Welcome House 2 Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation
Check out these Welcome House 2 cheats and stay cool!
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Cast of characters
Episode 2: Independence Day

Uncle Parkinson
Keaton Paxman
Napoleon: the dog
Allegro Adagio: music teacher
Escargot Aperitif: the chef
Jack Smith: handy man

[L1], [L2], [R1], [R2], [Triangle] buttons are not used.

[Start] button
Brings up map, pressing twice brings up save menu.

Save game
Once in the save game menu (pressing [Start] twice), press [Up] or [Down] to select file. Press [Start] to confirm. If you already have a game saved in that file it will ask you if you want to overwrite. When finished, press [X] to get back to game.

[X] button
Cancels selection.

Open doors
Push forward when in front of door.

Hold [Square] then press the "D-pad" in the direction you want to go.

[Circle] button
Inventory menu. Press [Circle] again to select chosen item, press [X] to cancel and exit to game.

I am not going to tell you about all the surprises. I want you to find them yourself. I am going to tell you which path is the best way to go, but feel free to explore on your own and when you become stuck check back here. You start the game in Keaton's room a little groggy, or maybe his eyes always look like that. In this room, as well as others in the mansion, you will see a radio. Go to it if you would like to change the BGM or turn it or any other sounds of the game off.

Take the present your Uncle has left for you. Answer the phone. I think your Uncle invites you to come out because he is throwing the biggest 4th of July bash, or should I say "BANG". Now leave the room there are no more items in here.

Go down the hall, through the door into the Foyer, then across the room to the first door.

In the Sitting Room, follow the white line to the radio in the center of the room use it. Go to the dresser and inspect it. Answer the phone. Once again it is your uncle. He tells you to meet him in the Downstairs Hallway.

Now leave and go to the center of the Foyer, stand on the red circle, and read the sign.

Go to the Downstairs Bathroom. Throw open the curtain. Now you are locked in. While you figure out how to get out, have a seat on the toilet. (Walk Keaton backwards to sit down.)

In the Vegas Room, play the slots. The trick here is to play the machines in a certain order to win. Try playing the machine on the left a couple of times, then the one in the center. Go through the hole on the wall.

In the Bowling Alley, play a few games. Try both lanes.

In the Theater Room, sit in each row, then inspect the door without the lit exit sign. Go through it.

In the Bowling Alley, play another game. Go through the door with the arrow on it. Pull the lever and back up until you are on the red danger circle. Inspect your uncle's car. Stand on the danger circle and pull the lever. Go over to the table; inspect it to find the key. Step back on to the red circle. Pull the lever to go back to the other side.

Go through the door that leads to the downstairs hallway. Go back to the Foyer, and go to the door in the back corner. Use the key on it.

In the Dining Room, go through the other door into the Kitchen.

Now go through the next door to the Bar. Look behind the counter to find money and a bottle of Saki. Answer the phone. It is your uncle again. Go through the door with the Welcome House 2 poster next to it.

At the Pool, talk to Jack Smith. Retrace you steps until you get back to the Dining Room.

Inspect the fire place and pull the lever to lower the staircase.

In the Bowling Alley, bowl with the red ball. Go through the door with arrow next to it. Climb on top of the car and press the button. You just turned off the escalator function of the stairs. Go to the Theater Room.

Use the exit with the lit sign.

In the Record Shop, give "Captain Hook" your dollar. Go back to the exit door with the unlit exit sign.

In the Vegas Room, go through the hole to the Bowling Alley Use the stairs in the corner.

In the Dining Room, go to the Kitchen, then to the Bar. Play the record on the juke box. Inspect the door next to the juke box to unlock it, then open it.

In the Foyer, go upstairs.

In the Upstairs Hallway #1, go through the door to the left.

In the Upstairs Hallway #2 follow the hallway to first door and enter.

In Jack's Room, sit on his bed. Climb up the ladder take the Statue Of Liberty statue. Answer the phone. Examine the glass doors to open them. Go to the hallway back the way you came. Go through the blue door.

In TV Room, answer the phone, and turn on the TV. Go downstairs to the Kitchen.

Talk to chef Escargot. Go to the Dining Room and answer the phone. Leave the room through the white door to the Foyer.

Go back to the Kitchen once again. Talk to chef Escargot. He will give you a platter and instruct you to put it on the table in the Dining Room, but not to look at it.

Go back to the Kitchen. Talk to Escargot, then go to Dining Room and look at the platter. Leave the Dining Room.

Go Upstairs. Try to catch Napoleon. Go into the room down the hall.

In the Closet Room, look in one of the closets. Try to catch Napoleon again. Leave and go to the TV Room.

Have a seat in the chair against the wall. Go back to the Closet Room.

Take a peek inside any of the closets. Go back through the blue door.

In Upstairs Hallway #2, go to the closet against the wall and open it. Take the axe. Go back through blue door to Upstairs Hallway #1.

Walk around to the white door and open it.

At the Outside Staircase, note the new diving board.

At the Pool, walk on diving board to the edge. Give the axe to the Water Princess. Talk to her she will offer you three different axes. Take the yellow axe from her. Go back to the Outside Staircase.

Climb up and use the yellow axe on the stone face statue on the wall to break his chains. Inspect the face to open the wall. Go through the opening in the wall.

In the Library, take a book from each of the bookcases against the walls. The room will move and the door will unlock. Go through the door and follow the hallway around to the stairs. Climb them.

In Upstairs Hallway #3, follow the danger signs to the first room and go inside.

In the Music Room, play the piano. Talk to Allegro. She lectures you on the finer points of music. Go back to Upstairs Hallway #3.

Go in to the room at the end of the hall.

In the Crate Room, open the chest. Take the bomb. Press the switch on the wall to open the French doors. Go downstairs where the giant ball squished you, and go into the room there.

In Allegro's Room, put the green book in the bookcase. Answer the phone twice. Place the bomb on table against the wall with the bandages on the wallpaper. Go through the hole you created.

In Chef Escargot's Room, put the right colored book in the bookcase. Inspect the door to unlock it.

In Upstairs Hallway #2, go to Jack's Room. Napoleon will be there. Leave and go to the Bathroom #2 (one door over).

Leave the bathroom, and go down the hall. Follow those footprints to the TV Room.

Have a seat and watch some TV. Follow Napoleon into the next room and try to catch him.

Go to the Kitchen and talk to chef Escargot. He will give you a heart to give to Allegro. Go upstairs to the white door. Go to Ms Allegro's Room.

She will lecture you about the hole you made in her wall. Give her the heart. She will begin to tell you her life story, giving you more information about her personal affairs than you care to hear about. She will give you an apple. Go to the Kitchen via the hole in the wall.

Talk to chef Escargot. Give him the apple. Take the scale off the counter. Follow the chef through the opening in the wall.

In the Boiler Room, take the bottle of Saki. Go to the Dining Room.

Place the bottle on the dining table. Leave and go to the Sitting Room.

Put a book into the bookcase. Go to Keaton's Room.

Put the last book into the bookcase there. Go back to the Dining Room.

Check out Napoleon. Take the key from him. Go back through the white door upstairs. Go to the Crate Room.

Look for the crate that is a different color than the rest, and push it. Go to the Music Room.

Look in the trash can. Take the heart. Go through the French doors. Walk along the ledge to the Crate Room.

Climb the crates into the Independence Room.

Go to each of the floor mats and set an item on the table. When the correct order is done, the door will unlock. Go through this door to Uncle Parkinsons' Nap room.

Push the button on the wall to open the elevator doors. Push the button again. Go to the first door. Use the key to unlock it, then go inside. The ending sequence will begin.

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