World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
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Level passwords
Use the following steps to create your own password. First, select the base password for the desired level.

Cape Canaveral_BB_BCBBB
Red Square_BB_BJBBB
St. Petersburg_BB_BKBBB
Castle Mendheim*_BB_BMBBB

The first blank "_" is used for the difficulty setting, except for the cities marked with an asterisk "*", which is explained below. The second blank "_" determines the tank to be used, from the following values.

B*D*G* Ginza
V*X*Z* Sicily
X*Z*C* Castle Mendheim
R*T*W* Atlantis

M1A3V or B
Rhino[X] or D
TitanY or F
MarauderZ or G
Dragon flyH

For example, to play on the Atlantis level under the hard difficulty setting with the Rhino, enter "WBBFBMBBB" as a password. To play under the same level and difficulty with the Wraith, enter "WBBJBMBBB" as a password.
Atlantis: Power-ups
You will start the level facing north. Go north/northeast. Go to the left of the spike strip, and blast the building that is in the way. Blow away the string of buildings that goes east. Take the Gun Buddies power-up and proceed west, following the wall on the north as a guide. Go where it leads, while continuing to fire at the north wall. Eventually, you will get to a "beach spot" hidden behind the north wall. Launch a Guided Missile outside the perimeter and fly outside the arena to get a good look of its size. While on the beach spot, take the Super Speed power-up. There is a Super Health power-up in the middle of the arena, inside a small building.

Atlantis: Defeating Gorda
When fighting Gorda, if you have little power left, have one of the drones kill you instead of her. When they kill you, it does not count off.

Castle Mendheim: Hidden Nuke
No matter where you start, move towards the large open space in the middle of the level. Do not run over anything, and do not destroy anything on your way there. Make sure you are directly beside the concrete divider. Point yourself so you are in the direction where the other open space is located, where the stands can be found. This is north. The nuke can be found in the northeast wall. Move east until you run over a "Castle" billboard sign next to a tree. Stop when you run into it. Then, head north (to the left) until you are in-between two destructible camouflaged buildings. Make sure to destroy the Auto-Laser and anybody who may be attacking you. Destroy everything to your right; include firing at the wall -- but do not move forward or backward. Once that is done, you may have noticed when you were firing at the wall that a section of it allowed your bullets to pass through, without exploding on impact. Drive directly into that section of the wall to discover the Nuke, along with a little surprise that will help you out only on this level. Note: If you get destroyed while holding the Nuke, you will lose it. You can only get one Nuke per play, so release/fire the Nuke if you are about to get destroyed. The nuke can be used to find out which walls are solid and which ones are destructible.

Castle Mendheim: Super Health
After you get the Nuke from this level, head back to the stop where you ran over the "Castle" billboard sign next to the tree. Head east and destroy any opposition. Stop when you get to the T intersection. Head south, to the right. Go straight while continuing to fire. Drive directly into the wall to discover a Super Health.

Castle Mendheim: Double Secret power-up
Detonate the Nuke in the big open area and look around to find a "Double Secret" power-up. Use this to blast away your opponents in the rest of the level. Combine this enhancement with some Magnum for easy one shot kill destruction. You may need to refill Magnum to keep this up, but you can get an unlimited supply. The number of shots needed to exterminate enemies varies based on the difficulty selected and the tank strength, which is determined in the team alignment screen.

Cape Canaveral: Power-ups
When you start, go right. You will find a Gun Buddies power-up in the string of buildings all the way at the other end, next to the large satellite dish. The Super Main Gun power-up can be found to the right of the shuttle building, where the space shuttles are built. This building can be found outside the perimeter. It is very big. The power-up is in the playing field.

Detroit: Hidden Nuke
When you start (facing north), fire directly ahead to destroy the building. Go just slightly past the building you just destroyed, then turn right. Clear out all the buildings to reveal a Nuke.

Detroit: Double Secret power-ups
Use the nuke to clear out a section in the west. To do this, turn around after finding the nuke, head west, drop the nuke, and get out of there. When detonated, this will reveal a "Double Secret" pick-up. Pick it up to get super speed, then head south. You will see a Gun Buddies power-up. Use this to your advantage. Directly behind this power-up is a secret room. Enter the room to collect another "Double Secret" power-up.

Fort Knox: Power-ups
You will find two pairs of Gun Buddies, Guided Missiles, Radar power-ups, and some Magnum.

Ginza: Power-ups
When you start (facing east), a Super Health power-up can be found behind you, somewhere in the wall. Also when starting, if you go to the east walls, in the building walls themselves next to the RR Tracks is a Super Armor pick-up. Note: None of the challenges have any outside secrets.

Greece: Power-ups
When you start, you will be facing north. In the east section is a Rapid-Fire power-up in a small building. This may require some searching to find. Go to the center of the level. To the left (west) is the entrance to the Greece level, which resembles a beach protected by spikes. Directly east is a secret room in the wall across the field with a Super-Speed power-up. Between the Rapid Fire power-up and the Super Speed power-up is a Super Health power-up.

You will find a pair of Gun Buddies, many Guided Missile, Radar, and a Super Health power -up.

Monaco: Power-ups
When you start, move directly ahead (north). Destroy the Auto Cannon to reveal a Gun Buddies power-up. Move east after you pick up the Gun Buddies power-up. Keep going east and run over trees, blasting through buildings, and run directly into the perimeter wall to reveal a Super Armor power-up. After collecting the Super Armor, turn around and head west. Continue west until you run over the last tree. Stop when you run it over. Turn south and fire at the column of buildings. In the last structure is a Rapid-Fire power-up, next to a propane tank. Be sure not to get damaged by it.

New York Sewers
There are no hidden secrets in any of the walls. All available items are out in the open.

Pisa: Power-ups
You will find a pair of Gun Buddies, Guided Missiles, Radar power-ups, and some Magnum.

Pittsburgh: Hidden Nuke
The Nuke on this level can be found in the open. Go along the perimeter of the level until you find a group of explosive barrels surrounding the Nuke. Remember, there are two sets of explosive barrels. One set is "down the road" from the other one. Fire at the barrels to destroy them and take the Nuke. Use the Nuke to clear away obstacles that may get in the way.

Pittsburgh: Other power-ups
You can also find the Radar, Gun Buddies, and other power-ups in this level. Use Guided Missiles to explore outside the perimeter. Press [Down] to raise the elevation of the missile, [Up] to decrease it, and [Left] or [Right] to steer it.

Rome (tournament mode): Power-ups
The best way to explore as long as you can is not to run over any weak walls and not destroying anything unless told to do so. This will let you have more time to explore, while preventing your enemies from getting the flag for a short while. It is difficult to distinguish which way is north in this level. Do not make any shortcuts on your own by destroying buildings. Go immediately to Blue's drop off platform. Face the WDL sign on the wall behind the platform. Turn around and make sure to destroy anybody who is trying to kill you. Assume that this is north. Go to the buildings which are northeast of there. You will be going to the perimeter wall. You will see a tree next to a Guided Missile power-up. Try to shoot the tree until you see something happen in the background. When this happens, stop shooting and drive directly into the tree and further to pick up a Super Speed power-up. Return to your platform and look for the same thing, except without the tree. A Guided Missile power-up will be there. Try to shoot the Guided Missile power-up instead. Go forward and get the Rapid Fire power-up. Go back out and destroy all the buildings to the right (north) to reveal the Radar power-up. Next, find north then proceed northeast. Destroy the propane truck. To the right of it is one of two Gun Buddies power-ups. Collect your Gun Buddy and place them before you lose them. After you have placed them, proceed to Red's platform. Find north, then proceed again to the northeast. Destroy all the buildings on the north and east walls. This will reveal the second Gun Buddies power-up. Place them before you lose them. While you are there, pick up some Magnum and the Super Armor power-up.

St. Petersburg (tournament mode): Power-ups
Go north (straight-ahead). In the northeast corner are some boxes surrounded by land mines. Fire at the boxes to release a green gas into the atmosphere. Directly to the east of the boxes is a secret area. Shoot the wall and take the Super Health pick-up. Next, go west until you pass the structure on the left that is black, long, has three support with boxes, and has a flat roof type object. Fire along the west wall (in front of you, slightly to the left) until you see the wall collapse. Enter the fallen wall to get a "Double Secret" power-up. Note: Use Guided Missiles to search outside the perimeter fence to find more secrets in this level.

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