Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Achiever (40) - Met the Goddess at the End of Times (Initiate mode only).
Botanist (10) - Wakfu gel used to create 10 Manolias chalices.
Guardian (15) - You saved Zora.
Puff (10) - 30 enemies killed with exploding gel.
The Chosen One (5) - First Veil passed.
Two's a crowd (5) - Prespic boss defeated in Co-op mode.
Historian (20) - All of the Mysteries of Chibi's Herbarium found.
Optimized (35) - All Dimensional Arts skills purchased.
Platypus (10) - 10 Platypus nests found.
Who's who? (10) - Secret identity of the Platypus uncovered.
Worshipper (35) - All Goddess Tears shed in the world collected.
Unlock Avatar Awards
Blue Platypus - Obtain "Who's Who?" achievement.
Merch T-Shirt - Obtain "The Chosen One" achievement.