Fable: The Lost Chapters Cheats - Xbox

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Downloadable Fable: The Lost Chapters Cheats
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Sep. 13, 2006
Author: 57KB
Easy Money
Due to the simplicity of the in-game economics, anybody with a decent Guile score (around 3 or so) and a half an ounce of patience will be able to buy anything in half an hour.

The easiest target for this cheat is the guy in Bowerstone South right next to the entrance. Buy out all of his potions (health, will and resurection philes). The more of these items you have, the faster you make money. About 25 of each (except res. philes, you can only have 9 of them) is the best to start with. Since the price of each item is based on how many the vendor has in stock, when he has none, he'll pay a fortune and when he has a lot, he'll sell them cheap. You don't even have to stop talking to him. Just make sure that when you sell, you hit the sell all button because selling in chunks drops his buying price. Once you've sold them all, buy them back all at once at his reduced price and repeat the process.

I discovered this cheat with a little over 9,000 gold earned the hard way, and in 10 minutes I had 100,000 gold. I then visited every shop I could find, bought the store out of their potions (wound up with about 230 health and will) and in another 10 minutes of exploitation, I had 700,000 gold. If you can get a bunch of wedding rings, you can speed up your profit level even faster with that same shmoe in bowerstone south.

Sleep in already occupied houses without the fine
Don't do this trick if the house's bed is too far away from the entrance. First find a bed in a house and then try to sleep in it. It'll warn you about it but click yes anyways. Then quickly run out of the house before the screen fades and you won't get a fine from it. The game thinks you slept, but there's no intrusion of property fine.

Continue playing
Most people wonder, after you have completed the game can you continue? You can just by watching the credits and after ten or fifteen minutes the credits will stop and you will appear infront of the Bronze Gate. If you choosed to put the mask on or not you will still continue the game. At the guild, any secondary quests not completed will still be there so there is still quests to do. Incase you want to improve your skills travel to the cliffside path where undead warriors will continue to recarnate unless you leave the area.

Easter Egg: White Balverine Guards in Oakvale
Kill exactly 1,019 Guards whilst you are in Oakvale in order to trigger this special Easter Egg. You have to stay in Oakvale as you kill all 1,019 Guards there, otherwise this Easter Egg will not work. Once this Easter Egg has been properly executed, the normal Guards in Oakvale will begin spawning as White Balverines, with all the same agility, speed, strength and hit-points of White Balverines. Interestingly, they will still speak using their normal dialog but in a slowed down, deeper pitched voice. Once you leave Oakvale, or load a game-save, this effect will be canceled. It will take you between 5 to 8 hours of in-game time to properly execute this Easter Egg.

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