Two Worlds Cheats - Xbox 360

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC | Xbox 360
Check out these Two Worlds cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
The following codes are for PC, but you can use them on the Xbox 360. First of all, note that bonus codes do NOT stop you from getting achievements. But all other codes DO.

To open the code menu hold down [LB] + [RB] and hit [A]. You will see a small text box appear. Now hit [X] to open up the keyboard menu.

Remember, only codes that start with "Bonuscode" will not affect your acheivements.

All codes other than the Bonuscodes require you to put in "twoworldscheats 1" first before entering the code. This will permanently disable acheivements for this character.

ec.dbg addskillpoints - Gives skill points
AddGold # - Gives # gold
AddParamPoints # - Gives # Param Points
AddSkillPoints # - Gives # Skill Points
AddExperiencePoints ### - Gives ### experience
Bonuscode 9728-1349-2105-2168 - Armor of Darkness
BonusCode 9470-4690-1542-1152 - Aziraal's Sword of Fire
Create Lockpick - Creates a lockpick
Bonuscode 9470-6557-8820-9563 - Great Shield of Yatolen
ec.dbg levelup - Level Up
ec.dbg skills - Makes all skills available
Create Teleport_Activator - Recover lost teleport activator
ResetFog - Reveal Map
Bonuscode 9470-6557-8820-9563 - Spear of Destiny
Bonuscode 9447-1204-8639-0832 - The Great Bow of Heaven's Fury
Jump2 - Transports player to where mouse is pointing
PhysX.Door.RemoveAll 1 - Walk through doors and walls
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Cast Chamber 5 Spell (10) - Cast a Chamber 5 spell.
Created a Bomb (10) - Create at least one bomb.
Created a Permanent Potion (20) - Create at least one permanent potion.
Created a Potion (5) - Create at least one potion.
Created a Weapon Enchancer (15) - Create at least one weapon enchancer.
Created Class 10 Item (15) - Create at least one item with quality class 10.
Created Class 2 Item (5) - Create at least one item with quality class 2.
Defeated the Grand Enemy (370) - Defeat the Grand Enemy in the main storyline.
Delivered the Relic to Qudinar (20) - Deliver the assembled Relic to Qudinar in the main storyline.
Destroyed the Great Pentagram (25) - Destroy the Great Pentagram in the main storyline.
Discovered 10 Locations (10) - Discover 10 different locations.
Discovered 20 Locations (10) - Discover 20 different locations.
Discovered 50 Locations (20) - Discover 50 different locations.
Found the Air Element (20) - Find the Air Element in the main storyline.
Found the Earth Element (20) - Find the Earth Element in the main storyline.
Found the Fire Element (20) - Find the Fire Element in the main storyline.
Found the Relic Frame (20) - Find the Relic Frame in the main storyline.
Found the Water Element (20) - Find the Water Element in the main storyline.
Killed a Dragon (10) - Kill a Dragon.
Killed a Stone Golem (10) - Kill a Stone Golem.
Learned 10 Skills (10) - Learn 10 different skills.
Learned 20 Skills (20) - Learn 20 different skills.
Learned 5 Skills (5) - Learn 5 different skills.
Learned All Skills (50) - Learn all the skills in the game.
Made Successfull Teleportation (5) - Make at least one successful teleportation.
Opened Master Lock (10) - Open at least one Master Lock.
Reached Character Level 10 (10) - Reach character level 10.
Reached Character Level 20 (10) - Reach character level 20.
Reached Character Level 35 (20) - Reach character level 35.
Reached Character Level 5 (5) - Reach character level 5.
Reached Character Level 50 (50) - Reach character level 50.
Reached Skill Level 10 (20) - Reach level 10 in one skill.
Rode a Horse (5) - Ride a horse at least once.
Summoned a Creature (5) - Summon at least one creature.
Used a Boosted Spell (5) - Use a spell enchanced with special booster cards.
Visited 10 Undergrounds (10) - Visit 10 different underground locations.
Visited 20 Undergrounds (20) - Visit 20 different underground locations.
Visited All Black Towers (5) - Visit all the Black Towers in the game.
Visited all Graveyards (10) - Visit all the graveyards in the game.
Visited All Locations (50) - Visit all the locations in the game.
Visited All Undergrounds (20) - Visit all the underground locations in the game.

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