Circle], [X] at the main menu of Disc 1.

Urge FMV sequence
Hold [Square] + [Triangle] + [Circle] and press [L1] at the main menu of Disc 2.

Ginuwine FMV sequence
Hold [L1] + [R1] + [L2] + [R2] (in that order), release the buttons, then press [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] at the "In Stores Now" screen of Disc 2.

NHL Faceoff '97 contest
Press [Square], [Triangle], [Circle], [Triangle], [Square] at the "Coming Soon" screen of Disc 2.

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