Banjo-Tooie Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Banjo-Tooie cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter "GETJIGGY" in the Mayhem Temple Password Room to make all the signposts in Jiggywiggy's Temple give hints to the whereabouts of every Jiggy.
Complete the following achievements to get the allotted points:

Calamari Bonanza (20) - Don't be suckered! You'll have to freeze every single octopi.
Hatch the Future (20) - Separate our heroes for the first time, or hatch a Banjo-Kazooie Stop 'N' Swop Egg with Heggy.
A Merry Old Soul (20) - You'll find Old King Coal in Chuffy's boiler and he's a bit on the grubby side. Scrub him out!
After The Storm (10) - Ahhhh, a pretty rainbow. You did that, you old softy!
All Beaten Up (20) - Kill any 20 bad guys with any of these attacks: Mumbo's wand, your Pants Attack or the Daddy T-Rex.
Points Make Prizes (15) - Balloons of any color will do, get 60 points worth or more and you're a winner... sort of.
It Lives! (15) - Miracles do happen! Bring Sabreman back to life.
Knocked Out Klungo (20) - He's out for revenge; not once, not twice, but three times. You need to beat him once.
My Nemesis (10) - Do it properly this time! Get rid of Grunty and save us from her rhymes. Off with her head!
Shoot Em Up! (15) - It's great fun exploding these little lovelies! Any 20 Ulcers, Clinkers or Mines will earn this.
They think it's all over... (15) - Win a Colosseum Kickball final. The worst scorers rule at this game, so you should be good at it!
Treasure Hunt (20) - You'll probably end up with many more, but to achieve this you need just one of each.

Character Parade
Beat the game 100% to unlock the Character Parade movie in Replay Mode.

Stop N Swop Unlockables
Banjo-Tooie Gamerpic - Return One Egg to Heggy.
Banjo-Tooie Theme - Return Two Eggs to Heggy.
Breegull Bash - Return Four Eggs to Heggy.
Homing Eggs - Return Three Eggs to Heggy.
Multiplayer Jinjo - Return Five Eggs to Heggy.
Stop N Swop II - Return All Six Eggs to Heggy.

Stop N Swop 2 Unlockables
And The Winner is... - Get the Gold Egg from the Banjo-Kazooie game pak in the waterfall at Spiral Mountain.
Better Than A Slap - Get the Silver Egg from the Banjo-Kazooie game pak to the right of entering Jinjo Village from Spiral Mountain using Grip Grab.
Calmer Chameleon - Transform into all of Humba's transformations (including Dragon Kazooie).
Heroic Failure - Die 40 times while doing the Boss Replay Challenge.
Lucky Loser - Get the Bronze Egg from the Banjo-Kazooie game pak in a cracked grate which can be destroyed by a grenade egg and flown into at Spiral Mountain.
Now Who's Boss - Complete the Boss Replay Challenge with a personal best score of 15 total minutes or less.
Oh No, Not Again... - Get Heggy to hatch all Stop N Swop Eggs (Requires Banjo-Kazooie[XBLA], or Banjo-Kazooie: Nut's N' Bolts Save File).

Unlock Banjo-Kazoooie Theme
Collect at least two secret eggs in Banjo-Kazooie (the colors don't matter), then return to Banjo-Tooie and take the eggs to Heggy's Egg Shed. Let Heggy hatch the eggs, and you will recieve the Theme upon hatching the second egg.

Unlock Gamer Pics
Gamer Pic #1 - Find at least one secret egg in Banjo-Kazooie (the color doesn't matter) and take it to Heggy's Egg Shed in Banjo-Tooie so that Heggy can hatch it.
Gamer Pic #2 - Collect all the doubloons in Jolly Roger's Lagoon.

Rare's Mr. Pants Cameo
Once you have gotten Hailfire Peaks unlocked, go to the ice side of it. Search around until you see Boggy's hut (it's a giant igloo). Go inside and look at the TV that Boggy is sitting in front of. You should see this white man with a hat and nothing but pants on. This is Mr. Pants, by Rareware.

Accessing Dragon Kazooie - Once you've found the mega glowbo from the ice chest, go (or warp) to Pine Grove and enter Humba Wumba's wigwam just outside of witchyworld. Give her the mega glowbo and Kazooie will be transformed into a dragon, which is much more powerful than normal Kazooie. Jump in the pool again to return Kazooie to her normal state.
Character select and options - If you want to play as other characters such as Grunty, simply select single game then a shootout. Select pick characters and press <- or -> to see various characters. There are also other options in single game.
Free Hotel Room - To get Jolly Roger's room for free in Jolly Roger's Lagoon, just shoot the door with a grenade egg instead of paying. He'll yell at you, but nothing else.
Getting the Mega Glowbo - To get the Mega Glowbo, first you must have the Ice Key and you must know how to use the Talon Torpedo ability. Once you have the Ice Key and this ability, go to Glitter Gulch Mine and hit the switch near the entrance to open the grating which leads to the Water Storage area. Run to the grating before it closes and go inside. Talon Torpedo the big boulder underwater and go through the tunnel into Hailfire Peaks. Climb up the small hill and unlock the Ice Chest to get the mega glowbo!
Stop 'n' Swop II - Find and collect all six secret eggs in Banjo-Kazooie, then go back to Banjo-Tooie and go to Heggy's Egg Shed. Allow Heggy to hatch all six eggs and you will be notified that Stop 'n' Swop II has been found.

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