Dragon Age: Origins Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Dragon Age: Origins cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

Last of Your Line (10) - Completed the Human Noble origin story.
Standard-Bearer (20) - Used the Grey Warden treaties to recruit all possible allies.
Hero of Redcliffe (20) - Completed "The Arl of Redcliffe".
Rabble-Rouser (20) - Completed "The Landsmeet".
Mercenary (20) - Complete 15 job-board quests.
Recruiter (25) - Across all playthroughs, recruited all party members.
Hopelessly Romantic (25) - Across all playthroughs, experienced all possible romances.
Perfectionist (50) - Across all playthroughs, discovered all possible endings.
Educated (15) - Used a tome to improve the main character's attributes, talents, spells, or skills.
Corrupted (10) - Completed the Dalish Elf origin story.
Conscripted (10) - Completed the City Elf origin story.
Harrowed (10) - Completed the Magi origin story.
Casteless (10) - Completed the Dwarf Commoner origin story.
Kinslayer (10) - Completed the Dwarf Noble origin story.
Last of the Wardens (20) - Completed Ostagar.
Magic Sympathizer (20) - Sided with the mages in "Broken Circle".
Annulment Invoker (20) - Sided with the templars in "Broken Circle".
Slayer (20) - Sided with the werewolves in "Nature of the Beast".
Poacher (20) - Sided with the elves in "Nature of the Beast".
Sacrilegious (20) - Sided with the Cult of Andraste in "The Urn Of Sacred Ashes".
Ceremonialist (20) - Defied the Cult of Andraste in "The Urn of Sacred Ashes".
Bhelen's Ally (20) - Sided with Bhelen in "A Paragon of Her Kind".
Harrowmont's Ally (20) - Sided with Harrowmont in "A Paragon of Her Kind".
Liberator (20) - Destroyed the Anvil of the Void.
Pragmatist (20) - Preserved the Anvil of the Void.
Heavy Hitter (10) - Main character inflicted 250 damage with a single hit.
Bloodied (10) - Completed an origin story without the main character ever falling in battle.
Traveler (35) - Set foot in every area in the game.
Master of Arms (25) - Main character achieved level 20 as a warrior.
Shadow (25) - Main character achieved level 20 as a rogue.
Archmage (25) - Main character achieved level 20 as a mage.
Pilgrim (10) - Completed a Chanter's Board quest.
Grey Warden (20) - Killed 100 darkspawn.
Master Warden (25) - Killed 500 darkspawn.
Blight-Queller (25) - Killed 1000 darkspawn.
Tinkerer (10) - Crafted an item.
Persuasive (10) - Succeeded at five difficult Persuasion attempts.
Silver Tongued (20) - Succeeded at 25 difficult Persuasion attempts.
Bully (10) - Succeeded at five difficult Intimidate attempts.
Menacing (20) - Succeeded at 10 difficult Intimidate attempts.
First Knight (10) - Experienced the thrill of romance with Alistair.
Witch Gone Wild (10) - Experienced the thrill of romance with Morrigan.
Easy Lover (10) - Experienced the thrill of romance with Zevran.
Wine, Woman, and Song (10) - Experienced the thrill of romance with Leliana.
Veteran (25) - Main character learned a specialization.
Elite (30) - Main character learned two specializations.
Secret Achievement (30) - Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (30) - Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (50) - Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (50) - Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

Additionally, there are two "The Stone Prisoner" DLC Achievements:

Stone's Lament (25) - Completed "A Golem's Memories".
Rock and a Hard Place (25) - Completed "The Golem in Honnleath".

Additionally, there are two "Warden's Keep" DLC Achievements:

Diabolist (25) - Took advantage of Avernus's research.
Master of the Peak (25) - Completed "Soldier's Peak".

Additionally, there is one "Return to Ostagar" achievement:

In War, Victory (25) - Defeated the ogre that killed King Cailan.

Additionally, there are three "Darkspawn Chronicles" DLC achievements:

Enthralling (25) - Earned maximum approval from all thrall types.
Bane of Thedas (25) - Handed victory to the archdemon by killing Ferelden's last Grey Warden.
Ogre's Keeper (25) - Keep the initial ogre alive as your thrall throughout the entire module.

Additionally, there are three "Leliana's Song" DLC achievements:

Provocateur (50) - Collected and assembled the Battledress of the Provocateur.
Vendetta (25) - Destroyed the career of Guard Captain Eams.
Turning Point (25) - Heard Leliana's version of her betrayal.

Additionally, there are three "Golems of Amgarrak" DLC achievements:

Reaper (25) - Defeated the Harvester.
A Secret Stitched Together (25) - Gathered all of the research notes in Amgarrak.
Grim Reaper (50) - Defeated the Harvester on Hard or Nightmare difficulty.

Additionally, there are four "Witch Hunt" DLC achievements:

A Time of Wood and Stone (25) - Gathered the lost lore of Cadash Thaig.
Through the Looking Glass (25) - Completed the scrying ritual.
Varterral's Fall (25) - Defeated the varterral on Hard or Nightmare difficulty.
Witch Hunter (25) - Completed "Witch Hunt".

Leveling Up
In Ostargar, there is a mission called Tainted Blood. Simply collect the three Vials of Darkspawn Blood but NOT the Grey Warden Treaties. Return to camp and talk to Duncan and report "We have the blood, but not the scrolls." This will exit out of the conversation, but WILL get the experience for the mission. Rinse and repeat until you are at the desired level. It takes very little time to shoot up to lvl 25(cap) if you press [X] to skip the conversations and speed up the process.

Ostagar: Extra Backpack
Upon arriving at Ostagar, purchase the Backpack from the Quartermaster. Note: You should have enough money if you collected sell-able items and gear from the beginning storyline. Complete the quest where you and the other recruits enter into the Wilds. Note: Make sure you explore the entire map. Complete the "Joining" ritual and become a Grey Warden. Before going to attend the meeting with Duncan and the King, return to the Quartermaster. There should be another Backpack available at the same price as earlier.

Redcliffe: Possessed Child
Eventually once you reach Redcliffe, there will be an option to enter the boy, aside from killing him and confronting the demon inside of the boy. Do not kill the boy. You will not gain much from his death and most likely your allies will disapprove. Instead, choose the option to enter the boy and let the Blood Mage do his ritual. Once you are inside, talk to the father. Once this is done, you must talk to the child "Possessed" and kill the demon inside him multiple times. Once you reach a certain part where you do not talk to the child, but the demon straightforward, try to converse with her. Conversing with her will get you more than just killing her. She will request that in exchange for her life, and the permission to enter the boy's body again in the near future, she will offer you gifts. One is a new specialization. Another is a certain rare item, armor, or weapon. Finally, is pleasure. Pleasure should not be an option, as it does not give you anything in exchange, not even an intimate scene. Select either the item or the specialization. However if you truly do not want to obtain anything useful, kill her. Killing her alone results in the same experience you would get from killing the boy, not to mention the previous times you have also killed her.

Easy Experience
To get more experience points earlier in the game, as soon as you leave Lothering, go to the city of Denerim. Once there, you will find a building named "Wonders of Thedas". Go inside it and purchase the Archivist's Belt. As long as it is equipped, you will get an experience point boost for everything in your Codex. Books will increase from 50 experience points to 75 experience points.

Specialization Classes
Note: Specialization points are obtained at levels 7 and 14.

Assassin - Learn from Zevran (companion) or Alarith's Store (Denerim, after Landsmeet starts).
Bard - Learn from Leliana (companion) or Alimar (Orzammar).
Duelist - Learn from Isabela (The Pearl in Denerim).
Ranger - Learn from Bodann's Wares (Party Camp).

Arcane Warrior - Learn from The Presence in Brecilian Ruins ("Nature of the Beast" quest line).
Blood Mage - Learn from Desire Demon in Fade ("Arl of Redcliffe" quest line).
Shapeshifter - Learn from Morrigan (companion) or Varathorn (Dalish Camp).
Spirit Healer - Learn from Wynne (companion) or Wonders of Thedas (Denerim, after Landsmeet starts).

Berserker - Learn from Oghren (companion) or Gorim (Denerim Market).
Champion - Learn from Arl Eamon (at the end of the "Urn of Sacred Ashes" quest line).
Reaver - Learn from Kolgrim (Wyrmling Lair).
Templar - Learn from Alistair (companion) or Bodahn's Wares (Party Camp).

Portal Reference
Note: You must have Sten in your party for this to work. At the end of the game, if you choose to perform the ritual with Morrigan, you will go to the crowning of the new king or queen. After the dialogue with Alistair you can walk around and speak with your companions. Find Sten and he will say "Where is the cake? They promised there would be cake. The cake is a lie..."

Superman Reference
The following is a random event that happens while traveling on the world map. You will encounter a farmer and his wife who find a baby in a meteor crash, just after it happens. They decide to take the baby and raise it as their own. You will get the Meteor Ore that the baby came in. It can be made into armor by Wade in Denerim. Your best chance of getting this event is from one of the Chantry Board mission in Redcliffe. Travel straight from Redcliffe to Refugees.

Free Specialization Books
Save the game, then purchase a Specialization Book from a vendor. The message "Specialization Unlocked" will appear. Load your saved game file. You will have regained the gold you spent for the book, but the specialization will still be unlocked.

Unlock Items From Dragon Age Journeys
You must play Dragon Age Journeys and complete the objectives as listed. Journeys is a flash-based RPG made with the same spirit as it's PC/Console Counterparts. You must have a Bioware account and have it linked with your DA:O account in order for this to work. One can play Dragon Age Journeys at www.dragonagejourneys.com.

Amulet Of the War Mage - Simply sign in to your EA account in Dragon Age Journeys. If you do not have an existing EA.
Embri's Many Pockets - Save the Grey Warden Martine by completing The Missing Warden quest.
Helm of the Deep - Earn all five achievements in Dragon Age Journies: The Deep Roads.

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