Ninja Gaiden 2 Cheats - Xbox 360

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox 360
Check out these Ninja Gaiden 2 cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Completed Chapter 5 (10) - Clear Chapter 5, The Aqua Capita.
Completed Chapter 7 (10) - Clear Chapter 7, The Flying Fortress Daedalus.
Completed Chapter 9 (10) - Clear Chapter 9, Heart of Darkness.
Diffused The Lightening (15) - Defeat Alexei for the second time.
Dragon Sword Master (5) - Complete the game using only the Dragon Sword.
Dual Katana Master (5) - Complete the game using only the Dragons Claw and Tigers Fang.
Mastered Counter Attack (5) - Successfully performed the Counter Attack Technique.
Mastered Obliteration Technique (5) - Successfully performed the Obliteration Technique.
Mastered Reverse Wind (5) - Successfully performed the Revers Wind Technique.
Mastered Shadowless Footsteps (5) - Successfully performed the Shadowless Footsteps Technique.
Mastered Ultimate Guidance (5) - Successfully performed the Ultimate Guidance Technique.
Mastered Ultimate Technique (5) - Successfully performed the Ultimate Technique.
Mastered Flying Bird Flip (5) - Successfully performed the Flying Bird Flip Technique.
Mastered Flying Swallow (5) - Successfully performed the Flying Swallow Technique.
Mastered Furious Wind (5) - Successfully performed the Furious Wind Technique.
Mastered Invisible Path (5) - Successfully performed the Invisible Path Technique.
Mastered Unrivaled Soaring (5) - Successfully performed the Ultimate Soaring Technique.
Eclipse Scythe Master (5) - Complete the game using only the Eclipse Scythe.
Eight Of White (15) - Beat the eight Test of Valor.
Ended The Infernal Reign (15) - Defeat High Infernal Priest, Dagra Dai.
Extinguished The Flame (15) - Defeat Zedonius for the second time.
Falcon's Talons Master (5) - Complete the game using only the Falcon's Talons.
Feat of a hundred Slashes (20) - Achieve a 100-hit combo with any weapon.
Feat of a Thousand Obliterations (20) - Defeat 1,000 enemies using Obliteration Techniques.
Feat of Ultimate Destruction (20) - Defeat 1,000 enemies using Ultimate Techniques.
Finished Chapter 1 (10) - Finished Chapter 1: "Sky City Tokyo".
Finished Chapter 2 (10) - Finished Chapter 2: "The Castle of the Dragon".
Finished Chapter 3 (10) - Finished Chapter 3: "Thunderclap of Catastrophe".
Five Of Yellow (15) - Beat the fifth Test of Valor.
Four Of Green (15) - Beat the fourth Test of Valor.
Indomitable Spirit (5) - Choose to continue the game 100 times.
Karma of the Master Ninja (20) - Obtain all of the Crystal Skulls.
Karma of the Mentor (20) - Obtain 20 Crystal Skulls.
Karma of the Warrior (20) - Obtain 10 Crystal Skully.
Kusari-gama Master (5) - Complete the game using only the Kusari-gama.
Lunar Staff Master (5) - Complete the game using only the Lunar Staff.
Nine Of Violet (15) - Beat the last Test of Valor.
One of White (15) - Purified the site of the the first Test of Valor.
Redeemed Genshin (15) - Defeat Genshin for the last time.
Seven Of Red (15) - Beat the seventh Test of Valor.
Silenced The Storm (15) - Defeat Volf for the second time.
Six Of White (15) - Beat the sixth Test of Valor.
Staunched The Blood (15) - Defeat Elizébet for the second time.
The Art Of Inferno (5) - Successfully performed the Art of the Inferno Ninpo.
The Art of the Flame Phoenix (5) - Successfully performed the Art of the Flame Phoenix Ninpo.
The Art of the Piercing Void (5) - Successfully performed the Art of the Piercing Void Ninpo.
The Art of the Wind Blades (5) - Successfully performed the Art of the Wind Blades Ninpo.
Three Of Blue (15) - Beat the third Test of Valor.
Tonfa Master (5) - Complete the game using only the Tonfa.
Two of Black (15) - Purified the sit of the the second Test of Valor.
Vanquished Volf (15) - Defeat Volf in battle.
Vanquished Alexei (15) - Defeat Alexei in battle.
Vanquished Elizébet (15) - Defeat Elizébet in battle.
Vanquished Genshin (15) - Defeat Genshin in battle.
Vanquished Zedonius (15) - Defeat Zedonius in battle.
Vigoorian Flail Master (5) - Complete the game using only the Vigoorian Flail.
Way of the Mentor (100) - Complete the game on the Path of the Mentor.
Way of the Acolyte (100) - Complete the game on the Path of the Acolyte.
Way of the Master Ninja (100) - Complete the game on the Path of the Master Ninja.
Way of the Warrior (100) - Complete the game on the Path of the Warrior.

Mission Mode Achievements
Complete Mission mode with the following requirements to unlock the new Downloadable Content Achievements:

Eight Missions Completed (30) - Complete 8 Missions.
First Medallion (20) - Obtain a Medallion in a Survival Mission.
Four Missions Completed (30) - Complete 4 Missions.
Master Ninja of Missions (20) - Complete all Karma Attack Missions on Path of the Master Ninja.
Mentor of Missions (20) - Complete all Karma Attack Missions on Path of the Mentor.
Acolyte of Missions (20) - Complete all Karma Attack Missions on Path of the Acolyte.
All Bronze (30) - Obtain all Bronze Medallions in the Survival Missions.
All Gold (30) - Obtain all Gold Medallions in the Survival Missions.
All Silver (30) - Obtain all Silver Medallions in the Survival Missions.
Warrior of Missions (20) - Complete all Karma Attack Missions on Path of the Warrior.

New Game +
Save after completing the game to unlock New Game +. When playing a New Game + you will begin play on the same difficulty you completed with all weapons from the previous game at their current level. You will also keep your life, ninpo, items and essence.

Unlock Costumes
Complete the game on the specified difficulty to unlock these costumes:

Camoflauge Ninja Outfit - Complete the game on Warrior.
Red Ninja Outfit - Complete the game on Acolyte.
Black Jaguar Costume - Complete Path of Mentor.
Gamerpic - Collect all 30 crystal skulls.
Music Test - Clear the game on any difficulty.
Old Film Filter - Beat the game.

Hidden Silver Xbox
In the bottom of the Statue of Liberty across from the Test of Valor. You have to slice what it looks like to be bamboo curtain.

What it does in NGII is heal you, which you can do as many times as you like. It'll also make a sound from part of the 360's start up intro.

Yellow Essence Exploit
Chapter One: The following yellow essence exploit can be completed on the game's very first chapter, and is especially useful when playing on Master Ninja difficulty. Before and after crossing the bridge, you'll deal with enemy ninjas (it's the bridge where the first God of Life and a treasure chest can be found). After you cross the bridge, defeating ninjas as you go, head towards the middle alley that brings out two more ninjas on foot and another two ninja archers. Run back and charge up to Ultimate Level 2. Continue to run back and forth, and the ninjas will keep respawning and coming at you. If you have the skill, getting away with $40,000 while having 50%-75% of your health still available to you is a possibility.

Chapter Two: Here's a great way to farm Yellow Essence during chapter two. After ridding the bridge you encounter of all of the archers and acquiring the Crystal Skull there, you will have to continue down another wooden path. This will lead to a pair of chasms that you have to swing over to get to the save point. Below that is a lower walkway full of enemies. Kill them all, and then scale a nearby ladder to reach the upper area again. When you go back down, the enemies will have respawned. You can kill them again to grab their Yellow Essence, climb back up, jump back down, repeating this ad infinitum to get all the Yellow Essence you want.

Chapter Six: This exploit works during the sixth chapter, entitled The Lycanthropes' Castle. After you fight the Giant Skeleton miniboss, you will be thrust into a battle with more Scorpion Skeletons. Fight them and wall run up to the next floor thereafter. Then, drop back down, fight them again, and repeat this process as much as you'd like for an infinite number of Yellow Essence.

Easter Egg: Prototype Xbox
About midway through Chapter 4, in the artifact room at the base of the Statue of Liberty, locate the nearby save point. Diagonally across from where the Save Point is, and directly to the right of the scroll on the podium, there is a false wall you can break apart. Inside, there will be a silver Xbox that regenerates Ryu's health.

Easter Egg: DOA4 Reference
In the game's third chapter, you will be on the streets of New York. Near the beginning of the chapter, you will drop down into a sewer and fight there for a while. When you reemerge back on the streets from your brief sewer battle, an alley with a treasure chest at the end of it can be found. Right next to the chest is a building that says DOATEC in huge letters. DOATEC is the evil corporation that you do battle against in another Tecmo game, Dead or Alive 4.

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