Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 Cheats - Xbox

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Check out these Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Master code
Enter the options menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "watch_me_xplode" to unlock all cheats. Note: You must include the underscore "_" character. This will not unlock all the gaps.

Always special
Enter the options menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "i'myellow" to always have a full special.

Play as Daisy
Enter the options menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "(o)(o)" to unlock Daisy.

Perfect manuals
Enter the options menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "freewheelie" for perfect manuals.

Perfect rail
Enter the options menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "belikeeric" for perfect rails.

Perfect skitch
Enter the options menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "bumperrub" for perfect skitch.

Stats to 13
Enter the options menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "4p0sers" to have stats at 13.

Matrix mode
Enter the options menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "fbiagent" for Matrix mode. All ollies and aerial tricks will be in slow motion.

Moon physics
Enter the options menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "moon$hot" for moon physics.

Play as Daisy
Spend $100,000 at the store after finding all gaps and getting a 100% completion.

Play as Eddie
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Play as Jango Fett
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Play as Mike Vallely
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Carnival level
Spend $15,000 at the store.

Chicago level
Spend $15,000 at the store.

Big Head mode
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Cool Specials mode
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Disco mode
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Flame mode
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Gorilla mode
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Hoverboard mode
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Invisible mode
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Kid mode
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Sim mode
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Slow motion mode
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Super Blood mode
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Clown's hair
Spend $250 at the store.

Clown's head
Spend $300 at the store.

Clown's pants
Spend $250 at the store.

Clown's shoes
Spend $150 at the store.

Eraser hair
Spend $250 at the store.

Heart boxers
Spend $150 at the store.

Kenny's head
Spend $400 at the store.

Spend $150 at the store.

King glasses
Spend $100 at the store.

Metal head
Spend $300 at the store.

Officer Dick's head
Spend $400 at the store.

Officer Dick's shirt
Spend $250 at the store.

Ollie's coat
Spend $250 at the store.

Ollie's head
Spend $400 at the store.

Ollie's pants
Spend $250 at the store.

Paper bag
Spend $300 at the store.

Smiley boxers
Spend $150 at the store.

Homies Skatin' 1 FMV sequence
Spend $800 at the store.

Homies Skatin' 2 FMV sequence
Spend $800 at the store.

Kona Old School FMV sequence
Spend $800 at the store.

Outtakes FMV sequence
Spend $800 at the store.

Pro Bails 1 FMV sequence
Successfully complete CAS Pro Challenge.

Pro Bails 2 FMV sequence
Spend $800 at the store.

Pro Skater FMV sequence
Successfully complete the Pro Challenge.

Hidden created skaters
Enter one of the following names at the create a skater screen and their stats will appear.
Aaron Skillman
Adam Lippman
Andrew Skates
Andy Marchal
Atiba Jefferson
Ben Scott Pye
Big Tex
Brian Jennings
Captain Liberty
Chauwa Steel
Chris Peacock
Dave Stohl
Gary Jesdanun
Greg Dione
Henry Ji
Jason Uyeda
Jim Jagger
Joe Favazza
John Rosser
Kevin Mulhall
Lindsey Hayes
Lisa G Davies
Little Man
Marilena Rixfor
Mat Hoffman
Matt Mcpherson
Maya's Daddy
Meek West
Mike Day
Mike Lashever
Mike Ward
Mr. Brad
Nolan Nelson
Parking Guy
Pete Day
Rick Thorne
Stacey D
Stacey Ytuarte
Team Chicken
Ted Barber
Todd Wahoske
Top Bloke
Zac ZiG Drake"
Bob Burnquist: Special moves
Perform the following moves with a full meter.
BS One Foot Smith: Press [Up], [Down], [Y].
Samba Flip: Press [Left], [Right], [B].
Sit Down Air: Press [Left], [Down], [B].
Kareem Campbell: Special moves
Perform the following moves with a full meter.
B-Ballin Slide: Press [Left], [Right], [Y].
Double Blunt Slide: Press [Down], [Up], [Y].
Kickflip Backflip: Press [Left], [Down], [B].
Rune Glifberg: Special moves
Perform the following moves with a full meter.
Backfoot Flip Nosegrab: Press [Right], [Up], [B].
BS Crail Slide: Press [Right], [Down], [Y].
Kickflip Kickflip: Press [Left], [Down], [X].
Steve Caballero: Special moves
Perform the following moves with a full meter.
Daffy Grind: Press [Up], [Down], [Y].
FS 540: Press [Left], [Down], [B].
Kickflip Superman: Press [Right], [Up], [X].
Tony Hawk: Special moves
Perform the following moves with a full meter.
Barrel Roll: Press [Left], [Down], [X].
Froggy Grind: Press [Left], [Down], [Y].
The 900: Press [Right], [Down], [B].
Learning moves
You will learn the following moves after completing them in a challenge given to you by a pro, from the first level to the Kona USA level.
Semi Flip from Mullen
Darkslide from tourist
Misty Flip from Rick Thorne
Varial Mctwist from Tony Hawk
Stand still during game play then press one of the following to taunt.
No Way Taunt: Press [L] + [R] + [B].
Your Daddy Taunt: Press [L] + [R] + [X].
Props Taunt: Press [L] + [R] + [Y].
Get Some Taunt: Press [L] + [R] + [A].
Standing Backflip
Play as Mike Vallely or any skater that knows the Ho Ho Street Plant. Jump into the air, and after you do the sequence of buttons, you will hit the ground and perform the trick. Immediately after hitting the ground, press [A] to jump. Your player will do a backflip. Note: This gets you no points.

Alcatraz: Baseball mini-game
Get to the prison yard with a large gap in the wall. Talk to the pitchers mound to start the mini-game. You will earn $25 per homerun.

When you have hit as many homeruns as possible and a voice states that they will not pitch anymore, go back to the mound and select to pitch again. They will still give you $25 for every homerun. Repeat this until the message stating that you have taken all the money flashes across the screen.

Alcatraz: Enter bulldozer
Go down to where you do the competition, where the bulldozer is located. Jump on the bulldozer. If timed correctly, you can go inside it, as if you were driving.

Alcatraz: Hidden halfpipes
First, go to the bulldozer location. Just before it you will see stairs going up and down. Go to the downward stairs. On the side, you will see a quarterpipe. Spine Transfer up it. You will see two glass windows. Brake them.

Alcatraz: Water tower bowl
Play as Jango Fett and enable the "Moon gravity" cheat. Go to the baseball field and ignore the mysterious voices. Point Jango towards the water tower and use the Jango Jump Jet one time. You should get on the side of the water tower. If you start to fall early, do the Jango Jump Jet again. There should be a collapsible wall on the side. Jump in and start to do tricks in the air. The roof will fall apart and you can also get a few hundred dollars.

Alcatraz: $100 and Skate Attic gap
Skate right of the tunnel until you see some bushes. Look up and you should see a window. Try to jump high enough until you reach the window. The glass should break and you see a $100 bill and three rails. Grind one of the rails out of the window to complete the Skate Attic gap. If you cannot reach the window, try it as Jango Fett and use the Jango Jump Jet.

Alcatraz: Knock people into water
To knock people into the water, run into them. You can only knock people that are near the water.

Alcatraz: Shopping cart into water
To do this trick, you must have to be able to do pro specific goals. Once you are able to, go to Alcatraz and start Bam Margera's pro goal. Take the shopping cart and go up onto the roof via the entrance to your left on the building. When you see the wooden ramp that you used on one of the previous goals, get some speed and go onto it. The shopping cart will go all the way around the loop and fly out into the water.

Carnival: Hidden area
After buying or winning the Carnival level, you will see a haunted house while skating around. Go up to the house and you will see two rails on the "porch", symmetrically side by side. Grind one of the two and you will enter another dimension with floating skulls and spirals. You will grind into the mouth of a large head and go back into the level.

Stand facing the Horror House. On your right, notice a path with the train tracks on running down the side of the house between the fence and the wall of the Horror House. Follow the tracks in through the wall and you will be inside the Horror House.

Go to the haunted house and grind the left pole on the ground to enter it.

Carnival: Ride the rollercoaster
The large rollercoaster in the level is also rideable. Go to Rockin' Rockitz, and position yourself with your back towards the ride. In front of you is the green wall of the coaster, and a long chimney-type arrangement on the side. Go around this to either side and skate into the door. Then hold [Down] to stop. Wait for a train of cars to approach from the right, then grind to the left in front of it. Stay balanced (or enable the code) and ride it.

Carnival: Easy tricks
To do the tricks that they yell out easily, enable the "Matrix mode" and "Moon gravity" codes. Quickly do the tricks in the air. Note: If you do not do this fast enough, you will have to do it twice.

Carnival: Easy tickets
Go to Ferris wheel, then look at the green roller coaster building. There is a part that juts out with a brown door. Skate through the door to get to top of coaster track, which allows good grinding and easier way to get the tickets.

Carnival: Get eaten by an alligator
Go to the Rockin Rockitz, then jump over the wall behind the ride. Just wait there and enjoy the show.

Carnival: Lumberjack mini-game
Go over to the Wood Warriors Invitational and talk to the lumberjack. Cut five logs before the other team to win. However, there is no reward for doing so.

Carnival: Pig mini-game
When you win after medaling in the competition, you will be asked to help tear down the competition by lip tricking on the banners. After this task is done, none of the ramps will be there. However, a will be pig running around. Talk to the pig lover and he will ask you to catch the pig before his cousins do. You will not get any money for this.

Carnival: Target practice mini-game
Talk to the carnival worker with the gun at the shooting range to get $15 or $30 per shot.

Chicago: Ride around level
Look for a red pickup truck and jump in the back of it. You will be able to ride around the level in the truck without skating.

Chicago: Get across river
You can get across the river, even when the bridge is raised. This allows you to get to the other side without first completing the challenge to lower it. In order to get across, skitch on a car that is in the outside lane of the street. When you are about at the bridge, let go, go up the bridge, and ollie over.

Chicago: Pull off a backflip
Go to the bridge that is up (going over the river). Hold "Ollie" until you get to the top. When you reach the top, release "Ollie" and hold [Down]. Just before you hit the ground, press "Revert". Note: The "Kid mode", "Moon gravity", and "Stats at 13" cheats may also me needed for this. You also may want to skitch on a car to get more speed and more air. Press [Down] and steer toward the bridge when you get there. It does not matter where you land -- if done correctly, you will still land it.

Chicago: Collecting SKATE
S: Go off the vert ramp in front of you and slightly go to the right.

K: Go straight until you get behind the building to the left of you. Turn left and go through the middle black door.

A: Go straight, then turn right and go onto the platform. Jump the ramp and grind the red pipe.

T: Go all the way to the quarterpipe, then turn around and grind the wavy red object. Keep grinding and you will end up a line. Ollie to get up to it. Jump onto the platform and grind the street light,

E: Search under the subway train and find a planter with three trees. Wallride the wall closest to it.
College: Tennis mini-game
Go to the tennis court and can play tennis with a someone named Bjorn. You will get $500 if you win.

College: High Voltage mini-game
Find the green transformer next to Billy's Sporting Goods and do a lip trick on it. Grind the flashing wires to bring the voltages down to zero and earn $500.

College: Garbage truck mini-game
Spine Transfer into the garbage truck, then fall while still in the truck. You will start a mini-game where you can get a lot of money by riding the garbage trucks and launching out to catch the $50 bills.

College: Clock Tower Grind
Go to the clock tower that is surrounded by quarterpipes. Look behind it to find a black door entrance. Jump through it, and you will be thrown from the top of the tower. You can land on the pipe that gives the Clock Tower Grind.

College: Nokia blimp
Play as Tony Hawk in career mode and get the Pro Challenge. Once up on the halfpipes, stop and tilt the view to the sky. You will see a Nokia Blimp.

College: Easy money
After doing the Clock Tower grind, turn around and go to the grind to the left of that. Grind that to get about five $100 bills along the way.

Accumulate $9,000 then buy Eddie (the bonus character). Go to the College level and spine into the dumpster. Then, do a "Bloodie Eddie" and land it. You will then start a mini-game in which you collect cash icons that are everywhere.

College: Easy high score
Enable the "Perfect rail" code. Go to the fountain by the S-K-A-T-E professor and grind in a circle until you get a high score.

College: Lip the fence from inside the tennis court
Chose the 40,000, then go right to the tennis court. Skate along the side of the fence. Lip the side (blunt to fakie, but it does not matter), then ollie and press another lip (eggplant or an invert). You should be on the fence.

College: Get to the roof easier
Go past the two bowls that have the college logo on the center then go to where the cafeteria is located, but do not go inside. Look beside the ramp that can take you up there to see some doors. Go through the doors and head for the elevator. By doing this you will be able to do Tony Hawk's Hardcore goal on that roof.

San Francisco: Save The Sea Lions mini-game
At the pier, go straight back to the ocean. Go near the big bowl back there. You will see two view finders between quarterpipes. Look through the view finder on the left for the mini-game. You will get $500 if you win. The other view finder gives you a preview of Alcatraz.

San Francisco: Feeding the angry sea lions
When you do this, grind the tackle boxes of the fishermen (do one at a time). Then, quickly grind the rail in front of that fishermen. The fish will fall into the water, feeding one sea lion.

San Francisco: Knocking off the blockers
When you start this goal, go to the right behind the spine. There will be a little red button. Wall ride it, then quickly turn around and grind off the bottom blockers. Then. grind the top ones off.

San Francisco: Saving painter Neal
When you start this goal, you will be pointing towards a giant ball. Ollie onto the walkway, turn right or left, and grind the string around the ball. It will hit the shark.

San Francisco: Portal to another building
Left of the Nokia store, you will see an elevator. Skate inside it. You will appear in another building with an elevator in it. You may also get $100, if it has not already been collected.

San Francisco: Falling pier
A painter will ask you to grind the birds off the rail. Do so. Then, a man will tell you to grind the giant concrete ball. Do that and press [Start]. Choose "Change Level", select any level, then go back to San Francisco. Immediately go to that pier. If done correctly, the pier should fall as soon as you see it.

San Francisco: Extra points
Play as Jango Fett and go to the ramp near the people you do a dark slide. Jump up slightly to the right, and do the Jango Jump Jet move. If done correctly, you will land on the roof of the building. You can now jump off towards the building across the river and do a trick. If you go far enough, it will bounce you back up to the building so you can get a bigger combo or a higher degree of rotation, meaning more points. Also, you cannot land on the docks across the river -- you will just fall through them.

College: Trick line
From the start, there should be some stairs with rails on either side of them. Skate forward and Kick Flip onto the rail to the left of the stairs and land in a 5-0 Grind. Jump off the rail still going straight and do an Impossible into a Nose Manual. Keep going forward to see some more rails. Impossible onto the left one and grind that with any grind. You should now see two blue wall-like objects, Manual to the one on the left and jump off that into a manual. In front of you should be a bridge with the clock tower behind it. Grind the bridge and manual to the stairs. Grind the rail on the left leading up to the clock tower. Next, jump and try to Wall Ride the side of the tower (optional), then land the trick. This line can lead up to a 50,000 point combo. There is another combo right where you left the first one off. Notice the ramp behind the clock tower, Hit that and do a trick or two, then revert into a manual and and Kick Flip into the clock tower, but do not take the grind. Instead, do the special Indy 900 and land in a manual. There should be some rails or a bridge. You should know what to do to continue for up to a 230,000 point combo.

London: Slappers mini-game
Go under the bridge to find a pimp. You can bet on which of his girls will win a cat fight for $100. Note: You will not lose any money if the girl you bet on loses.

London: Cash registers
Go to the bakery by the water and break through the glass. On the wall, you will see a cash register. Note: There are two of them. Wall ride on one of the registers and you will hear a "cha ching" sound (you may need to turn off the music to hear it). You do not get any money from it.

London: Hiding locations
Enable "Moon gravity" cheat. Go to the bowls by the highway (to the right when going out of town, left when going to town). Get in the bowl towards the big brick building (with a parking garage underneath). Ollie up the vert towards the brick building holding [Up]. You should land on a small ledge at the top of the building. You will eventually fall off if you go towards the road. Go back to the same bowl again with the same cheats enabled, but ollie of the the vert towards the road. You should fly over the road onto the big white building.

Shipyard: Easy money
Knock over trash cans to find $100 bills. Note: Not all of them have money.

Shipyard: Enter ventilation system
Go the roof where you have to do the tricks that are called out over the roof gap. If you jump off toward the ventilation ducts, you can go in them and ride around in the ventilation system. There are a couple different ones.

Shipyard: Backflip
Go to the suspending crates. Jump off the crate that is in front of you when you get there. When you jump off, do a spine transfer and keep spinning until you hit the bottom of the crate. If timed correctly, your character should do a backflip.

Zoo: Monkey Poo Dodge Ball mini-game
Find the giraffe cage in the zoo. Skate through the half open door behind them. Talk to the red button in the room to play the Monkey Poo Dodge Ball mini-game for $500.

Stand in the middle. The monkeys may look like they will hit you, but they will not. They only do that so that you will move into the poo.

Zoo: Egg drop mini-game
Find the bird area. Talk to the small nest to start a mini-game where you need to catch ten eggs for $500.

Zoo: Rhino fight mini-game
Find the rhino area. Talk to the rhino trainer to bet on which rhino will win a fight for $100.

Use the following trick to always win the rhino fight mini-game. When are in the zoo level and go to the rhino pen, before you talk to the man about the game, crash into one of the rhinos three or four times before you play. He will always knock out his opponent. If do not crash into one, they usually both get knocked out.

At the rhino area with the battling rhinos, there is a wall behind the rhino keeper. If you lost a bet, the losing rhino will fall to the ground and will not get up. Go behind the wall behind the rhino keeper and you will see a rhino. Go behind the rhino. Run into the rhino from the back. Return to the battling rhinos. The fallen rhino will be back up and you can bet on it again.

Zoo: Entering aquarium
Get on the roof of the building next to Stompy the Elephant. Jump on Stompy's back and grind her head to open the aquarium.

Alternately, enable the "Matrix mode" code as Jango Fett. Do an ollie and use the Jango Jump Jet twice. You will see the top of the aquarium. Land inside, save, and restart your Xbox. Stompy and his trainer will disappear and the aquarium door will be gone.

To enter the aquarium in two player mode, have one character play as Jengo Fett and enable the "Moon physics" code. Use the Jango Jump Jet until you are high enough to see the holes on the roof of the Aquarium. Then, try to fly towards the aquarium and drop in. Note: You will be stuck in there. This may be a good way to win the King Of The Hill game.

Zoo: Height and trick record
When in the aquarium, the shark tank measures your height and keeps a record of the highest trick.

Zoo: Hippos mating
Next to the hippos play area, ride up to the looking posts (telescopes). Stop by pressing [Down] next to either one. If done correctly, you will look through the telescope and see two hippos mating.

Zoo: Skitch the elephant
Go into the elephant's tank. G behind the elephant on the platform by the rocks. Go up to it like a car, and it should start to run in circles.

Zoo: Easy points
Go to the ramp near the sea lions. On the left side of the entrance as you enter, grind the top lip going to the right. Then, hold "Grind" and you will get continuous "Kissed The Rail" tricks.

Zoo: Tour
If you want to tour the zoo, wait for the tram with the gorilla sitting in it, then Ollie on top it. When on top, hold [Back] until you are standing still and you do not roll off. You will then be able to view the entire zoo without moving or getting thrown off, as the tram does not leave the zoo.

Zoo: Get on top of aquarium
As Jango Fett, go on top of the bridge facing the aquarium. Go forward and use Jango's jump pack several times to go through or pass a rock. You will then land in the aquarium. Note: To get out, grind the bars that are located to the left and right of the wall that have doors on the bottom and a glass window on top.

Bam Margera: Comments
At the character selection screen, go to Bam Margera and remain idle. He will keep punching himself in the face and say different things such as, "What are you doing?", "I can keep punching myself in the face for you and your still not gonna choose me", "Press the button, come on", "Ya you, what are you looking at", "Hey, right here", and other funny messages.

Daisy: Censored body
Play as Daisy and find a location where two walls meet in a corner. Place Daisy in the corner, then hold [Down] to up her board. Do not move. If you are close enough to the corner, the view will pass through Daisy. Manually shift the view back out so that you are looking out from inside Daisy. You can see two blue stars covering her breasts.

Daisy: Enhanced chest
Play as Daisy in Gorilla mode while skating. Her entire upper body will get very big.

Jango Fett: Rocket Booster
Go to any level and execute the Jango Jump Jet move. This trick will let you jump three times higher then normal, which is useful for getting to high places, money, etc. However, if you are playing in two player mode and are both Jango Fett, one of you will not be able to use the move to make you go higher. Instead, it will make the other player go even higher then before.

Jango Fett: Fly
Enable the "Always special" code. In any level, do the Jango Jump Jet. Once you start to fall quickly perform the trick again to "fly". Repeatedly do this to maintain the effect. Note: Enable the "Moon physics" code to enhance this effect.

Mike Vallely: Screen contact
Go to the skater selection screen and highlight Mike Vallely. Rotate him to make him face the left side. He should throw his skateboard at the screen, making it shake and have little static.

Pro challenges
In order to unlock your skater's pro challenge, you must get 90 pro points. The "Pro Challenge Unlocked" message will appear. The game will then tell you the level it is in and ask if you want to go there. If you choose "No" you can still go back and do it at anytime. Pro challenges are the most difficult goals. You may want to build your stats before you attempt them.

Completing Bam Margera's target challenge
To complete Bam Margera's target challenge in Alcatraz, do not jump off the kicker. Instead, before you get to it, Ollie and try to land on the yellow or red.

Completing Bob Burnquist's Pro challenge
Disable the "Cool Specials" cheat if you have it activated. Also, jump before the gap in the loop starts for the "Samba Flip" and the "Sitdown Air", so that Bob has more time to do the trick.

To pass Bob Burnquist's Pro challenge, when doing his special tricks across the broken loop, start the trick then pause game play. Enable the "Hoverboard" cheat on and off until the move is completed. Resume game play and he will land the trick. Repeat this for the other trick.

Completing Chad Muska's 3-combo challenge
Once you have talked to Chad and have started the challenge, you will be in front of a staircase with a pole going down. You do not have to use the pole for your first combo, but it is faster and easier. The easiest way to get the points you need is to do a 360 Kickfilp (or Heel Filp). Then, start grinding down the pole. Once you are about a quarter of the way down, Ollie off and do a 360 Indy. This may sound difficult, but after awhile it will be really easy. Once you are on the second part, grind all three rails. Once you jump off the building, do any trick of your choice. An easy way to rack up a lot of points before you jump off the building is do a Darkslide on all three rails. If you completed that, you will be on the last challenge, and it the most difficult. First, grind until you cannot do so any more (try to jump to other places to grind). Once you have done that, you should be in the street or somewhere close. You may not have enough points to win; in that case, do some tricks before you hit the ground.

Completing Kareem Cambell's Pro challenge
Get the directions for the challenge from the man on the roof. Allow the game to idle there. Do not press "Ollie". After several minutes, the game will think you are going through the first two parts of the challenge. Although you still have to do the final challenge of seven tricks in one combo over the gaps, you will have two minutes and thirty seconds to do it. You can also let the game idle longer on the last one and all you have to do are the tricks over the gaps and not in one combo.

Use the roof behind the starting point. The gap is smaller and it is easier to land the tricks. The second and third stage of the challenge can be difficult. The best way to do it is to go the roof gap behind the starting point while the "Perfect manuals" cheat is enabled. Do the first flip trick over the gap, land in a manual, turn back around, and do the second flip trick over the same gap. The gap is very small; getting over it should not be a problem. The third stage of the challenge is similar to the second. The only difference is that the combo is a bit longer. However, the same routine follows.

Completing Rune's Grommet Gap
Launch off the bowl and into a Lips Stall directly in front of the person holding the skateboard. Note: The lip trick must be ones where the skater jumps out of such, as Axle Stall. After that is done, Ollie off and quickly go into One Foot Blunt. Timing is now much easier than if you had to Boneless all the way up there.

Easy stat points
Make a created skater, start a career, quickly finish simple objectives, save the skater, start a new career, load the skater, and do the same objectives. The game will give you stat points quickly, being that they become more scarce as the game goes on. When your stat points are maxed out, you can switch them all to a pro skater if desired.

Easy high score
Enable the "Perfect manual" and "Perfect rail" codes. Do a high scores challenge and just do manual combos repeatedly; or find a rail that grinds continuously. Because the game thinks you are doing a combo if you are in the air or doing a manual, you can do it until the desired amount of points are acquired. This trick works for all high score challenges and competitions.

Enable the "Matrix mode" and "Moon physics" codes. When you jump or go off a ramp, keep doing your specials. You can easily get 3,000,000 points in just one combo if you use manuals.

Enable the "Perfect rail" code. Go to a vert ramp and do a lip trick. Leave it for a while until you have passed the high score.

Find a half-pipe and get a full special meter. Then, do an Indy 900 and revert and manual when you hit the ground. Next, do a the 900 on the other side of the halfpipe. Then, revert into a manual again and do lots of flatland tricks to multiply the score. It is possible to get 597,000 points in one unfinished combo. Note: Try to throw in some special grinds and a few flip tricks, but remember to go back to a manual when you land.

Do a lip trick and press [X], [B], and [Y] alternately to earn more points.

Easy money
When you are selecting your skater, notice that there are people skating in a halfpipe in the background, and that there is money there. After picking your skater, go to practice instead of skate. You can skate in that halfpipe you saw and collect that money.

Select any rider and go to practice mode. You will see money floating in the air. Go off a ramp and get a lot of air. Get the money out of the air. Once you have collected all the money, you should have a lot of extra money added to your the total.

Easy mini-games
You can complete the mini-games easier by buying the "Slow motion mode" cheat for $1,000 at the store. Before playing the mini-game, enable slow motion. This is useful in mini-games such as the egg drop, monkey dodge ball, and tennis.

Mini-game money total
In all of the mini-games (rhino betting, ghost baseball, etc.), only a maximum of $500 can be made.

Instant transmission
If you have unlocked a pro trick object in a level, press [Start], go to the options screen, then select "Pro Trick Objects". Turn the object on, then off, then on again. When you exit the pause menu, you will instantly be in the spot where the object is located.

Quick turn
While riding in any level, press [R] + [L] and press [Down]. If done correctly you will do a quick U-turn.

Quick tricks
Buy the "Hoverboard" cheat. As soon as you are in a special, quickly pause game play and go to the cheats menu. Keep selecting "Hoverboard" on and off, and your skater will do the special trick while paused.

Switch tricks
To switch the trick you are doing on a lip or a rail, do a two-button combinations (exactly how you would do flatland tricks). You will do other tricks, such as going from a 5-0 to a Bluntslide without ollieing. Note: Not all two-button-combinations do tricks.

Eat pizza
Go to "Edit Tricks", then "Special Tricks", then select "Chomp On This". You will eat pizza once you do the trick.

No skater on board
Buy the "Invisible" cheat then go to create a skater. Select "Male". Go to shirt and select "Shirtless", then for the pants select "Briefs". Go to your career mode on any level and press [Start]. Go to the options screen, select "Cheats" and turn on invisible skater.

Collecting combos or tasks
If you are having trouble collecting combos or tasks that you have to complete in one combo, buy the "Slow Motion" cheat and enable it. This makes it a lot easier to complete those tasks.

Everlasting combos
In a goal such as "Beat bobs combos", stuff up on purpose. For example, do a Kickflip, then do repeated amounts of tricks such as specials, etc. just as the "Press start to repeat goal" message appears. Keep pressing the buttons quickly. Stop pressing any buttons and the skater still keeps going because of all of the buttons that were previously pressed. Your skater will eventually stop.

Land a half/quarter pipe trick and continue your combo
As you are landing back onto the ramp, press [R] to do a revert. From the revert, you can either just manual or jump and do something. The combo will just get bigger. The bigger your combo, the brighter party mode gets when it is switched on.

Do a full backflip
Get $9000 and buy Secret Skater 3. Select his special, "Ho Ho Ho Street Plant". Begin to do one, but before it shows the trick at the bottom of the screen, ollie. The character will do a backflip if timed correctly.

Skate sideways
Go to any part in the game that has a ramp and then a flat surface above it (for example, the right side of the rhinos pen on the Zoo or at the crates in the Shipyard). Then, slowly skate up the ramp and turn.

Fat kid skater
Buy the ''Gorilla'' and ''Kid'' cheats. Go to any level with any character, except the bonus ones. Then, enter the options and enable both of those cheats.

Invisible skater
Select a male skater in create-a-skater mode. Make him bald, with no jewelry, clothes, and hair except the boxer briefs. Then, enable the "Invisible mode" cheat and your skater will be invisible except for the board.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 reference
In Build Park mode, one of the themes' background resembles the Los Angeles level from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3.

When in the Los Angeles themed level, find the rail that goes along side the fence. Grind it, and stop when you get to a orange-red car. It is the car from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 that was driving around with music.

View all FMV sequences cheaply
Save your game then buy a movie for $800. After you have viewed the FMV sequence, reset the Xbox and buy a different movie.

Metal griptape
Do a 5050 while grinding and press the buttons for a darkslide. The grip tape will sparkle as if it were metal.

Glitch: Freeze game
With cheats enabled, it is very easy to get a high score. The Xbox will lock up if your score reaches 1,000,000,000 points.

Glitch: College level: Extra points
Select Jango Fett and start the level. Go to the coliseum and get a special. As you are entering the coliseum, turn right to the ramp, go to the middle, and angle your jump to the left. Just as leave the ramp, do a Jango Jump Jet special. If done at the correct angle, you should be stuck in the air for as long as desired to get millions of points. To stop this sequence, do a Jango Jump Jet again and you will fly forward to the ground. Note: If you accumulate too many points, the game will freeze.

Enable the "Moon physics" and "Matrix mode" cheats. Go to the part where the Master Lip Stall building is located. Go up one of the ramps and launch off, up and leaning towards the building. If done correctly, your player will stay in the air, likely moving from one end of the ramp to the other. It is very easy to accumulate points. Once in it, you are stuck. Use the "Custom restart" option, and your player will fall with the points being added to your score.

Glitch: San Francisco: Bounce around
Go to the place where you learn the "Darkslide". You will see two places in the wall where there are ramps. Enable the "Moon gravity" cheat. Go up either one and do a Spine Transfer to land on the roof. Go to the side where you see a group of mixed up buildings. Jump over to there far enough and you will hit the wall and bounce back.

Glitch: Shipyard: Female created skater's underwear
Use a female created skater with a mini skirt. Go to the Shipyard level and go straight. Take the first left and go up the first ramp. Turn left on to a platform, then go to the halfpipe that is built into the platefrm. Jump to the side closest to the water and jump left onto the next platform up. Stop on the quarterpipe closest to the ramp, about three inches from the wall. If done correctly, her feet will disappear in the quarterpipe. Turn slowly until you see her underwear.

Glitch: Jango Fett: Almost perfect balance
Choose two player mode and select Freeskate. Have either player one or two be Jango Fett and the other player be anyone else. When the non-Jango Fett character is in a stall, have Jango do a Jango Jump Jet. The non-Jango player will fly up (still in the stall) and will have perfect balance. for as long as desired. You can also move around for awhile like this.

Glitch: Purple world
Build a park, then make a very tall platform (not against a wall). Put a long quarter pipe on the very end of it, with its back lined up with the edge of the platform. Then, go to the greenery items and pick the small square tree. Next, go to the very edge of the quarterpipe you built. Lower the back of it all the way down. The quarterpipe will hang over the edge of the platform you built. Then, put a first player starting point in the hole. Go to test play, and you will just float around and almost everything will be purple.

Glitch: Fly over entire world
Enable the "Master code" and select Jango Fett on any level. Enable the "Moon Gravity" and "Matrix mode" cheats. Also, either enable the "Always Special" cheat or just obtain a special once. Use the Jango Jet Boost quickly and repeatedly. You will continue to rise into the air to the point that you are so high that you will be able to see the entire level below you. You will also see the surrounding areas in the background very easily. Note: You can get stuck in the air when doing this in the Carnval level. Once you get high enough, do the grapple grab trick and spin around. At a certain point, you will continuously stay at the very top height, come down slightly, then automatically rise back up. The graphics engine will get locked, and you will not be able to get back down unless you turn off Matrix mode.

Glitch: Launch other player
When the second player chooses Jango Fett in any two player mode and does the Jango Jump Jett, instead of going up higher they will instead launch the other player into the air. If you are doing a lip trick when they do the trick, you will be launched into the air while still doing your lip trick. Once you hit the ground your balance will be perfect and your skater can move along the ground until your speed runs out.

Glitch: Stuck in wall
If you hit a wall immediately after doing a trick on a half pipe, you can sometimes get stuck and continuously do tricks. To get out and still get the points, press [Start] and choose "Set Custom Restart". You should fall out of the wall and get all the points (if you do not bail).

Glitch: Riderless BMX
When doing Steve Caballero's pro challenge, his BMX partner is not riding his bike. Instead, he is about three yards away from it.

Glitch: Bounce away from water
Enable the "Master code" and activate the "Moon gravity" cheat. Get a lot of speed and jump over a dock. If you jump far enough, you will bounce back to the land.

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