Wipeout 2097 Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation | Sega Saturn
Check out these Wipeout 2097 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Wipeout 2097 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Strange ships
Hold [L1] + [R2] + [Start] + [Select] while the game is loading. Keep the buttons pressed until the menu appears. The vehicles will be changed to a bee, snail, pig, flying saucer, and shark.

Challenge 1 mode
Enter [Square], [Circle], [Square], [Triangle], [Circle], [Triangle], [Triangle], [Circle], [Square], [Square], [Square], [Triangle], [X], [Square] as a password.

Challenge 2 mode
Enter [Square], [Circle], [Square], [Triangle], [Circle], [Triangle], [X], [Square], [X], [Triangle], [Triangle], [X], [Circle], [Circle] as a password.

All tracks
Hold [L1] + [R1] + [Select], then press [Square], [Circle], [Triangle], [Circle], [Square] at the main menu. All tracks, including the secret Phantom class vehicle will be accessible.

Unlimited energy
Press [Start] to pause game play. Hold [L1] + [R1] + [Select], then press [Triangle], [X], [Square], [Circle], [Triangle], [X], [Square], [Circle].

Unlimited time
Press [Start] to pause game play. Hold [L1] + [R1] + [Select], then press [Triangle], [Square], [Circle], [X], [Triangle], [Square], [Circle], [X].

Unlimited weapons
Press [Start] to pause game play. Hold [L1] + [R1] + [Select], then press [X]x2, [Square]x2, [Circle]x2, [Triangle].

Machine gun
Press [Start] to pause game play. Hold [L1] + [R1] + [Select], then press [Square], [Circle], [X], [Square], [Circle], [X], [Triangle].

Phantom class
Hold [L1] + [R1] + [Select], then press [X]x3, [Circle]x3 at the main menu. The Phantom class vehicle will be accessible.

Piranha team
Hold [L1] + [R1] + [Select], then press [X]x4, [Circle], [Triangle], [Square] at the main menu.

Piranha craft, and more
Hold [L1] + [R1] + [Select], then press [Square], [Circle], [Square], [Triangle], [Circle], [X], [Square], [X], [Circle], [Square], [Triangle], [X], [Square] at the setup screen. The Piranha craft, all tracks, and a gold award on all tracks will be available.

Vostok Island and Spilskinanke hidden tracks
Hold [L1] + [R1] + [Select], then press [Square], [Circle], [Square], [Triangle], [Circle], [Triangle], [X], [Triangle], [Circle]x2, [Triangle], [X]x2, Square at the main menu. The Phantom class, extra Piranha Craft, the Vostok Island and Spilskinanke hidden tracks will be accessible.

Tetris mini-game
Pause game play when the timer displays 11 seconds. Then, press [Square], [X], [Circle], [Triangle], [Square], [X], [Circle], [Triangle], [L1], [L2]x2, [R2], [R1], [Select]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. A five minute Tetris game will begin.

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