Dungeon Siege 3 Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Dungeon Siege 3 cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

Archambaud's Anathema (20) - During your fight against the Dapper Old Gent, you destroyed 50 of his Automatons.
Archon Adept (15) - You reached level 20 as Anjali.
Aspire to Victory (25) - You stormed the Spire and defeated Jeyne Kassynder.
Circle of Friends (15) - You achieved at least one level of influence with all three of your companions.
Enduring Champion (10) - Over your career, you have sustained at least 100,000 points of damage.
Epic Scholarship (15) - You reached level 20 as Reinhart.
Fellowship of the Ding (10) - You took part in a level-up while in a four-player game.
Fiery Judgment (15) - You have completed the main quest as Anjali.
Flawless Victory (25) - You defeated the reborn god without needing to be revived by a companion.
Guardian Legend (15) - You reached level 20 as Lucas.
Guardian of Ehb (15) - You have completed the main quest as Lucas.
Helping Hand (10) - While joined to another player's game, you used an empowered Defensive Ability to assist the party.
I Could Do This Blindfolded (25) - You defeated a major opponent using only your default equipment.
Jinx (5) - You were part of a conversation wherein four players were all in agreement as to what to say.
Legion Caretaker (5) - You decided that Gunderic Manor should remain in Legion hands.
Lescanzi Ally (5) - You ceded control of Gunderic Manor to Leona.
Liberator (5) - You freed all the prisoners in the Spire.
Lock, Stock, and Invocation (15) - You have completed the main quest as Katarina.
Long Live the Queen (25) - You broke the siege of Glitterdelve and saved Queen Roslyn.
Loremaster (50) - You have discovered 60 lore entries in one adventure.
Maximum Bro Fist (20) - Playing co-op as Lucas and Reinhart, you defeated a boss.
Maximum Charisma (15) - You achieved the highest possible influence with one of your companions.
Merchant of Ehb (5) - You sold over 100,000 coins worth of items.
Military Intelligence (5) - You were part of a conversation wherein four players were all in disagreement over what to say.
Moment of Solace (20) - Force Jeyne to flee before defeating her handmaids.
Nerds Hate Sunlight (15) - You and a friend have played for three hours in one session.
Of One Mind (5) - You have agreed on dialogue choices 20 times in one session.
Party of Four (25) - You were part of a four-player party that completed the game together.
Perfectionist (100) - You completed your quest, plus all other secondary quests in the game.
Rajani's Rival (20) - You bested Rajani without needing to heal yourself.
Rivalry (5) - You have disagreed on dialogue choices 20 times in one session.
Royalist Ally (5) - You have shown unwavering support to the Crown.
Sacred Meeting (25) - You spoke to the Radiant Youth in the Mournweald.
Show Off (25) - You've paraded about in nothing but rare items.
Stonebridge Alliance (25) - You forged an alliance between Stonebridge and the 10th Legion.
The Calculus of Victory (15) - You have completed the main quest as Reinhart.
Through the Murky Mire (25) - You survived a journey through the Eastern Swamp.
Trial by Fire (25) - You defeated the archon, Rajani.
Two Girls, One Boss (20) - Playing co-op as Anjali and Katarina, you defeated a boss.
Two Perfect Tens (15) - You reached level 20 as Katarina.
View From The Top (50) - You have achieved the maximum level.
We Are Legion (10) - You have gathered a full party of Legion descendants.
Welcome to the Winner's Circle (100) - You have restored the Legion and saved the land of Ehb.
Worthy of Legend (100) - You completed Dungeon Siege III at the highest difficulty level.

Additionally, there are ten Treasures of the Sun DLC achievements:

Aspire to Victory (25) - You stormed the Spire and defeated Jeyne Kassynder.
Long Live the Queen (25) - You broke the siege of Glitterdelve and saved Queen Roslyn.
Royalist Ally (5) - You have shown unwavering support to the Crown.
Legion Caretaker (5) - You decided that Gunderic Manor should remain in Legion hands.
Lescanzi Ally (5) - You ceded control of Gunderic Manor to Leona.
Liberator (5) - You freed all the prisoners in the Spire.
Stonebridge Alliance (25) - You forged an alliance between Stonebridge and the 10th Legion.
Sacred Meeting (25) - You spoke to the Radiant Youth in the Mournweald.
Through the Murky Mire (25) - You survived a journey through the Eastern Swamp.
Trial by Fire (25) - You defeated the archon, Rajani.

Unlock Deeds
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding deed:

Academic Ally - Earn Trust of Reinhart (+2 Will).
Anjali Influence - Anjali Influence +++ (+5 Attack).
Avatar of Ultimate Virtue - You refused every reward offered to you by the humble villagers of Raven's Rill (+5 Will).
Bewitching Ally - You have gained the trust of the capricious Katarina (+2 agility).
Celestial Ally - You have earned the trust of the archon, Anjali (+2 attack).
Comrade in Arms - Lucas regards you as a true example of Legion principles. His loyalty to you is absolute (+5 Stamina).
Doctorate of Friendship - Become the closest friend of Reinhart (+5 Will).
Enduring Champion - You have sustained 100,000 points of damage during your adventure (+2 stamina).
Fiery Loyalty - Anjali's faith in you has become unshakable (+3 attack).
Fulltime Hero - You have completed 10 side quests (+2 stamina).
Gracious in Victory - You spared the life of the archon, Rajani, and proved that the Legion can be merciful, even to its enemies (+2 will).
Ironhand - You defied the wrath of Jeyne Kassynder and slew her archon handmaid, Rajani (+2 attack).
Katarina Influence - Katarina Influence +++ (+5 Agility).
Legion Caretaker - You decided that the Legion should retain control of Gunderic Manor (+3 stamina).
Legion Redeemer - You spared the Dapper Old Gent from the wrath of the city authorities and offered him sanctuary with the Legion (+3 will).
Lescanzi Ally - You ceded control of Gunderic Manor to the Lescanzi witch, Leona (+3 will).
Liberator - You freed all the prisoners in the Spire dungeon (+5 agility).
Lord Protector of Stonebridge - You handed over the Dapper Old Gent to the authorities of Stonebridge, so that he might stand trial for his crimes (+3 stamina).
Lorekeeper - You have compiled 30 entries in your collection of Ehb Lore (+3 will).
Loremaster - You have compiled 60 entries in your collection of Ehb Lore (+4 will).
Loyal Guardian - Lucas is impressed by the choices you have made, and you have earned his steadfast loyalty (+3 Stamina).
Merchant of Ehb - You sold at least 100.000 coins worth of items (+2 agility).
Montbarron Ally - You have earned the trust of Lucas Montbarron (+2 Stamina).
Of One Mind - Your party has agrreed about what to say in conversation at least 20 times (+1 Will).
Proletarian Hero - Thanks to you, the cyclops workers in the Foundry will enjoy the same rights as humans and goblins (+3 attack).
Rivalry - Your party disagreed about what to say in conversation at least 20 times (+1 attack).
Royalist Ally - You have shown unwavering support to the crown (+5 stamina).
Savior of Ehb - You have completed 20 side quests (+3 stamina).
Sharpshooting Sidekick - Katarina enjoys your company, and she considers you a friend (+3 agility).
Solver of Ciphers - You discovered the password to the magically sealed door in Gunderic Manor (+2 agility).
Strike Breaker - You broke the strike at the Great Foundry and granted no concessions to the cyclops workers (+3 will).
Tenured Loyalty - Earn respect of Reinhart (+3 Will).
Trial and Error - Your unwavering determination finally won over the magical guardian in Gunderic Manor (+2 Stamina).
Veteran Trader - You have spent 250.000 coins in your career (+1 will).
We are Legion - You have gathered all the known descendents of the Legion (+4 Stamina).

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