Silent Hill: Homecoming Cheats - Xbox 360

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Check out these Silent Hill: Homecoming cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter the following codes at the "Press Start" screen:

[Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Circle] - Unlock Young Alex Costume.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:

Lock 'n' Load (25) - Found rifle.
Sightseeing (10) - Found one photo.
Josh's Gallery (50) - Found all photos.
Alchemilla's Finest (10) - Defeated one Nurse.
Eddie's Legacy (10) - Defeated one Feral.
Lurk No More (10) - Defeated one Lurker.
To The Point (10) - Defeated one Needler.
Split Personality (10) - Defeated one Schism.
Shades of James (20) - Defeated one Siam.
Clear the Air (10) - Defeated one Smog.
Creeper Reaper (10) - Defeated one Swarm.
Out of Order (10) - Defeated one Order member.
Kaufmann's Handiwork (10) - Found one serum.
Health Junkie (50) - Found all serums.
The Old Gods... Haven't Left This Place (100) - Complete game on hard difficulty.
Nursery Rhymes (50) - Found all the children's drawings.

Additionally there are sixteen secret achievements:

Six Feet Under (20) - Defeated Sepulcher.
Blood Donor (20) - Defeated Scarlet.
Catch Your Breath (20) - Defeated Asphyxia.
Head Above Water (20) - Defeated Amnion.
Rising Tension (25) - Found Circular Saw.
Science Fiction (25) - Found Laser Pistol.
Smile (50) - Achieved Ending 1.
In Water (50) - Achieved Ending 2.
Judgement (50) - Achieved Ending 3.
Intensive Care (50) - Achieved Ending 4.
No Dogs Allowed (50) - Achieved Ending 5.
Mercy (50) - Alex ended his mother's suffering.
Compassion (50) - Alex could not end his mother's suffering.
Forgiveness (50) - Alex forgives his father.
Angela's Choice (50) - Alex does not forgive his father.
Now About Those Drinks (25) - Saved Wheeler.

Unlock Different Endings
Bogeyman Ending - Don't forgive your father, don't kill your mother, and don't save Wheeler.
Drowning Ending - Don't forgive your father, but do kill your mother.
Good Ending - Forgive your father and kill your mother out of mercy.
Hospital Ending - Forgive your father and don't kill your mother.
UFO Ending - Similiar to the Bogeyman ending. Don't forgive your father, don't kill your mother, BUT do save Wheeler.

Unlock Extra Costumes
Bogeyman a.k.a. Pyramid Head Helmet - Get the "Bogeyman" Ending.
Deputy Alex - Get the "UFO" Ending.
Order Soldier Outfit - Get the "Drowning" Ending.
Orderly Alex - Get the "Hospital" Ending.
Trucker Alex - Get the "Good" Ending.

Unlock Extra Weapons
Beat the game once to unlock Circular Saw (can be found in the garage at the Shepard's family home) and Laser Pistol (can be found in Joshua's room, on top of his foot locker).

Easy "The Old Gods..." Achievement
View The "UFO" ending under the Normal difficulty to unlock the laser pistol. After saving the game, start it again under the Hard difficulty setting. When you finally reach the house and go into Alex's/Josh's room, you will see the laser pistol next to the bed. With unlimited ammunition and extreme power, the rest of the game will be very easy.

Glitch: Stuck in A Corner
It is possible to become stuck in a corner that contains two nearby objects. You can become trapped in the triangular space between the objects and the corner. To exit from such a location, take out your gun and walk forward or forward diagonally.

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