Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Cheats - Xbox

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox
Check out these Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Start a challenge, then press Start. While in the pause menu press [L] + [R] + [White] to display a cheat menu that allows you to give yourself points, unlimited life, ammo, and adrenaline. You can also turn off the bots' adrenaline, and give yourself as many points as desired.
Unlock Characters
Anubis - Successfully complete the Ascension Rites ladder
Brock - Successfully complete the Lauren tournament ladder
Devastation - Reach rung 14 of the Ascension Rites laddder
Gorge - Successfully complete the Malcolm tournament ladder
Malcom - Successfully complete one of each game type versus human competition
Raiden - Complete all fifteen challenges in challenge mode to unlock Raiden from Mortal Kombat
Raiden - Successfully complete all challenge matches
Selket - Successfully complete the Ascension Rites ladder
Torgr - Successfully complete the Szalor tournament ladder

Unlock Bots
Apophis bot - Complete rung 16 of the Ascension Rites ladder
Calypso bot - Complete rung 5 of the Malcolm tournament ladder
Corrosion bot - Complete rung 2 of the Anubis tournament ladder
Darius bot - Complete rung 3 of the Szalor tournament ladder
Hyena bot - Complete rung 7 of the Ascension Rites ladder
Jackhammer bot - Complete rung 5 of the Arclite tournament ladder
Judas bot - Complete rung 4 of the Sapphire tournament ladder
Korig bot - Complete rung 3 of the Raptor tournament ladder
Kraag bot - Complete rung 3 of the Lauren tournament ladder
Memphis bot - Complete rung 5 of the Brock tournament ladder
Mirage bot - Complete rung 5 of the Sobek tournament ladder
Nepthys bot - Complete rung 6 of the Gorge tournament ladder
Syzygy bot - Complete rung 5 of the Devastation tournament ladder

Unlock Mutators
Adrenaline Jumps - Complete rung 2 of the Lauren tournament ladder, and rung 3 of the Selket tournament ladder.

Announce Power-Ups - Complete rung 8 of the Raptor tournament ladder.

Double Adrenaline - Complete the following tournament ladder rungs: Anubis 7, Gorge 1, Lauren 1, Raiden 1, Raptor 1, Selket 1, Sobek 10, Szalor 1.

Friendly Fire Damage - Complete the Malfunction challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Arclite 6, Raptor 4, Sapphire 2.

InstaGib - Complete the Sharpshooter challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Ascension Rites 7, Gorge 9, Sapphire 3.

Looting - Complete the Malfuntion challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Arclite 2, Selket 8.

Low Grav/Low Grav All - Complete the Taking Flight challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Devastation 2, Sapphire 5.

No Lock - Complete the Graduation challenge or rung 8 of the Lauren tournament ladder.

Quad Jump - Complete the Taking Flight challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Ascension Rites 8, Arclite 8.

Radioactive - Complete the Malfunction challenge or rung 4 of the Gorge tournament ladder.

Random Pickup Respawn - Complete the Malfuntion challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Arclite4, Devastation 8, Gorge 8.

Retribution - Complete the Graduation challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Brock 9, Malcolm 5, Selket 7, or Torgr 8.

Rounds (Best of 3 or 5) - Complete rung 12 of Ascension Rites or rung 8 of the Torgr tournament ladder.

Vampire - Complete the Day Of The Vampire challenge.

Volatile - Complete the Malfunction challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Brock 6, Sobek 4.

Wall Crawl - Complete rung 3 of the Raiden tournament ladder.

Weapon Master - Complete rung 3 of the Malcolm tournament ladder.

Use the reflect to parry an attacker's melee hit. If you parry their freeze hit, they will freeze, allowing you to perform the coupe de grace, or a heavy attack.

Parry a rush attack and get the "Smackdown" award message. It does not do damage. You must strike soon after you smack them down.

The Stinger shoots tracking Tyridium shards are innocuous at first glance but are very useful. Use it on long range opponents (locked on). A somewhat useful tactic for mid-range enemies is fire the tracking shards without a lock, over someone's head or something similar. Then, lock on. The shards will whip around and most of them will connect.

Lauren: Combo
Lauren's freeze is a win/win attack. If it is reflected back at you, you will get a health boost, and it will say "Combo".

Keep Adrenaline powers going at all times. Do not "save" them unless it is an attacking combo. Use Speed, Warrior spirit, Vampire, etc., as soon as possible. Not only does this keep you at an advantage, but you can grab more pick-ups for more combos. Try to have all six going at once.

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