Defense Grid: The Awakening Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Defense Grid: The Awakening cheats and stay cool!
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Cheat Codes
Click and hold [Right analog stick] and press the following directions on the D-pad. A confirmation message will appear in the bottom-right of the screen. Warning: Entering any of these cheats will disable the ability to earn medals.

[Right], [Right], [Right], [Right] - 100,000 resources.
[Up], [Left], [Down], [Right] - Cores cannot be taken.
[Up], [Up], [Up], [Up] - Instant victory.
[Up], [Down], [Down], [Up] - Kill all aliens carrying cores.
[Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right] - Level select.
[Up], [Down], [Left], [Right] - Unlock all tower types.
[Left], [Right], [Left], [Right] - Kill all aliens.
[Down], [Up], [Down], [Down] - Free camera mode.
[Down], [Down], [Down], [Down] - Self-destruct (instant defeat).
[Down], [Up], [Down], [Up] - Toggle target reticle.
Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

Base Defender (20) - Complete the Story mode in The Awakening campaign.
Death From Above (10) - Fire the orbital laser.
Alien Tears (20) - Earn at least a gold medal on all Story mode missions in The Awakening campaign.
Nail Biter (15) - Win a mission with the last remaining core less than 10 seconds away from the map exit.
Planet Defender (20) - Earn at least a silver medal on all Story mode missions in The Awakening campaign.
Salvage Rights (5) - Destroy at least one boss alien.
Exterminator (20) - Destroy 1,000 aliens.
Field Promotion (10) - Earn at least one silver medal in any mission after The Awakening.
Flawless Victory (15) - Earn at least one gold medal in any mission after The Awakening.
Master Strategist (30) - Earn a gold medal on at least 40 Story or Challenge mode missions in any campaign.
Siege Breaker (25) - Survive all 99 waves on any Grinder challenge mode.
Tower Expert (10) - Build at least one of every tower type and available upgrade.

Additionally, there is one Map Pack #1 DLC achievement:

Combat Turmoil (10) - Earn a gold medal on the Campaign mode of Service Interruption and Height of Confusion.

Additionally, there is one Map Pack 2 DLC Achievement:

Combat Turmoil (10) - Earn a gold medal on the Campaign mode of Risk Exposure and Roundabout.

Additionally, there is one Map Pack 3 DLC achievement:

Civil Divergence (10): Earn a gold medal on the Campaign mode of Urban Planning and Tactical Diversion.

Additionally, there are two Map Pack 4 DLC achievements:

Overflowing (10) - Earn a gold medal on all the modes of Overflow.
Regional Deluge (10) - Earn a gold medal on the Campaign mode of Kill Zone and Overflow.

Additionally, there are five You Monster DLC achievements:

Best Friends Forever (10) - Earn a gold medal on all story challenge missions in the You Monster campaign.
Beating a Dead Potato (10) - Earn a gold medal on any 35 missions in the You Monster campaign.
Majestic Pony (10) - Earn a bronze medal on all story missions in the You Monster campaign.
Savant Genius (10) - Earn a gold medal on any story mission past 'Divided Attention' in the You Monster campaign.
You Monster (10) - Earn a gold medal on all story missions in the You Monster campaign.

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