Unlock Trophies
I Get Tired (Silver) - Log into the server for 30 consecutive days.
Killer 100 (Bronze) - Defeat 100 enemies.
Killer 10,000 (Silver) - Defeat 10,000 enemies.
Picot Attacker (secret) (Bronze) - Defeat the Doba Jigoku.
Picot Hero (secret) (Bronze) - Defeat the Doba Tank.
Picot High Night (secret) (Silver) - Defeat the Doba Devil on the high difficulty setting.
Picot Night (secret) (Bronze) - Defeat the Doba Devil on the lowest difficulty setting.
Picot Buster (secret) (Bronze) - Defeat the Doba Batto.
Picot Champion (secret) (Bronze) - Defeat the Doba Oku.
Picot Fighter (secret) (Bronze) - Defeat the Doba Dragon.
Picot Rookie (Bronze) - Clear a mission for the first time.
Picot Ruler (secret) (Bronze) - Defeat the Doba Tengu.
Picot Super Night (secret) (Gold) - Defeat the Doba Devil on the super difficulty setting.