Jet Set Radio Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Jet Set Radio cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

A working senior (20) - Unlock Goji and use him as a player character.
Back to the future (10) - Unlock all songs in the bonus menu.
Behind the mask (10) - Unlock unmasked Poison Jam.
Paint the town red (10) - Complete Chapter 3.
Public menace (10) - Make 100 civilians jump out of your way.
Remixes suck! (5) - Complete a level without collecting a Recovery Spray Can.
Rise of Monsters (10) - Unlock Poison Jam and use him as a player character.
Scrapyard bully (5) - Shove the two civilians in No.540 level before the choppers show up.
Second coat applied (10) - Complete Chapter 2.
So creative (10) - Create a graffiti in all sizes.
Tag you're it! (10) - Tag out at least one rival gang member within 30 seconds.
That's how we grind! (10) - Perform a 100+ trick combo.
Cop sucks (10) - Draw graffiti 5 times on Onishima's back.
Detached (20) - Finish the game without anyone latching onto you with your first attempt.
Dog runs too! (20) - Unlock Pots and use him as a player character.
Feel the beat (5) - Start game for the first time.
First coat applied (10) - Complete Chapter 1.
I got Soul (50) - Collect all Graffiti Souls.
I need a parachute (5) - Fall more than 20 meters off a building.
King of the street (10) - Complete all missions with any rating.
Look behind (5) - Perform a Turn Trick in game.
Love rules (10) - Unlock Love Shockers and use her as a player character.
No Eyes in the Sky (10) - Draw graffiti 5 times on Helicopters.
Noise music (10) - Unlock Noise Tank and use him as a player character.
Number one artist (20) - Use all graffiti in missions.
The gang's all here (20) - Unlock all characters.
Training wheels (10) - Complete Tutorial.
Unlock Garam (10) - Unlock Garam and use him as a player character.
We got us a crew (5) - Unlock Gum and Tab.
When you're a Jet (50) - Complete every level with Jet rating.

Cycle Through Characters Faster
Hold [R] on the character selection screen.

Unlock Charcters
Cube/Combo - Complete Chapter 1
Play as Garam - To unlock Garam simply complete his challenges.
Play as Love Shockers, Noise Tanks, Poison Jam, and Goji - Beat the game with a JET ranking in all stages. This includes regular stages as well as Golden Rhino stages
Play as Mew - Beat all the Benten-Cho (aka City of Night) levels with any ranking. After that, Mew will challenge you. Beat the three of her challenges, and she'll join you, allowing you to pick her as playable character.
Play as Poison Jam - To play as Poison Jam, get a JET ranking on all of the Kogane-cho levels.
Play as Goji - To play as Goji, get a JET ranking on all the Grind City levels.
Play as Gum - To unlock Gum simply finish her challenges at the beginging of the game.
Tab - Unlock Gum and complete the challenges Tab gives you afterwards.
Unlock Pots, the Dog! - To get to play as Pots, finish the game with the Jet ranking on every level. Every level, meaning both story mode and the basic areas.
Unlock Slate - Play through the game until Slate challenges you to a race in Kogane-Cho. Beat him to unlock.
Yo-Yo - Progress through story mode until he challenges you. Beat his challenge to unlock.
Characters in Grind Square - Finish the game, then load a new game.

Unlock Avatar Awards
Shirt - Unlock Gum and Tab.
Spray Can - Unlock Gum and Tab.

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