Super Castlevania 4 Cheats - SNES

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Check out these Super Castlevania 4 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Super Castlevania 4 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Hidden staircase
There is an invisible staircase leading to Dracula, and a pit below it, on the level just before Dracula is encountered. Take a large jump into the pit from the edge to land on an invisible platform. Move to the left side to reach a staircase that leads downward. Before going down, move all the way to the left to find some power-ups. Collect 99 hearts, a triple boomerang, and the best whip, then carefully return to the stairs to enter the next level.

Bonus rooms
Levels 3-1, 6-2, and 9-2 have bonus rooms that contain a large amount of power-ups.

Level 9 treasure chest
Jump 255 times on any treasure chest on level 9 for a power-up.

Level passwords
Do not enter a name on the password screen.

Level 2Level 4Level 8Level AFinal Level
A, _, _, W_, _, _, W_, _, _, __, _, _, H_, _, _, A
_, A, _, _ W, W, _, _W, W, _, _W, H, _, _W, _, _, _
_, A, _, _ _, W, _, A_, W, _, W_, H, _, H_, _, _, H
W, W, _, _ _, _, _, _W, W, _, _A, W, _, _H, H, _, _
2nd Quest
Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6
H, A, _, W_, _, _, __, _, _, A_, _, _, W_, _, _, __, _, _, _
A, _, _, HW, _, _, _W, _, _, _W, W, _, _W, _, _, _W, W, _, _
_, A, _, __, _, _, __, _, _, __, W, _, A_, _, _, A_, W, _, A
_, H, _, _W, _, _, _H, _, _, __, _, _, _W, A, _, _W, A, _, _
Level 7Level 8Level 9Level A, Level BFinal Level
_, _, _, W_, _, _, __, _, _, A_, _, _, H_, _, _, A_, _, _, W
W, H, _, _W, W, _, _W, W, _, _W, H, _, _W, _, _, _W, W, _, _
_, H, _, W_, W, _, W_, W, _, W_, H, _, H_, _, _, H_, W, _, _
_, A, _, _W, W, _, _H, P_, _A, W, _, _H, H, _, __, H, A, _

[H] = Heart
[W] = Holy Water
[A] = Axe
[_] = Space
More passwords
Go to continue, leave the name blank, then press [Start]. The password layout is a grid consisting of four columns and four rows. Refer to the columns and rows as numbered 1, 2, 3,and 4. 1,1 is the top-left corner; 1,4 is the top-right corner; 4,1 is the bottom-left corner; etc. Above the grid are three pictures: a potion, a heart, and an ax. Refer to P for Potion, H for Heart, and A for Axe.
Main Hall (first level of the castle)
2,1 P
2,2 P
3,2 P
4,1 P
4,2 A
3,4 A

Dungeon (third level of castle)
2,1 P
2,2 P
3,2 P
4,1 P
3,4 P

Clock Tower (fifth level of castle)
2,1 P
2,2 H
3,2 H
4,1 A
4,2 P
3,4 H
1,4 H

Bridge (sixth level of castle)
2,1 P
4,1 H
4,2 H
3,4 H
1,4 A

Dracula (last level)
2,1 P
2,2 P
3,2 P
4,2 H
4,3 A
1,4 P

Gaibon (the Boss two away before Dracula)
2,1 P
4,2 H
4,3 A

Death (the Boss before Dracula)
2,1 P
2,2 A
3,2 A
4,2 H
4,3 A

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