NFL Quarterback Club '97 Cheats - Sega Saturn

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Check out these NFL Quarterback Club '97 cheats and stay cool!
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Stadium selection
Press [Left] or [Right] when the NFL flag is next to the rotating stadium in the options screen. One of the four stadiums may be selected for the game.

Enter one of the following controller actions at the team selection screen in pre-season mode:

Constant turboX(2), Y(2), X, Y
Fumble modeX(3), L, X(2)
No fumblesX(3), R, X(2)
Land mine modeX(3), Z, X(2)
Super slipperyX(2), R, Z, X, R
Big playersX(2), Z, Y, X, Z
Small playersX(2), Z(2), X, Z
Short, fat playersX, Y, Z, Y, X, Z
Tall, skinny playersX, Y, Z(2), X, Z
Shadow playersX(2), Z, L, X, Z
100 yard passes and kicksX(2), Z, R, X, Z
High school teamX(2), Y, R, X, Y
Super teamX(2), R, Y, X, R
Eight downsX, Y, L, Y, X, L
Activate all codesX(2), R(2), X, R
Activate 100 secret teamsL, Y, R(2), L, R
Pro-Bowl teamsX(3), Y, X(2)
Very slow motionX(2), L, Z, X, L
Very fast motionX(2), L(2), X, L
Vikings vs. 49ersX, Y, L(2), X, L
Gamepro teamX, Y, L(2), X, L
EGM teamX, Y, R(2), X, R

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