Prison Break: The Conspiracy Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Prison Break: The Conspiracy cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

All Inked Up (15) - Get tattoos for all six locations on your body.
Enabler (15) - Get the PUGNAc.
Everything and the Sink (15) - Dispatch Trumpets with the sink.
Fighter (15) - Complete the fighting tutorial.
First Blood (15) - Beat your first opponent in underground fights.
Guacamole with Lard (15) - Escape Avocado's stranglehold.
Guardian Angel (15) - Stop Mannix from killing Linc.
Hard Boiled (15) - Escape from the boiler room ambush.
In the Crazed Mind's Eye (15) - Steal Haywire's sketches.
Indefinite Furlough (30) - Finish the game at any difficulty.
Birds of a Feather (15) - Realize the brothers are breaking out.
Blood Red Tiles (15) - Defeat the snitch in the shower room.
Bloody Knuckles (15) - Punch the heavy bag for at least 10 minutes (accumulated).
Brutally Chained (15) - Hang Teets with his own chain.
Built for the Rough and Tumble (15) - Survive the riot.
Burglar (15) - Complete the lock picking tutorial.
Company Policy (15) - Mannix arrives at Fox River.
Doesn't Play Well with Others (90) - Beat up more than 100 people on Shark.
Early Retirement (30) - Terminate Mannix.
Initiation (15) - Arrive in Fox River.
Inside Job (15) - Find out that Turk works for the Company.
Insult to Injury (30) - Win a fight using only reversal moves and finishing moves.
Invisible (90) - Complete every chapter without being seen.
Lightning Reflexes (30) - Successfully perform 50 reversal moves in fights.
Ninja (15) - Complete chapter one without getting spotted.
Pugilist (15) - Don't get knocked out in five consecutive fights.
Quid Pro Quo (15) - Complete the first quest to retrieve C-Note's drugs.
Ringer (15) - Defeat 50 enemies in underground fights.
Shock and Awe (15) - Jump away from the water before getting electrocuted.
Stalker (15) - Complete the stealth tutorial.
Swole (15) - Lift the weights for at least 10 minutes (accumulated).
The Best Defense... (30) - Win a fight without blocking.
Locksmith (15) - Successfully lock pick or unscrew five doors or grates without being spotted.
Man with the Plans (15) - Get the prison blueprints.
Massive Overdose (15) - Escape from the asylum after being injected with drugs.
Matador (15) - Beat Bellick in the underground fight.
Metal Twister (15) - Make it out of the elevator shaft unscathed.
Mogul (30) - Earn $5,000.
Monkey (15) - First time climbing completed.
The Great White (85) - Finish the game on Shark.
The Rat Hunt is On (15) - Secure the letter of testimony.
Tunnel Rat (15) - Knock out Bellick in the sewers.
Unbruised (15) - Win a match flawlessly in underground fights.
Unfinished Business (15) - Relentlessly pursue Mannix over the rooftops.
Untouchable (30) - Win a match flawlessly in underground fights on Shark.

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