Mindjack Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Mindjack cheats and stay cool!
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:

Apprentice Gatekeeper (5) - As a Red Hacker, hack into an enemy and win.
Artist (30) - Obtain all PLUG-INS.
Artisan (5) - Equip a PLUG-IN for the first time.
Berserker (20) - Equip the 'BESERKER TIME' PLUG-IN and clear 'DESTRUCTION SITE' or 'STEEL GIANT'.
Betrayed (10) - Discover Fernandez's betrayal.
Birth (5) - Experience the wonder of birth as a Wanderer.
Blue Hacker (5) - As a Blue Hacker, defeat a Mind Hacked enemy for the first time.
Blue Helmet (20) - Win 20 times as a Blue Hacker.
Blue Blood (50) - Win 50 times as a Blue Hacker.
Blue Coat (5) - Win 5 times as a Blue Hacker.
Breakthrough (10) - Escape the security cordon.
Combo King (30) - Defeat 10 enemies in a row using attack combos.
Confessional (10) - Discover Rebecca's link to Jim's wife.
Guardian (20) - As a Blue Hacker, successfully defeat 50 Mind Hacked enemies.
Gun Wheel Guru (30) - Mind Hack a Gun Wheel and defeat 20 enemies.
Guru (40) - Reach Level 50.
Hacker (20) - Reach Level 30.
Head Case (20) - Take out 30 enemies with head shots.
Honorary Citizen (20) - Mind Hack 100 citizens.
Hothead (5) - Defeat an enemy within 1 second of them being Mind Hacked.
I Know Kung Fu (30) - Defeat 100 enemies using Attack Combos.
Contact (10) - Successfully make contact with Rebecca at San Mira Airport.
Counterattack (10) - Successfully join forces with Rebecca to repel the terrorist attack.
Demigod (30) - Equip the 'DEMIGOD TIME' PLUG-IN and clear 'HEADQUARTERS' or 'DOORWAY'.
Digging Down (10) - Dig down into the truth behind the attack at the airport.
Gatekeeper (20) - As a Red Hacker, successfully defeat 50 Mind Hacked enemies.
Medic (15) - Heal 20 people.
Mind Hacker (5) - Mind Hack successfully for the first time.
Mind Jacker (100) - Clear half of the scenes with Hackers present.
Mower Man (30) - Use a Finishing Blow on 50 damaged enemies.
Multi-tasker (30) - Mind Slave 4 enemies at once.
Push The Truth Button (10) - Successfully press on to confront Andrew Gardner.
Pyrrhic Victory (10) - Uncover the truth, but lose something valuable.
Quick Mover (10) - Working with Fernandez, make good time to NERKAS Campus.
Murderous Machine (30) - Mind Hack a Quick Draw and defeat 10 enemies.
Newbie (5) - Reach Level 5.
Piece Of The Puzzle (10) - Obtain an important piece of the NERKAS puzzle.
Puppet Master (30) - Successfully Mind Slave 255 times.
Receptionist (5) - In Host Play, be hacked into by a Red Hacker for the first time.
Red Cap (5) - Win 5 times as a Red Hacker.
Red Devil (50) - Win 50 times as a Red Hacker.
Red Flag (20) - Win 20 times as a Red Hacker.
Red Hacker (5) - As a Red Hacker, defeat a Mind Hacked enemy for the first time.
Reunion (10) - Join forces with comrade in arms, Fernandez.
Scratcher (30) - Mind Hack a Swarmer and defeat 10 enemies.
Search (10) - Search the port for hidden bodies.
Shield (30) - 10 people engaged as bullet shields get defeated.
Star (40) - In Host Play, get hacked into by over 100 Hackers.
Street Ripper (30) - Mind Hack a Titan and defeat 10 enemies.
Terminal Departure (10) - Evade enemy forces and escape San Mira Airport on the monorail.

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