Blood Wake Cheats - Xbox

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox
Check out these Blood Wake cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlimited turbo
Press [Up]x2, [Down]x2, [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [B], [A] at the "Start Game" screen, then press [Start]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: If the code does not activate the first time, wait at the main screen until it switches back to the "Start Game" screen and try again. To enter another code, remain on this screen until the game returns to the "Start Game" screen on its own.

Unlimited ammunition
Press [Black], [White], [L], [R], click Right Analog-stick(2), press [Y], [X] at the "Start Game" screen, then press [Start]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: If the code does not activate the first time, wait at the main screen until it switches back to the "Start Game" screen and try again. To enter another code, remain on this screen until the game returns to the "Start Game" screen on its own.

Click Left Analog-stick, click Right Analog-stick, press [Down], [Left], [Down], [Left], [B], [Y] at the "Start Game" screen, then press [Start]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: If the code does not activate the first time, wait at the main screen until it switches back to the "Start Game" screen and try again. To enter another code, remain on this screen until the game returns to the "Start Game" screen on its own.

All boats
Press [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [L], [B], [X]x2, click Right Analog-stick at the "Start Game" screen, then press [Start]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: If the code does not activate the first time, wait at the main screen until it switches back to the "Start Game" screen and try again. To enter another code, remain on this screen until the game returns to the "Start Game" screen on its own.

All levels in story mode
Press [X], [Y], [Up], [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up], [Down], [L]x2 at the "Start Game" screen, then press [Start]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: If the code does not activate the first time, wait at the main screen until it switches back to the "Start Game" screen and try again. To enter another code, remain on this screen until the game returns to the "Start Game" screen on its own.

All levels in battle mode
Press [Y], [A], [X], [B], click Left Analog-stick, click Right Analog-stick, [Black], [White], [R]x2 at the "Start Game" screen, then press [Start]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: If the code does not activate the first time, wait at the main screen until it switches back to the "Start Game" screen and try again. To enter another code, remain on this screen until the game returns to the "Start Game" screen on its own.

Blood Ball mode
Press [X], [Y], [White], [Black], [B], [A], [Left], [Up], [Right], [Down] at the "Start Game" screen, then press [Start]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: If the code does not activate the first time, wait at the main screen until it switches back to the "Start Game" screen and try again. To enter another code, remain on this screen until the game returns to the "Start Game" screen on its own.

Puffer Fish
Press [A], [B], [Black], [White], [Y], [X], click Right Analog-stick(2), click Left Analog-stick(2) at the "Start Game" screen, then press [Start]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: If the code does not activate the first time, wait at the main screen until it switches back to the "Start Game" screen and try again. To enter another code, remain on this screen until the game returns to the "Start Game" screen on its own.

Rubber Duck
Click Right Analog-stick, click Left Analog-stick, [R], [L], [Black], [White], [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right] at the "Start Game" screen, then press [Start]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: If the code does not activate the first time, wait at the main screen until it switches back to the "Start Game" screen and try again. To enter another code, remain on this screen until the game returns to the "Start Game" screen on its own.

Import boat mode
Press [Y], [B], [X], [A], [L], [R], [Left], [Right], click Left Analog-stick, click Right Analog-stick at the "Start Game" screen, then press [Start]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: If the code does not activate the first time, wait at the main screen until it switches back to the "Start Game" screen and try again. To enter another code, remain on this screen until the game returns to the "Start Game" screen on its own.

Successfully complete the "Protection Racket" level under the captain difficulty setting.

When you get the Basilisk, every part of the boat that has spikes on it. You can ram into enemies and it will do damage.

Successfully complete the "Up The Nagau" level under the ensign difficulty setting.

Guncat Catamaran
Successfully complete the "Protection Racket" level under the ensign difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the "Ships In The Night" level under the ensign difficulty setting.

Hellcat Catamaran
Successfully complete the "The Gauntlet" level under the ensign difficulty setting.

Hydroplane Switchblade
Successfully complete the "The Gladiator" level under the ensign difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the "Assault On Black Moon" level under the ensign difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the "A Friend In Need" level under the ensign difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the "Payment Is due" level under the ensign difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the "Fish In A Barrel" level under the ensign difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the "Sampan Surprise" level under the ensign difficulty setting.

Switchblade hydroplane
Successfully complete the "Gladiator" level under the ensign difficulty setting.

Kingdom Come Battle Mode
Successfully complete the "Baptism Of Fire" level under the ensign difficulty setting.

Clanbake Battle Mode
Successfully complete the "A Poke In The Eye" level under the ensign difficulty setting.

Metal Massacre Battle Mode
Successfully complete the "Hurrican Of Fire" level under the ensign difficulty setting.
Destroy boats faster
To destroy the boats faster, ram into them and shoot two torpedoes.

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