Grasslands: Unlock the low gravity cheat. Turn right from the starting point. Pass the circle with hearts on it. Jump up the tower with the small platform sticking out. Once you are on top, wall jump the higher tower directly above you (it has a window) and press the [Analog-stick Forward] to get on the wall. You can jump into the chicken experimentation room (black area) or go on the grass. You can knock the guard off that usually shoots you from up there. This can also be done on the other side of the plaza. Jump up the tower with the Easter Egg. Go to the tower that you can jump up into to get on the wooden platform with hearts. Wall jump this, do a regular jump off the wall, and wall jump the same tower (only now you will be higher) and land on the wall. Jump off into either area (chickens or grass). If you choose the grasslands, you will need to move closer. From either of the grasslands you can re-enter Red Dragon Castle.Mother Goose World: Stuck wolf
Sweetsville Factory: Unlock the low gravity cheat and jump on the roof of the building that holds the power switch. Jump off into the water behind it.
Sweetsville Factory:Jump on the pipe while holding the slingshot kid. It easy to get the slingshot kid up to the roof. Grab the kid, jump on the little box next to pipe, and kick the kid while bouncing. On one of those jumps, it is possible to fall into the room.
Prince Charming's Castle: Jump out of the window that you are supposed to kick the prisoners out of.
Red Dragon Castle: Unlock the low gravity cheat. Cross the bridge and go to the big castle door. Jump up and pass the dragon pot. You will be between two small towers, each with hearts and one with a guard on top. Wall jump the tower with the guard. This will get you on top of the wall. Jump off into the black area on the other side.