WWF SmackDown! Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation
Check out these WWF SmackDown! cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable WWF SmackDown! Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Bonus wrestlers in season mode
Complete the indicated number of years in season mode to unlock the corresponding bonus wrestler

Ivory1 year
Prince Albert2 years
Jacqueline3 years
Viscera4 years
80 ability points in Create a Superstar5 years
Mideon6 years
Gerald Brisco7 years
Pat Patterson8 years
No bonus9 years
90 ability points in Create a Superstar10 years
100 ability points in Create a Superstar20 years

Other arena areas
Press [Circle] (Irish Whip) near the entrance of the center area in "Fall Anywhere" mode to access other areas in the arena.

Change wrestler preview
Press [L2] or [R2] when choosing your superstar to rotate the wrestler left or right.

Pre-Season bonuses
Successfully complete a Pre-Season. Once Wrestle Mania is over, Vince McMahon will approach you in the back and tell you that you can continue with the WWF. Once he is through, the Smack Down symbol will appear, and the game will congratulate you. It will then announce that a bonus has been unlocked. These include: Extra character points, Rock's new outfit, Stone Cold's new outfit, Stevie Richards in Create-A-Wrestler mode, Blue Meanie, character skills, and a wealth option for your status.

Career bonuses are not always the same. The more times you complete pre-season mode, the more bonuses will be awarded. You can get them up to four times of completing pre-season mode before they stop.

Complete the following number of pre-seasons to get the corresponding bonus:
1: Wealth option
2: European title and ability
3: Women's title and ability
4: Tournament and ability
5: Hardcore title and ability
6: IC title and ability
7: Tag title and ability
8: Title match and ability
10: Skip pre-season
Stage 6/House Show 3B: Blue Meanie
Stage 5/House Show 3A: Stevie Richards
Stage 58/House Show ED1: Alternate outfit for Stone Cold
Stage 61/House Show ED4: Alternate outfit for The Rock
Stage 65/House Show ED8: Stephanie McMahon
times as needed
Note: This trick require two memory cards, with WWF SmackDown! save on both of them. Simply trade your characters from your first memory card to your second memory card. Then, go through the pre-season then trade back. It may be possible to repeat this process.

Get more weapons
When you are in an "Anywhere Fall" match you can get more objects by whipping people into things. For example, in the parking lot, whip someone into the ambulance to get a stretcher. Whip someone into the fire extinguisher box on the wall to get the extinguisher. In the back room after the stage, whip someone into the soda machine to get a soda/beer can out of it.

You can also get more weapons or change weapons outside the ring by holding [R1] and pressing the D-Pad towards the turnbuckle. Note: This cannot be done in "I Quit" matches.

When you are in a Hard Core match, go to the outside of the ring with a weapon. Once you are outside, walk directly into the ring (and do not stop walking). Then press [R1] to cycle through the weapons. Note: A weapon must be in your hands for this trick to work.

In a Hardcore match or Anywhere match, Irish Whip your opponent into the gray curtain by the WWF logo that leads to the back. You can get the IC belt to use as a weapon.

On the Stage, Irish Whip your opponent into the rods under the Titan Tron, by the exit, to get a lead pipe.

You can Irish Whip your opponent in the hallway into the THQ vendor. A soda can will fall out, which you can use as a weapon.

Irish Whip your opponent into the dumpster in the parking lot to get Pierre. Do it again to get a 2X4.

Irish Whip your opponent into the white crates (by the truck in the backstage area) to get an urn.

Throw your opponent into the following object during a "Anywhere Fall" or "Hardcore" match to get the indicated weapons.
Coffin (in Hardcore match)

"Titan Screen Supports"- a variety of steel chairs.

Championship Belt


Boxes in the top right corner of room - frozen watermelons.
Oven on the left of the exit door - cookie sheet.
Stove to the left of the oven - the stove will turn on and flare up.
Note: "Slam" type moves will do double the damage on the metal counters in the middle of the room.

Boiler Room
Fences in the top of room - steel drums.
Boilers all over the room - steam will shoot out.
Wooden box
Shopping Cart

Parking Lot
Ambulance - stretcher
Cars - Car alarm will go off and lights will flash.
Dumpster - "Pierre the Deer Head"
Exit match
Press [Start] + [Select] during a match to exit to the main menu.

Other Anywhere Fall effects
Bring your opponent to the garage and throw him into the fire extinguisher to the right of the ambulance to get the extinguisher and will hear sirens. Throw your opponent into the sink in the kitchen and the water will begin running.

Faster season mode bonuses
To get the yearly season mode bonuses faster, simply skip through it.

In the regular season mode if you exit, save, then go back and continue you should be at the next event. This skips over the one that you exited from. For example if the game is at Raw Is War and you exit, when you re-enter you will either be at SmackDown or an In House Show. Note: This will not work with PPV events such as Summer Slam, King Of The Ring, etc.

Note: You need to go to April before you can complete a season.

Press [Triangle] and answer "Yes" to skip the King Of The Ring.

Choose to exit the game from the start menu when faced with a Royal Rumble and you will skip to the next month.

Faster points (ranking)
Fight in many exhibition matches. These also count on the win/loss record. You can gain a Title in exhibition if qualified -- get a title match as soon as you can.

Pinning your opponent
Slam your opponent to the ground, then press [Down] + [Circle].

Use the following trick to get someone to interfere in the match on your side. To do a run-in, select any wrestler and as soon as the match starts hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] for approximately three seconds. Continue to wrestle in the match and a wrestler will appear to help you if you are getting beat up or not. This works in single matches and works best with any Tag Team such as Faarooq, Bradshaw, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, New Age Outlaws, or any DX member. Interference must be enabled at the match options screen.

Be friends with different people
In pre-season talk to someone under the medium or hard difficulty setting. Then, set the difficulty level back to easy or another setting.

Easy belts
Create a PPV and set a match for any belt. Put the wrestler you want to have the belt in the first place and put the wrestler with the belt in the second place. Set the match for P1 vs. P2. Play the match and do not have anyone using the controller two. This will allow you to easily defeat the wrestler with the belt.

Hold all belts
To hold all of the WWF belts, set your player's gender to "Unknown". This will allow him to get both the women's and men's title belts. Note: This only works after creating a superstar.

Mic skills
Talk on the mic before the mach with Kane. Then, defeat Kane in the match. Gor bad mic skills, lose to Kane.

Easy five star ability for moves - skill
When creating a wrestler, set all your moves from Grapple to either Power/Techinical/Rough/Speedy . Make sure you only have one type (in the following example they are all Power). Make sure you use a lot of Power moves in the matches while you are in pre-season mode -- keep doing Piledrivers and similar moves). After a few months you will acquire the skill "Power/Speedy/Tech/Rough Skill +" . This automatically sets your skill to 5 and letting you choose any move you wish from that category.

I Quit win
For I Quit win, grab the mic and press [Circle] when your opponent is flat on the ground.

Play as Chris Jericho and do the Walls Of Jericho. Then get the mic, go right next to your opponent and press [Down], [Circle]. Note: This may need to be done a few times.

Pre-season "I Quit" match
When playing pre-season, if you lose the match to Mankind, you will have to fight The Rock in an " I Quit" Match at Survivor Series instead of the tag match against Edge & Christian.

Tag Team win
This trick can only be done in a tag team match -- make sure you are allowed to get out of the ring and are controlling player one. Get out of the ring, and lure your tag team partner over to the opponent's tag team partner. Let your partner fight your opponent's partner, then quickly get in the ring and pin your opponent to prevent him from stopping the 3-count.

Continue Royal Rumble after you have been eliminated
Just wait until another wrestler comes to the ring with their name bar where yours was located (top left for player one, top right for player two, bottom left, bottom right) and press [Select]. You will now control that wrestler.

Easy Royal Rumble
Note: This trick requires a multi-tap. Plug extra controllers into the multi-tap and start a Royal Rumble. As the other wrestlers come in, press [Select] on the other controllers to make them stand still. This may take a little longer, but you can win the Royal Rumble easier.

Instead of fighting all the wrestlers one by one, wait and throw the first three wrestlers out. Then, wait at the top middle of the ring for the rest of the wrestlers to come out. Throw the rest out one by one until all have been defeated. Note: This tends not to work on under the hard difficulty setting, as the wrestlers will counter too much.

In Royal Rumble, get rid of the first three opponents within ten seconds. When the next person runs in, immediately slide through their legs. Press [Circle], then hold [Up] until your opponent is facing up. They should go over the ropes. If they hang on, just stamp on them. If they jump over your head to counter your slide, bounce off the ropes and press [X] to hit them down. Then, pick them up and Irish Whip them out the ring.

When a new player enters the ring, press [X] and Irish Whip him over the rope. Do not try throwing him out without hitting when he comes in -- 99% of the time he will reverse it and throw you out.

At the start of the match, press [Select] on the player two's controller. Then, get the other two wrestlers out as quickly as possible. After putting your wrestler at the bottom of the ring, pick up the second player's controller and put him at the top of the ring, where the new wrestlers are entering. The wrestlers that come in are always looking at player one (their indicator). This allows player two to grab the opponent without worrying about being countered, thus getting the wrestler out of the ring as fast and as easy as possible. After going through all of the wrestlers, use player one's controller and throw out the wrestler in player two's position. This will get you lots of points in the pre-season mode, and perhaps a "Royal Rumble +" in your characteristics.

Easy two-on-one matches
At the beginning of the match, quickly do a move to one opponent, then punch the other one. After that, run outside the ring and one man should follow you. You now should have an easier time beating one man up at a time. Be sure to watch your other opponent in case he or she comes to attack you.

Easy pin
Play as Stone Cold and whip your opponent into the corner. Start punching him until he falls down. Pick him up, press [L2] to give the taunt, and deliver the Stunner ([Left] + [Circle]). If you hook one leg there is a better chance that he is not going to get out of the pin.

Gain strength faster in survival matches
Taunt the wrestlers very fast outside the ring to get a dot or more.

Easy S. Referee win
To win a S. Referee match quickly, make your opponent hit the ref. You can do this by walking around the ref until your opponent hits/slams him or her. After you do this the ref, will take sides with you and help you win the match. He will count fast every time you pin your opponent and when your opponent is outside. Note: Do not hit the ref, or he or she will side with your opponent.

Switch to fight other opponent
When fighting Royal Rumbles, Battle Royals, 3-way dances, or any other match with more than one opponent, press [R2] to fight the other opponent.

Keep season mode titles from changing hands
Simply take the people that are eligible for a title in season mode out. In some cases such as the Tag Title or Hardcore, you cannot do this because there are too many people, However, this works well with the WWF Heavyweight title and the Women's title.

Reveal finishing moves
To reveal any wrestler's finishing move, select an "I Quit" match. Scroll through the wrestlers to see their finishing move.

Character traits
After completing most pre-seasons, and throughout them, you will be shown notes such as Wealth+, Kane+, and Royal Rumble-. When creating a new wrestler, use one of these secret traits under "Characteristics" to get the aid of the more powerful wrestlers such as the Undertaker, Kane, and Austin. This is helpful when you are ready to create the ultimate undefeated wrestler once you have won pre-season and finished season.

Different character traits
Instead of going through a pre-season and attempting to win every match, vary who you win and lose to in each pre-season. Almost every time you will get at least one new character trait. Winning the Royal Rumble will often unlock Royal Rumble+, making it more likely to slide under the ropes when getting thrown over. Getting eliminated first will get you Royal Rumble-.

Al Snow+/-
Go through pre-season in normal mode. After the Royal Rumble, Big Boss Man will attack Al Snow. Your created wrestler will come in and attack Big Boss Man and save Al Snow. After the next match CPU vs. CPU, Al Snow will approach you. Answer "Don't worry about it" for Al Snow+ or "Don't get any ideas" for Al Snow-. No matter which choice is made, you will still have to face him in a Hardcore match on your next match.

Chris Jericho+/-
Say "Thanks" to Chris Jericho when he gives you advice Chris Jericho+ or say "Shut up" for Chris Jericho-.

Dudley Boyz+/-, Buh Buh Ray+/-, D-Von+/-
When facing the Dudleys in pre-season mode, lose to them. After the match, they will talk to you. Say thanks and more than likely you will get either Dudley Boyz, Buh Buh Ray, or D-Von+. Say shut up and you will get either Dudley Boyz, Buh Buh Ray, or D-Von-.

When you face the Hardy's in pre-season, lose to them. They will then walk up and talk to you. Answer thanks to get Hardys+ or shut up for Hardys-. Note: It may take two or three attempts to get this to work, as you may get Matt or Jeff Hardy+ or - instead.

While playing in pre-season mode you will fight a single match with Kane. If you defeat him good and hard he will talk to you afterwards about the match. Say thanks for Kane+ or say shut-up for Kane-.

To get Tori on your character list, lose to Road Dogg at Summer Slam. Tori will approach you. Say thanks to get Tori+ or shut up for Tori-. Note: The trick may need to be done three times. Save the game when you reach Summer Slam and continue until it is unlocked.

Lose to Chyna to get a match with Billy Gunn. Win the match and Debra will approach you with some advice. Say thanks for Fashion+. Say shut up for Fashion-. Note: The trick may need to be done three times. Save the game after losing to Chyna and continue until it is unlocked.

S. Referee+/-
Go to the options menu and select the easy difficulty setting. Start pre-season mode and win and lose matches in the following order: W, W, L, W, W, L, W, W, W. You can lose the Royal Rumble, as its outcome is not important for this trait. Win the match that follows the Royal Rumble. At Wrestle Mania, the match should be your wrestler vs. HHH with special referee Shane McMahon. Win that match to get "S. Referee +" and lose it to get "S. Referee -".

Singles Match+/-
Go to the options menu, select the normal difficulty setting and start pre-season mode. Win and lose in this order: win, lose, lose, lose, lose, win, win. The next match should be against Chris Jericho. Win that match to get Singles Match+ or lose it to get Singles Match-.

Start a pre-season. When you see Debra for the first time, answer thanks and continue. When that part where Triple H asks you to help him beat up Vince, answer no. When you meet up with Vince, then Shane and Stephanie McMahon, answer thanks to all of them. Finally you will meet Debra one more time. When she talks, answer thanks for Smart+ or shut up for Smart-. Note: This may take two or three attempts.

Say thanks to Paul Bearer and defeat the Rock & Sock Connection in a handicap match under the hard difficulty setting.

(Speed and Power) Attack+, Skill+, or Defense+
Win the Royal Rumble under the hard difficulty setting.

D-Generation X+/-
Say thanks to every Dx Member in the pre-season that is encountered for D-Generation X+.

Say shut up to X-Pac and defeat him in the 4-way dance match after NAO attacks you for D-Generation X-.

Say shut up to every Dx member you talk to during the pre-season for D-Generation X-.

Mr. Ass+
Say thanks to HHH and Mr. Ass, then defeat the Rock & Sock Connection with "The Game" under the hard difficulty setting.

Tech skill+
Win every match in pre-season mode. You will get a match with Mankind. Lose to him to get an "I Quit" match with The Rock. Lose the match to get Tech Skill+. Note: This may take a few attempts. Save the game before entering the match with The Rock to keep trying without having to start the pre-season over.

Attack Vince McMahon
Go through pre-season until "The Game" Triple H asks to beat up Vince, If you do, Shane-O-Mac will save Vince with a steel chair. If you choose not to, "Cross The Boss" HHH will beat you up or you will help Shane attack "The Game".

Get beat up by The Game and Stephanie
In pre-season, if you tell Stephanie to shut up, you get beat up by "The Game" and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. You also get Un-Trustworthy for characteristics.

Get Trustworthy
Say thanks to Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley to receive Trustworhy for characteristics when your going through pre-season.

The Acolytes (APA)
Create a tag team match with Farooq and Bradshaw and they will appear as the Acolytes.

The Rock and Sock Connection
Create a tag team match with The Rock and Mankind.

New Age Outlaws
Just create a tag team match with the Road Dogg and Bad Ass Billy Gunn and they appear with the New Age Outlaws video, music and name.

The Dudly Boyz
In a tag team match, select Buh Buh Ray and D'von and they will appear as the Dudley Boyz.

The Hardy Boyz
In a tag team match, select Matt and Jeff Hardy and they will appear as the Hardy Boyz.

Hardy Boyz feud
When making a created character take him through pre-season under the hard difficulty setting. When the Hardy Boyz confront you to talk about your match say "Thanks!" or if your creating a character set the "Characteristics" to Matt Hardy+ or Jeff Hardy+. Then, after you are finished with pre-season, go to season mode. If you have Jeff Hardy+ on your profile, Jeff Hardy will come out to help, same thing as if it were Matt Hardy+. If Jeff comes out to help you during your match on season mode (has to be set to hard difficulty) and it is Matt Hardy you are fighting, you and Jeff will feud with Matt Hardy. Same thing it would be if Matt Hardy was interfering in your match with Jeff. Your created character and Matt Hardy will feud with Jeff Hardy.

Get attacked by Mideon and Viscera
Win all your matches in pre-season mode until you fight Mankind. Lose to him and you will fight the Rock. Win that match and win the next match. Win the Royal Rumble. Then, Paul Bearer will talk to you. Tell him to shut up. Before your next match, you will get attacked by Mideon and Viscera.

Attack Stone Cold Steve Austin
Win all your matches in pre-season mode until you fight Mankind. Lose to him and you will fight the Rock. Win that match and win the next match. Win the Royal Rumble. Defeat the Rock & Sock Connection in a handicap match. Then, during Wrestle Mania, the Undertaker will ask you to attack Austin -- say "Yes". Before the main event, the Undertaker and your created wrestler will attack Stone Cold Steve Austin.

If you have a feud with Gangrel in pre-season, you will get a Bloodbath in the normal season mode. Note: It might take some time for Gangrel to do this. Alternately, select Gangrel and skip all matches in season mode. Eventually, you will see Gangrel doing his Bloodbath.

Undertaker's ceremony
In Season mode as you skip matches and intermission sequences appear, eventually The Undertaker and Paul Bearer will be in the ring and the Undertaker's symbol will be in the air. Note: It may take some time for this to happen.

Defeat The Undertaker at the King of the Ring Finals competition. After winning the match, the game will show Paul Bearer and a randomly selected wrestler standing below The Undertaker's symbol celebrating the Undertaker's ceremony. Note: Your wrestler does not have to be at the finals. It has to be Undertaker against anyone. If The Undertaker loses before the finals, the ceremony will not appear. If The Undertaker wins the finals, it also will not work.

Change weapons
Press [R1] to pick up a weapon. Then throw it out of the ring, and go outside the ring. Get close to the ring. as you would to get back in. Press [R1] while facing the ring. Your wrestler will grab another weapon from under the ring. You can keep repeat this until getting the weapon of your choice.

Hint : Easy cage match win
When playing a cage match, go to the wall and your opponent will follow you. As your opponent is in your attack range, Irish Whip him/her to the wall that located beside you (and not behind you ). Then, quickly press [R1] toward the wall behind you and rapidly tap the D-Pad to climb the wall faster. If your opponent gain his control back and you fail to climb the wall completely, just repeat those steps.

Stand in the top right hand corner of the ring and whip your opponent to the bottom left hand corner turnbuckle. If they land in the turnbuckle, start to climb the cage in the top right hand corner. When they get out of the turnbuckle they will walk to the side of cage you are on but will be able to get you down. If this is executed correctly, you will be able to climb out of the cage very quickly.

Climbing out of the cage
Go near the cage, press [R1], and when you have climbed a short distance, repeatedly press [Up].

Skip over downed opponent
Press [L2] to skip over a opponent that is on the ground.

Drop at running opponent
To drop down at a running opponent, hold the "D-pad "to their side and press [Square].

Slam opponent into crowd separator
When near the crowd separator, whip your opponent into it, but hold the direction you whip them. If done correctly, your wrestler should your opponent's head and slam it into the crowd separator.

Ball Breaker on the post
Note: This is a difficult trick to perform. Throw your opponent to the any of the four posts, but make sure they are standing towards you or has their head on the ring post. Once this is done, get out of the ring as quickly as possible and grab your leg of your opponent that is closer to the post. If done correctly, your opponent will fall and your wrestler can perform the Ball Breaker.

Perform your finisher
You will be able to do your finisher after you get a green dot. On your meter, the Smackdown logo will light up when you are in the right spot. From there, just press [L1].

When your meter has all of the dots highlighted, simply press [L1] from the position from which you hit your finisher. Example: To perform Jeff Hardy's Senton Bomb, knock your opponent down on the ground with all of your dots highlighted, climb the turnbuckle, and press [L1].

Referee poses
For different referee poses, press [L2] and the D-Pad in various directions. For a fast count, quickly press [L2].

Face opponent's back when picking up
Press [Circle]x2 when picking up your opponent. This is useful for wrestler such as Road Dogg when performing a finishing move.

Fast special
Repeatedly press [L2] (taunt) in a match to gain quick power instead of waiting for the taunt to finish.

Instead of beating the other opponents up until you get your special move, continually throw your opponent out and press the [L2] (taunt). Do not wait for the taunt to end -- just rapidly press it.

The following strategy with Steve Austin can be used to fill up the red bar and gives you a finisher when it is filled. Keep doing the Austin Elbow Drop ([Right] + [X]) when someone is on the mat to fill up the bar.

Do special without using a dot
When your meter says "Smackdown", instead of pressing [L1] press [Left] + [Circle]. Note: This does not work for all wrestlers -- sometimes they will just do a special move.

Combo moves
Each wrestler has a combo. Repeatedly press [X] and they will do a 4-5 hit combo.

Roll out of the ring
When you get knocked down, hold toward the direction you want to roll out of and keep pressing [R1] after you start to roll.

Using the Irish Whip
Press [Circle] to grapple your opponent, then your wrestler will do an Irish Whip. You can actually whip your opponent in any direction by pressing the D-Pad. This trick is very useful when you are playing a Royal Rumble type match.

During a Hard-Core match, you can fight backstage by irish whipping your opponent up the ramp by pressing [Circle].

Winning handicap matches, 3-way dance, and 4-way dance matches
These matches can be very frustrating in pre-season and season modes because when you are trying to pin someone, the other participant(s) will break the pin. An easy way to win this type of match is by KOing your opponent. Simply beat up your chosen opponent and keep on beating him until you have a green dot. After that, you can KO him by using your finishing move. Sometimes, it may take two to three attempts before your opponent can be knocked out.

If you try and pin in one of these matches, the other wrestlers in the ring will usually break you out. They cannot break you out of a submission or a special move. If you do a special move and the victim does not get KOed, beat them up a bit more then try a submission. Usually it is a good idea to take someone outside of the ring to fight and fend off anyone else who wants to take a shot at you -- but let them attack the other participant if they want.

The Smack Down Hotel
In a 3-way dance, use The Rock or a created wrestler with the People's Elbow and a friend who has the standard Falling Head Butt move. When you both have the opponent ready on the ground, have one wrestler in position to do the Falling Head Butt between the legs as the other has the People's Elbow revved up and near the end of the fall. Start the fall with the head butt. If done correctly, you both should fall and land at the same time.

Created wrestler: More moves
Simply put your skill to a higher setting to get more moves for a created wrestler.

Simply edit the "Fighting Style" to "Powerful", save and exit, then go to "Ability". Increase "Powerful" to level five, then save and exit. Go to "Moves", insert all the desired moves, then save and exit. Go to fighting style again. Repeat those steps to set "Technique", "Speedy", and "Rough Neck" just like "Powerful". For example, once you change the "Ability" from "Powerful" to "Technique", the level for "Powerful" will reset -- but you still have those moves you have selected. You could not edit again because the moves for "Powerful" are dimmed. (If you want to select the moves for "Powerful" again, then you have to set the "Ability" to "Powerful' again). Try to set all the moves before changing (for example, "Powerful" to "Technique"). Although this is cumbersome, it is worth the effort to have all the higher level moves when you create a superstar.

Complete every match in the pre-season with a created wrestler. You will get the level five moves. For example, for a "speedy" wrestler you will get The People's Elbow, Senton Bomb, and more. For a "powerful" wrestler you will get the Full Nelson Slam, Tombstone Piledriver, and more.

Created wrestler: Pull off elbow pads
Use the People's Elbow as a finisher to have a created wrestler pull off his elbow pad. If your created wrestler does not have elbow pads, one will appear when the move is used.

Created wrestler: Appear with the Godfathers Ho's
Set your created wrestler's ring entrance to The Godfather and he will appear with the ho's.

Created wrestler: Socko taunt
Use the Socko taunt as part of your created wrestler's moves to pull Socko out of your sleeve by pressing [L2]. Remember to choose the Mandible Claw to have some fun with Socko.

Created wrestler: Explosive intros
Custom wrestlers can have a fiery explosion during their intro if they have their character entrance set to Kane, regardless of movie.

Created wrestler: Evil entrance
When creating a wrestler, use Al Snow's entrance move.

Created wrestler: Longer theme music
When creating a wrestler, use the Stonecold Special as your winning move.

Created wrestler: Morphing hands
When creating a wrestler, pick the last shirt. When you start a match your hands will morph into different forms as you fight, taunt, ect.

Created wrestler: White eyes
When creating a wrestler, use Undertaker's head and entrance. When your created wrestler appears, his eyes will roll back leaving them white.

Created wrestler: Special taunts
Create a wrestler and give him/her a special body and they will do a special taunt. For example, create a wrestler with the metallic body and Austin's taunt. When you do the taunt, his arms will turn into large spikes instead of using fingers. Create a wrestler with the metallic body and give the D-X taunt. When you do the taunt, his hands will turn into big round stones.

Created wrestler: With on all fours double team
When creating a wrestler give him/her the On All Fours taunt. Start a handicap match with a friend. When your opponent is in the corner, taunt. Your created wrestler should get on all fours. Have your friend run towards you. Your friend's wrestler should jump off your back. While in the air press [X] or [Circle] to do a double team.

Created wrestler: Rock Bottom through table
Select the Rock Bottom for one of you ready moves. Then, throw your opponent on the table and execute the move.

Avoid recreating custom wrestlers
When you have finished creating a wrestler, you cannot re-edit their profile (name, age, gender, entrance, etc.). Be careful with those entries, or you will have to recreate that person. However, you can edit everything else.

Create a team
Create two, three, or four players in "Create A Superstar" mode. Get them all through the pre-season mode. Then go to a new regular season, and choose one or more of the created wrestlers. Then the game will prompt "Are You Sure?". Choose "Yes". A screen with "Solo, 2-Person Team, 3-Person Team, and 4-Person team" will appear. You will be prompted for who will be in this team, and what the name will be. The created wrestlers will appear with that name in tag-team matches during the season. This is especially useful when creating Too Cool, The Radicals, and any other team that is not already in the game. Note: In order for this to work in exhibition mode, you must save your season.

Best moves in Creating a Superstar
For the best moves possible when Creating a Superstar set your character's ability points as follows. Keep the Attack and Defense at 1. Keeping them down enables you to get high skill points, which corresponds to "Level" when select moves. Note: You must create the wrestlers; if you read what it says after you complete the certain year it states "You are now able to CREATE etc…".

Create the Ultimate Superstar
If you want to create a strong Superstar, go to pre-season mode and unlock many the character traits. When you have some that you want to use with a created wrestler, use them for things like Degeneration-X+ or other good wrestlers. Also, use other items such as good in matches or good moves. After setting the traits, complete a pre-season and your Superstar will be very good.

Create a Superstar with maximum weight and height. Set the Power Skill to level 3 or higher, and Power Attack to level higher than level 3. Have Bearhug as your superstar move. When fighting in a match, keep doing the Bearhug as many times as possible, and other moves such as the Anklelock, Boston Crab, and Camel Clutch when your opponent down. Your opponent will give up immediately within 30 seconds to 3 minutes.

Post your opponent between the legs
You can post your opponent between the legs on the ring post. Get your opponent in the corner, then slip out of the ring. Get positioned behind or in front of him, depending on the throw, then quickly press [Circle] to grab the nearest foot.

Break the announcers' table and win
Make your opponent go onto the announcers' table in a table match. Make sure he will stay on there while you jump off the table just beside you. If you jump from the table, you will break the announcers' table and win the match. Do not jump from the top rope because you cannot reach that far.

Double-Team Springboard Plancha
Select either the Hardy Boyz or Edge and Christian. Set your opponent up in the corner, then move one of your wrestlers a few steps in front of him. The other wrestler should be a couple steps behind him. Press [L2] for the wrestler in front and he will squat on all fours. Press [Triangle] for the other wrestler and he will run on and jump off his partner. If you press [X] in the air, he will land on his opponent. Note: Your opponent does not have to be in the corner, but it just looks better.

In a Royal Rumble when an opponent is caught in the ropes, you and a friend can use the Double-Team Springboard Plancha to knock him out. Note: You must have a wrestler that gets down on all fours as a taunt to do this.

Double Senton Bomb
Select a Handicap Match and set it up as 1P and 2P vs. Com. Have a friend be player two. Select the Hardy Boyz for players one and two, and anyone else for the CPU. Beat up your opponent badly, until Jeff Hardy has a green dot. Then, slam your opponent face-up in the middle of the ring. Both players one and two should climb up on the turnbuckles opposite each other. Have the player controlling Jeff press [L1], and the player controlling Matt press [X] at the same time. If done correctly, they will perform a Double Senton Bomb and will score an easy victory.

Perfect Senton Bomb
Irish Whip your opponent into the turnbuckle so he bounces off and lays on the mat. Then, climb the turnbuckle and execute the move.

Rock Bottom
Knock your opponent down. Press [Circle] to pick him up then press [Circle] + [Left] to do the Rock Bottom.

Mr. Socko
When you are about to do Mankind's special, press [Down] + [Circle] to get out Mr. Socko. When you do Mankind's special your opponent should give up right away.

Select Mankind and taunt by pressing [L2] + D-Pad. Mankind should take out Mr. Socko.

Hint Leap frog
To do a leap frog, have a large amount of distance between you and your opponent. Face your opponent's back. When it is turned, hold [Triangle] then press [Square]. If done correctly, you will leap frog over and continue to run. Then, you will bounce off the ropes. Use your desired run attack move to destroy the competition.

Baseball slide
Have your opponent face to face to slide under their leg. Have a large amount of distance between you and your opponent. Run while holding [Triangle] then press [Square]. This works best with the turn around move from behind for a good looking finish.

Jeff Jarret's hidden taunt
When creating a wrestler give him/her the "Peace Sign" taunt. When you taunt, it will be Jeff Jarret's taunt.

Too Cool Sidestep
Create a wrestler and select "Peace Sign" as your taunt (Jeff Jarret). Start a match and repeatedly press [L2]. Although slow, it looks like Two Cool's Sidestep.

This is a Hurrancana off the ropes. Set up the move so your opponent can stand still, then pull it off. If done correctly, you will get a pin.

Glitch: Not playing Royal Rumble in season mode
When playing Royal Rumble in season mode, simply exit and you will be at the next month of your season.

Glitch: Delayed fight
In season mode, when a wrestler picks a fight with someone, he will not fight that person for at least two months after he said it.

Glitch: Single match with a manager that disappears
Play a match with a manager. After the match your manager is nowhere to be seen.

Glitch: Title belts text
If you play a normal match and exit, sometimes the phrase ""The Match" will appear over who owns the belt Note: If this occurs the only way to make it to where you can get your belt back is to reset the game before you save or to delete your memory card data if you already saved.

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