Cheat Codes
Enter the following codes at the Settings menu to make these secret characters available to be scouted at the Scout menu in the Competition. NOTE: These passwords only work in the English version of the game.
Cadence Soundtown - coolrhythm.
Giulio Acuto - justlikejude.
Karl Kappa - legendary.
Miles Ryan - nathanfriend.
Paul Peabody - markfriend.
Phil A. Minion - lordzoolan.
Syon Blaze - axelcousin.
The following codes work in the Spanish version of the game:
Cadence Soundtown - vayaflow.
Giulio Acuto - igualitojude.
Karl Kappa - mitologico.
Miles Ryan - compinathan.
Paul Peabody - amiguetemark.
Phil A. Minion - adeptozoolan.
Syon Blaze - primodeaxel.