Hasbro Family Game Night Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Hasbro Family Game Night cheats and stay cool!
Complete each of the following achievements below to get the allotted gamerscore:

5 Times Win! (25) - Win a total of 5 games of Sorry! against a friend.
A column of 7 (20) - Place 5+ tiles in one go to create a vertical 7 letter word. Only available in NA & English.
All the Sixes (20) - Get a Yahtzee with all sixes.
All Out Offensive (30) - Move 2 pawns from every opposing team back to the start in one game.
Battle Box Master (20) - Finish a game having used all of the powerups at least once.
Beginners Luck (10) - Score a hit on your first turn.
Bits and Pieces (10) - Make 10 words that are 3 letters long in one round.
Bridge the gap (20) - Reach the other side of the board in bridge builders. (Scrabble is only available in NA & English).
Cleaned Out (20) - Use all of your letters on one turn. (Scrabble is only available in North America and English).
Captain of the Scrabble Team (30) - Win 20 games of Scrabble. Scrabble is only available in North America and English.
Captain Win! (10) - Win one game of Battleship against a friend.
Dice Time (20) - Clock up over an Hour of playtime in Yahtzee.
Destroyer'd! (20) - Sink your opponent's Destroyer before any other ship.
Event Horizon (30) - Win a game of Sorry! Sliders on Instant Sorry without falling into the centre hole.
Escort Mission (30) - Finish a game with two ships still afloat that are next to each other.
Fast Sliding (10) - Win at Sorry! Sliders in under 5 minutes.
Flawless Victory! (20) - Win a game of Sorry! Sliders without losing a Slider off the board.
Fifty Wins (40) - Win 50 multiplayer games of Boggle.
Fire it up! (10) - Spell 5 words with letters that are "on fire". (Scrabble is only available in NA & English).
For the Win! (10) - Win one game of Yahtzee against a friend.
Fragile Alliance (10) - Finish Sorry! without sending any of one teams pawns back to the start.
Grid Lock (20) - Finish a game with a draw by filling the whole board.
Ground Floor Apartment (10) - Roll a Full House using only 1's and 2's.
High Roller (15) - Roll 3 Yahtzee's in one game.
High Chance (25) - Fill the chance Total with a score above 24.
High Five (20) - Win at Connect 4 by connecting 5.
Horizon Line (20) - Win a game of connect 4 with a horizontal line of 7 pieces. Single player or multiplayer.
I Only Need One... (30) - Roll a Yahtzee, Full House or Large Straight on your first roll.
I thought I heard singing... (10) - Do not fall for a Decoy.
I am not Sorry at all (30) - Win a multiplayer game in under 10 minutes.
I Call Fives (20) - Finish a game only using 5-letter words.
I Don't Need Help (10) - Finish one game with Battleboxes turned on but do not collect a single one.
Ice Man (20) - Use the Ice Pawn 10 times.
Infinite Win (40) - Win 50 games of Yahtzee.
Iron Bottom Sound (30) - Sink all your opponent's ships in Salvo Mode within 4 turns.
Lord of the Wins (30) - Win 50 games of Connect 4.
Lengthy Word (20) - Place 5+ tiles in one go to create a 9 letter word. Scrabble is only available in NA & English.
Loads Of Winning! (30) - Win a total of 5 games of Boggle - Any mode.
Make Every Shot Count (20) - Sink a ship longer than 3 units without missing.
More Wins! (20) - Win a total of 10 games of Connect 4.
Master of the Cards (40) - Use all the Sorry! Bonus Cards in one game.
Minimal Loss (20) - Win at Battleship while keeping at least 3 of your fleet afloat.
More Winning (20) - Win 5 games of Scrabble - Any mode. Scrabble is only available in North America & English.
My Apologies (5) - Move one pawn of an opposing team back to the start zone.
Operator, this is an emergency (20) - Connect 4 in under 30 seconds.
Over the falls (30) - Knock 4 pawns of the same colour out in one game of Sorry! Sliders.
Portal Pro (20) - Win 10 games of Boggle with Portal Cubes turned on.
Perfection (20) - Win 4 single player rounds in a row.
Power Chip Collector (20) - Win a game of Connect 4 Using all of the Power Chip types at least once.
Rainbow Dancing (10) - Win a game after moving one pawn from each team back to the start zone.
Sea Commander (30) - Win 20 games of Battleship.
Real Small (20) - Roll a small straight starting with a 1.
Red Vengeance (20) - Use Sorry! on an opponent within one round of them using Sorry! on one of your pawns.
Slide Time (30) - Play Sorry! Sliders for a total time of 1 hour.
Smooth Operator (20) - Connect 4 in under 2 minutes.
So Many Wins... (20) - Win 20 games of Sorry! Sliders.
The Yellow Dart (20) - Use a Sorry! yellow slide to send a pawn back to start.
Take your time (30) - Reach over an hour playtime in Scrabble. (Scrabble is only available in North America & English).
The hunt for Blue November (20) - Win a game of Battleship Salvo with your submarine still afloat.
The Mighty 8 (20) - Spell an 8-letter word in Boggle.
The Mind Boggles (20) - Win a game with 20 words that are 3 letters long.
Win! (10) - Win one game of Sorry.
Winner! (10) - Win one game of Boggle.
Winningtons! (10) - Win one game of Sorry! Sliders.
Word Win! (10) - Win one game of Scrabble. (Scrabble is only available in North America & English).
Wordsmith (20) - Score 5 6-letter words in one round of Boggle.
World Wide Web (20) - Complete one game of Scrabble on Xbox LIVE. (Scrabble is only available in NA & English).
You are Win! (10) - Win just one game of Connect 4.

Additionally, there are two secret achievements:

Secret achievement (10) - Unknown.
Secret achievement (10) - Unknown.

Achievements (Yahtzee)
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

All the Sixes (20) - Get a Yahtzee with all sixes!
Dice Time (20) - Clock up over an Hour of playtime in Yahtzee.
For the Win! (10) - Win one game of Yahtzee against a friend.
Ground Floor Apartment (10) - Roll a Full House using only 1's and 2's.
High Chance (25) - Fill the chance Total with a score above 24.
High Roller (15) - Roll 3 Yahtzee's in one game.
I Only Need One... (30) - Roll a Yahtzee, Full House or Large Straight on your first roll.
Infinite Win (40) - Win 50 games of Yahtzee.
Papa needs a new pair of shoes (10) - Shook the Yahtzee dice for longer than 10 seconds.
Real Small (20) - Roll a small straight starting with a 1.

Achievements (Boogle)
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Bits and Pieces (10) - Make 10 words that are 3 letters long in one round.
Fifty Wins (40) - Win 50 multiplayer games of Boggle.
I Call Fives (20) - Finish a game only using 5-letter words.
Loads Of Winning! (30) - Win a total of 5 games of Boggle - Any mode.
Portal Pro (20) - Win 10 games of Boggle with Portal Cubes turned on.
The Mighty 8 (20) - Spell an 8-letter word in Boggle.
The Mind Boggles (20) - Win a game with 20 words that are 3 letters long.
Winner! (10) - Win one game of Boggle.
Wordsmith (20) - Score 5 6-letter words in one round of Boggle.

Achievements (Battleship)
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Beginners Luck (10) - Score a hit on your first turn.
Captain Win! (10) - Win one game of Battleship against a friend.
Destroyer'd! (20) - Sink your opponent's Destroyer before any other ship.
Escort Mission (30) - Finish a game with two ships still afloat that are next to each other.
I thought I heard singing... (10) - Do not fall for a Decoy.
Iron Bottom Sound (30) - Sink all your opponent's ships in Salvo Mode within 4 turns.
Make Every Shot Count (20) - Sink a ship longer than 3 units without missing.
Minimal Loss (20) - Win at Battleship while keeping at least 3 of your fleet afloat.
Sea Commander (30) - Win 20 games of Battleship.
The hunt for Blue November (20) - Win a game of Battleship Salvo with your submarine still afloat.

Achievements (Connect Four)
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Grid Lock (20) - Finish a game with a draw by filling the whole board.
High Five (20) - Win at Connect 4 by connecting 5.
Horizon Line (20) - Win a game of connect 4 with a horizontal line of 7 pieces. Single player or multiplayer.
Lord of the Wins (30) - Win 50 games of Connect 4.
More Wins! (20) - Win a total of 10 games of Connect 4.
Operator, this is an emergency (20) - Connect 4 in under 30 seconds.
Perfection (20) - Win 4 single player rounds in a row.
Power Chip Collector (20) - Win a game of Connect 4 Using all of the Power Chip types at least once.
Smooth Operator (20) - Connect 4 in under 2 minutes.
You are Win! (10) - Win just one game of Connect 4.

Achievements (Sorry!)
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

5 Times Win! (25) - Win a total of 5 games of Sorry! against a friend.
All Out Offensive (30) - Move 2 pawns from every opposing team back to the start in one game.
Fragile Alliance (10) - Finish Sorry! without sending any of one teams pawns back to the start.
I am not Sorry at all (30) - Win a multiplayer game in under 10 minutes.
Master of the Cards (40) - Use all the Sorry! Bonus Cards in one game.
My Apologies (5) - Move one pawn of an opposing team back to the start zone.
Rainbow Dancing (10) - Win a game after moving one pawn from each team back to the start zone.
Red Vengeance (20) - Use Sorry! on an opponent within one round of them using Sorry! on one of your pawns.
The Yellow Dart (20) - Use a Sorry! yellow slide to send a pawn back to start.
Win! (10) - Win one game of Sorry.

Achievements (Sorry! Sliders)
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Battle Box Master (20) - Finish a game having used all of the powerups at least once.
Event Horizon (30) - Win a game of Sorry! Sliders on Instant Sorry without falling into the center hole.
Fast Sliding (10) - Win at Sorry! Sliders in under 5 minutes.
Flawless Victory! (20) - Win a game of Sorry! Sliders without losing a Slider off the board.
I Don't Need Help (10) - Finish one game with Battleboxes turned on but do not collect a single one.
Ice Man (20) - Use the Ice Pawn 10 times.
Over the falls (30) - Knock 4 pawns of the same colour out in one game of Sorry! Sliders.
Slide Time (30) - Play Sorry! Sliders for a total time of 1 hour.
So Many Wins... (20) - Win 20 games of Sorry! Sliders.
Winningtons! (10) - Win one game of Sorry! Sliders.

Achievements (Scrabble)
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

A column of 7 (20) - Place 5+ tiles in one go to create a vertical 7 letter word.
Bridge the gap (20) - Reach the other side of the board in bridge builders.
Captain of the Scrabble Team (30) - Win 20 games of Scrabble.
Cleaned Out (20) - Use all of your letters on one turn.
Fire it up! (10) - Spell 5 words with letters that are "on fire".
Lengthy Word (20) - Place 5+ tiles in one go to create a 9 letter word.
More Winning (20) - Win 5 games of Scrabble - Any mode.
Take your time (30) - Reach over an hours playtime in Scrabble.
Word Win! (10) - Win one game of Scrabble.
World Wide Web (20) - Complete one game of Scrabble on Xbox LIVE.

My Room Awards
Complete the indicated task in each game to unlock an award in the "My Room" screen:

Carpet - Sink all ships in Salvo with four turns.
Chair - Sink a ship longer than 3 units without missing.
Clock - Win a game with two adjacent ships still afloat.
Coat rack - Hit a ship on your first turn.
Lamp - Win Salvo with your submarine still afloat.
Mug - Win a game of against a friend.
Picture - Win twenty games of Battleship.
Pillow - Play Super Weapons and use all weapons in one game.
Poster - Sink your opponent's destroyer before any of their other ships.
Slippers - Play Super Weapons and do not fall for a decoy.
Statue - Win while keeping at least three of your fleet afloat.

Carpet - Uncover 75% of the available words in Boggle.
Chair - Won Boggle with twenty 3-letter words.
Clock - Finish a game of Boggle scoring only 5-letter words.
Coat rack - You spelled a 9-letter word in Boggle.
Lamp - Win ten games of Boggle with Portal Cubes turned on.
Mug - Win one game of Boggle.
Picture - Win fifty multi-player games of Boggle.
Pillow - Score ten 3-letter words in one round of Boggle.
Poster - Win a total of five games of Boggle.
Slippers - Shake the Boggle box for longer than ten seconds.
Statue - Score five 6-letter words in one round of Boggle.

Connect 4
Carpet - Win Connect 4 with a horizontal line of seven pieces.
Chair - Connect 4 in under two minutes.
Clock - Connect 4 in under thirty seconds.
Coatrack - Win 50 games of Connect 4.
Lamp - Win Connect 4 by connecting five pieces.
Mug - Win a game of Connect 4.
Picture - Win a game of Power Chips by using all of the Power Chips types.
Pillow - Draw by filling the Connect 4 grid.
Poster - Win ten games of Connect 4.
Slippers - Win four single player Connect 4 games in a row.
Statue - Win five multi-player games of Connect 4.

Carpet - Use Sorry! on an opponent within one round of them using Sorry! on one of your pawns.
Chair - Send two pawns of each color back to the start in one Sorry! game.
Clock - Win a Sorry! Multi-player game in under ten minutes.
Coatrack - Use a yellow slide in Sorry! to send an opponent back to the start.
Lamp - Win at Sorry! without sending a green pawn back to the start.
Mug - Win one game of Sorry.
Picture - Win at Sorry! after moving one pawn of each color back to the start.
Pillow - Finish Sorry! without sending any of one teams' pawns back to the start.
Poster - Win five multi-player games of Sorry!
Slippers - Use all the Sorry! bonus cards in one game.
Statue - Send an opponent's pawn back to the start in Sorry!

Sorry! Sliders
Chair - Knock out one pawn of each color with one slide.
Carpet - Win Sorry! Sliders without sending any blue pawns home.
Clock - Win Sorry! Sliders in under five minutes.
Coatrack - Win a game of Sorry! Sliders without falling into the instant Sorry! target hole.
Lamp - Knock four pawns of the same color out in one game of Sorry! Sliders.
Mug - Finish a game of Battle Boxes without collecting any power-ups.
Picture - Win twenty games at Sorry Sliders!
Pillow - Finish a game of Sorry! Sliders having used all the power ups.
Poster - Win a game of Sorry! Sliders without being sent back to the start.
Slippers - Play Sorry! Sliders for a total time of one hour.
Statue - Use the Sorry! Sliders ice pawn ten times.

Carpet - Roll a small straight starting with 1.
Chair - Roll a full house with only 1s and 2s.
Clock - Roll a large straight ending on a 6.
Coatrack - Roll a Yahtzee with all 6s.
Lamp - Play Yahtzee for over an hour total.
Mug - Win one game of Yahtzee against a friend.
Picture - Win fifty games of Yahtzee.
Pillow - Fill a Chance category with a score higher than 24.
Poster - Win five games against a friend.
Slippers - Shake the Yahtzee dice for more than ten seconds.
Statue - Roll three Yahtzees in one game.

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