Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords Cheats - Xbox

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Downloadable Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords Cheats
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Jan. 05, 2006
Jan. 05, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlock Cheat Node
The Cheat Node is a menu that can be accessed in the back rooms of the Jekk'Jekk Tar tunnels. Much like the Galaxy Droid from the original Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic, there are interesting features in this hidden menu. Some of them can skip you ahead in the area, such as "Skip to final sequence", while others seemingly do nothing, such as "Delete Mira". To access the Cheat Node, climb out of the pit after defeating your opponent (Mira or Hanharr). Go through the door that leads out of the pit, after defeating the Ubese, then take the left-most door. There is another door directly ahead of this where the Node is located. Upon entering this room, defeat the three Ubese. Immediately after you defeat the last Ubese, move your character to the wall directly opposite of the door and keep moving towards it. If done correctly, your targeting reticule will turn blue and select the wall for a moment. Immediately press [A]. You are now in conversation mode with a Ubese who is behind the wall in the room with the exit. You are now able to access the Cheat Node.
Change Voices
Add a controller to the fourth port and press [Black] or [White] to raise and lower their voice.

Unlimited Dark Side Points
At one point during the Czerka/Ithorian Conflict on Telos, a band of Mercenaries attack the Ithorian Complex. You receive a call from Mozo, who is holed up in the vivarium. When you come to his rescue and wipe out the Mercenaries, he thanks you and offers you a keycard. Ask for a reward, and when he offers you none, leave him to fend for himself, and then say "Better you than me". You will receive dark side points. The best part is, you can keep repeating this over and over again for as long as you want for unlimited dark side points!

Unlimited Experience
In the Sith tomb inside the Shyrack cave on Korriban there is room that contains the body of a dead Jedi. Every time you search the body a pair of Hssiss appears in the room. Keep searching and killing to level up as much as you want. The death field power speeds things up and keeps you healthy in the process.

Peragus: Defeating mining robots
On Peragus, you will have to deal with a lot of out of control mining robots in several areas. An easy way to defeat them is with the Plasma Tourch. It has a low damage rate against normal enemies, but its fine against robots, locked containers, locked doors, and even busted doors. Make sure you also keep this weapon and never sell it, as it will be useful in many areas of the game. Also, you will not get many credits for selling it.

Telos: Distraction and kill
When you crash land on the surface of Telos, you will encounter a lot of people in a small section of an area with buildings. An easy way to kill everyone is to make sure your party is behind you as you fight an enemy. When it gets to you and one other person, your party will just let you go one-on-one with the person while they fire at some other group. Make sure you take a slightly longer than needed to fight this person. Then, when you are done, attack the group that your party was firing at. Once you do this, your party usually is all dead except for you. You will have to fight what remains of the group solo. Normally, Atton Rand gets up with a low amount of health and starts shooting at another enemy. Once you are done with the group you are fighting at the moment, go to the one that Atton is shooting at. Keep repeating this process.

Handmaiden's Robe
After you duel with Handmaiden, she is not wearing anything. Put some clothes on yourself then ask her to put some clothes on. The robes she puts on are valuable. You can repeat this process as many times as you desired and sell the extra robes. Note: Only Handmaiden can wear these robes.

When you first get Bao-Dur after you leave Citadel Station, he can make lots of shields (an infinite amount for a limited duration). Keep asking him for shields. You will get Energy, Mandalorian Melee, and Echani types one once in awhile. This is useful for gaining credits. However, after Bao-Dur asks you about making a lightsaber and tells you to collect the parts, you can no longer ask him to produce shields.

Unlock Secret Compartment on Ebon Hawk
Ask the "Original owner" of the Ebon Hawk (Nar Shaadda) for proof of ownership of the Ebon Hawk and he will rattle off Ebon Hawk facts including the location of 2 secret compartments. They can't be found unless you do this. Sadly the smugglers compartment was removed. But one secret compartment remains in the starboard side. Be "nice" to the chap.

Lightsaber construction
Bao-Dur is an ugly character that follows you around and calls you "General". He is also very skilled at constructing weapons, fixing general robotics, and ship repairs. He will tell you that if you get the parts needed, he will make a lightsaber for you. The following items can be found on these planets. On Dantooine, a salvager near the Jedi Enclave will have all but one part (lens) you will need, at a nifty price. She also has some color crystals. On Dxun, after you kill some Cannoks in the jungles, check their remains. One has the lens needed for the lightsaber. They are found near the Mandalorian ruins entrance, or by the Mandalorian cache.

You cannot get your old lightsaber from Arista. You must to collect components and bring them to Bao-Dur, or you can complete a major quest. A lightsaber hilt shell can be obtained at Citadel Station, from the Ithorian Leader. Jarron will sell you a refracting lens it if you save him. You can buy colored crystals. A Silver Crystal is located at the Rodian Merchant on Nar Shadaa, but you must pick her over the other merchant.

Lightsaber rewards
If you assist the refugees by getting the Exchange to ease up, Hussef will give you a lightsaber. Also, Master Vrook on Dantooine will give you his lightsaber for saving Khoonda.

Best lightsaber crystal
The Crystal Caves on Dantooine hold your very own Force Crystal. It has your name and you can keep getting Kreia to "tune" it to yourself throughout the game. It will also improve over time.

Using lightsaber crystals restricted to the other alignment
If you have a powerful crystal that is restricted to the Dark side while you are on the Light side (or vice versa), put a crystal that is restricted to the opposite alignment in the other slot. They will cancel each other out.

Recommended lightsaber form
Use the Juan Lightsaber Form to do many punches and kicks while being vulnerable to Force powers.

Defeating Bosses
If you are having problems defeating a Boss, simply enter the "Gameplay" settings and lower the difficulty to "Easy" for the duration of the battle.

Force Persuasion
If your Force Persuasion is fully aligned with the Light side, you will get a +3 to your Wisdom bonus. If it is fully aligned with the Dark side, you will get a +3 to your Strength bonus.

Grey alignment
Do not be a "Grey" Jedi. Leaving your connection to the Force in the neutral area is not cost effective for gaining Force powers. The higher you are to the Light, the better the chance of getting two points to use instead of one. This also works with the Dark side. Jedi Masters also learn powers faster than the Watchmen or Bladesmaster.

Force Scream
A very good Force power that has seems to work well on a large scale of enemies is Force Scream and all its other stages. It is especially useful when you are at level 10 to 14, because your enemies are usually weak around that stage of the game, and this power is strong. On Telos, when you fight the mercenaries that protect the Czerka satellite, three or four Force screams (or its other stages) will most likely kill one group at a time.

Onderon: Lose Starport Visa without payment
When on Onderon, you will get a Starport Visa from a Twi'lek bounty hunter. You can get this wiped for 500 credits by a Twi'lek in the cantina. If you go to the human woman in the cantina by the name of Sakare, she will offer you money, a weapon, or a crystal for the wiped Starport Visa. If you select "I'll be going now" instead of choosing payment, you will give her the visa and have no chance for payment.

Easily Win Swoop Race
This works in every swoop race except for the one on Nar Shadaa. Purposely direct your swoop craft into a striped barrier. Just before you hit the wall hit the START button. This will bring up an option to forfeit the race. Hit A and the swoop will drift forward a bit until it hits the wall. Your race time will be whatever time was displayed when you crashed.

Light Side points
On the secret Jedi base on Telos, you can speak to the handmaiden repeatedly to gain infinite light side points.

Unlimited Experience
In the Sith tomb inside the Shyrack cave on Korriban there is room that contains the body of a dead Jedi. Every time you search the body a pair of Hssiss appears in the room. Keep searching and killing to level up as much as you want. The death field power speeds things up and keeps you healthy in the process.

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