Atelier Ayesha Plus: The Alchemist of Dusk Cheats - PS Vita

 All cheats for this game by platform: PS Vita
Check out these Atelier Ayesha Plus: The Alchemist of Dusk cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
A Bouquet of Memories (secret) (Silver) - You've collected many memories. But your journey still continues.
A Flower of Memories (secret) (Bronze) - You've started collecting memories. But your journey has just started.
A Garden of Memories (secret) (Gold) - You've collected a lot of memories. It's proof that you went on a long journey.
All Trophies Earned (Platinum) - All trophies earned.
All Unlocked! (secret) (Silver) - All contents unlocked.
Amusing Ayesha (secret) (Bronze) - You dropped your wallet, and a weird girl saved you.
Ancient Dragon Slaying (secret) (Bronze) - You slayed the dragon with your party.
And the Trio (secret) (Silver) - You went with Marion and Linca to their new post.
Another High Point (secret) (Bronze) - Your Battle Level reached 50.
At Paradise (secret) (Bronze) - You saw Keith enjoying his hobby.
Bazaar! (secret) (Bronze) - You took part in Vierzeberg's bazaar.
Big Sister's Heart (secret) (Bronze) - You dressed Juris up with Regina.
Building Block (secret) (Bronze) - You discovered a gigantic slag at an ancient ruin.
Dress Up (secret) (Bronze) - You saw Tanya all dressed up in Marietta's Store.
Ernie's Long Legs (secret) (Bronze) - You relaxed your body at a salty hot spring.
Feeding (secret) (Bronze) - You saw Fred giving his bread to children.
First Victory! (secret) (Bronze) - You won the Thrilling Treasure Contest for the first time.
Flower Smell (secret) (Bronze) - You were reunited with Nio in a surreal place.
Future of a Female Prospector (secret) (Silver) - You went to visit Regina, who retired from prospecting and went back home.
Girls Gathering! (secret) (Gold) - You became friends with all the girls, and had a girls gathering party.
Grand Champion! (secret) (Silver) - You continued to win the Thrilling Treasure Contest, and were given the title of Grand Champion.
Hunter Life (secret) (Silver) - You spent time with Juris and Nanaca, earnestly engaged in a hunt.
One High Point (secret) (Bronze) - Your Alchemy Level reached 50.
One Who Rules the Land (secret) (Bronze) - You defeated a powerful land combat-type slag.
One Who Rules the Sky (secret) (Bronze) - You defeated a powerful flying-type slag.
Reunion (secret) (Bronze) - You accomplished your goal of reuniting with Nio.
Reunion (Hard Mode) (secret) (Silver) - Reunited with Nio.
Sage's Hermitage (secret) (Gold) - You were worshiped and praised as Lady Ayesha by the townsfolk.
Search for the Truth (secret) (Silver) - You decided to go with Keith to search for the truth about alchemy.
Sending Sheep (secret) (Bronze) - Ernie carried you home safely.
Sisters Thereafter (secret) (Bronze) - You talked to Nio after she came back.
The End of the Journey (secret) (Bronze) - Your long journey ended and your new life began.
The Last Labor (secret) (Bronze) - You helped Regina with her last labor.
The Two (secret) (Bronze) - You watched the battle between Linca and Linca.
The Witch and the Alchemist (secret) (Silver) - You went with Wilbell to get permission to open a shop together.
Thrilling Treasure Contest (secret) (Bronze) - You took part in Harry's Contest.
To Them (secret) (Bronze) - You attended the party for Juris.
Treasure Hunter (secret) (Gold) - You decided to go on a journey with Harry to search for treasures around the world.
What were you doing? (secret) (Bronze) - Ernie came to the workshop when you were in a rush.
Wind Ruler (secret) (Bronze) - You went with Wilbell to accomplish her task.
Working Ma'am (secret) (Silver) - You continued to accept requests from others and became a master apothecary.

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